Sexy Fun Times/Laid/Mall/Food Hall/Teen & Boy

From All The Fallen Stories
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"If you behave I'll buy you some sweeties," you hear her say. She looks as if she ought to be in school, with her dirty blond hair tied back in an untidy ponytail and no makeup on her rather sulky looking face. She is wearing a rather grubby-looking white blouse and a short skirt; her red painted toes poke out from a pair of sandals.

The boy wriggles about in the cart that he is clearly too big for, but settles down. He has the same hair and sulky look as the girl and his skinny legs poke out from a pair of blue shorts.

You follow them down the ready-meal aisle, looking at the girls butt as she bends down to the bargains on the bottom shelf. The boy says something and she turns round. Clearly he saw you looking and told her. For a moment she looks as if she's going to have a go at you, but when she sees you her face relaxes. "Oh! It's you, she says.

"Hi, I didn't recognize you from behind," you say. Actually, you still don't, but she clearly knows you.

It must show in your expression. "Carol. We met in the park and you took me to your place. Back last summer?"

"Oh! Yes, I remember (you don't). Is this little chap your brother?"

She scowls. "He's a right pain is what he is. Mom parties all night, then she can't get up in the morning and I get lumbered with him."

"Tell you what. Why don't you abandon that shopping and we go get some ice cream," you say. The boy brightens up and actually smiles.

"So, you got a name," you ask the boy. You are sitting at a table in the food area of the mall, each with a dish of ice cream in front of you.

"Peter" he says around a spoonful of vanilla and raspberry with chocolate sprinkles.

While you eat, you learn that they live in a tiny flat with mould on the walls and intermittent hot water. Their mother works at a nightclub and sleeps in most mornings, so they are left to their own devices much of the time. With the promise of unlimited hot water for her and a 50" TV for him, it's not long before you are all walking up the stairs to your place.