
From All The Fallen Stories
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It's a warm summer day, so you're going to take advantage of your school's liberal dress code. You pull a light T-shirt over your head. It's made of a synthetic material but is designed to emulate the feel and look cotton, and does so uncannily well. The front is plastered with album artwork from your favorite post-electro-grunge band, Ankle Grinder.

You are about to grab a pair of panties when a naughty thought strikes you: what if you ditch the panties and go commando under your shorts. Giggling, you pull on your sky blue shorts and twirl over to the side of your dresser, tapping a touch-sensitive panel along the edge that makes the side face become reflective like a mirror. You innocently twist your hips back and forth in front of the mirror and see that the shorts are loose and short enough that practically every movement would reveal your bare pussy to anyone not directly in front of you.

In today's society it isn't unheard of for girls your age to purposely expose themselves to their peers or the general public. While the age of consent for humans has been globally standardized at 16, for Galaxians it is just 5, and society as a whole had become accepting of Galaxian children expressing their sexuality at an age appropriate for their species. This understanding of another planet's culture coupled with a general attitude of positivity towards sexuality and nudity meant most people probably wouldn't bat an eyelash at an obviously intentional glimpse of your pussy, though many would likely enjoy it.

Now fully woken up with playful excitement at the idea of exposing your pussy all day, you quickly pull on a pair of white socks and multicolored sneakers and clasp your teleband around your arm as you prepare to head out.

The teleband is a piece of technology that has basically your whole life on it, and you never leave your apartment without it. It is your phone, your wallet, your keys, and a number of other small tools you might otherwise have to carry around with you. It takes the form of a fairly nondescript flexible band, about 5 inches long, that wraps around your forearm. Each one is programmed with the specific genetic code of its user, and when it senses it through the skin of someone wearing it, it will activate. Its entire surface is essentially a flexible touch screen, but in addition to images it can emulate the appearance of different materials and textures, allowing it to blend in with practically any outfit. Many people even get one surgically implanted into their body so they always have it with them. You haven't thought about going under the knife for that yet, but in any case you'd want to wait until you were fully-grown to have it done.

You glance down at the time as you walk out the door. 7:10 AM. Plenty of time to take the subway up to your school in the Bronx... Hopefully...


Character Equipment Status
Name Sapphire Exo n/a n/a
Age 10 Top Graphic T-shirt
Species Galaxian Bottom Shorts (blue)
Gender Female Underwear n/a
Orientation Bisexual Feet Sneakers, Ankle socks (white)
Skin color Pink-grey Other Teleband
Hair color Brown (dyed)