Offline/Go with Nicole to get changed

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Did you misread her? Is she not interested? You don't really get it, but you go along with it all the same.

"Yeah, um, totally. It'll be fine," you assure her. She watches you awkwardly pull your underwear up over your erection. "No one will notice what you're wearing. I mean, they will if you're only wearing that."

She smiles and the two of you walk back inside. You try to fight your dick into behaving but that's hard to do when there's a girl walking around in a g-string. She bends over at the waist to find her glasses then bends over again to pull a toothbrush from the toiletry bag she rescued. For a girl so worried about getting dressed she sure is comfortable hanging out with you in floss underwear.

But what's clear is that she doesn't mind you looking at her. In fact she seems to enjoy it. Even though she didn't realize that you've been leering at her all week until last night, she just might be relishing the fact that you like to look at her, and that she can get you excited. That new kind of power is something a nerdy looking teen like your cousin may never have had before.

You follow Nicole's lead and freshen up a bit, brushing your teeth, putting on deodorant, everyday stuff. You find a pair of pants to put on while Nicole picks up her pink panties. You watch her thumb at her g-string for a moment, mulling over removing them. You assume she's hesitant about getting naked in front of you again but you miss the mark. She tosses her panties down and snatches up her shorts, mustering the courage to go out wearing her sexy underwear. She hoists up her track shorts and you both pull on t-shirts. Gradually running out of reasons to stay at the cabin, you head into camp together.

It's later than you realized. You must have stayed up a lot later than you thought last night because you've long missed out on breakfast. In fact it's already closing in on lunch time. Both of your moms make some comments about sleeping in so late and neither of you want to hear it. So despite your hunger you wander off willing to spitefully starve yourselves until lunch.

Nicole is stuck to you worse than yesterday. She grabs at you and 'stealthily' holds your hand a lot then huddles in close to you when you're both standing around. She definitely likes you, and then some, even if she doesn't entirely seem to know what form her affection and intimacy should take. Or better said, how much she can get away with in public.

Of course you're not the only one who notices all this. After lunch you and Nicole meander about and end up in a slow trod down to the consistently busy beach holding hands. Your younger cousin Brayden is quick to call attention to it, running up behind you.

"What are you doing?" he asks, a tinge of disgust in his voice.

Nicole pulls her hand away sharply. "Nothing."

"We're walking, same as you," you note.

"Nuh-uh. You were holding her hand," he declares, running around in front of you. "That's weird."

"No it's not. You hold your sister's hand, don't you?"

Brayden laughs. "No! Not unless I have to. Not like a girlfriend," he emphasizes.

"Go away," Nicole groans with an eye roll. But you can tell she's embarrassed.

Your annoying little cousin stops directly in front of you. You try to walk past him until he opens his mouth again. "Do you two like each other?" he asks, an incredulous look on his face.

A younger kid might just accept the things they see their family doing as normal, but Brayden is just old enough to be a huge pain in the ass right now.

Nicole stops and glares at him. "Seriously, go away Brayden."

"Okay. But do you seriously like her?" he asks you pointedly.

Shove your little cousin

Admit to liking Nicole