Sexy Fun Times/Work/Lifeguard

From All The Fallen Stories
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You pull on your swimming shorts - Trunks are fine for the beach but with all those little near-naked cuties in and around the pool, they can be too revealing. Tracky bottoms and a polo shirt go on top and tennis shoes with no socks. A long way from fashionable, but practical for a Saturday morning as a lifeguard in the Municipal pool.

You are early enough to get a coffee with your team mates. Jack, the leader is a guy in his fifties, hair going grey, but still pretty fit. Molly, Jane and David make up the rest of the team. You and Molly get to supervise the changing rooms during the opening rush.

Men and women used to be separate, but now it's one big area with cubicles for privacy - most singles, but some family sized. Molly is a little nervous; she is still in high school and has only recently qualified. Her long brown hair is tied back in a tight plait and from the way her one-piece swimsuit is stretched across her chest and pulled up tight between her legs, it is last years.

She sees you looking and blushes. "I bought a bikini this year," she says, "but Dad said I should wear this."

"It looks great," you say as the doors open and the hordes arrive.