Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/Before school/Visit/School

From All The Fallen Stories
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All things considered, it might actually be a better idea to meet Beatriz at the school first before introducing yourself to your nieces. They've never seen you since the day they were born after all. You are no different from a stranger to them. The only other option would be to wait out here in the driveway, but since you have business at the school in relation to this job it would probably be a better idea to just go there first.

"Well, thanks for the heads up. I guess I'll meet her at the school and head back here later with her. Sorry for the disturbance."

"Yeah." The babysitter says and gives you a strange look. It's a bit hard to figure out what's going on with that look she's giving you. She said that she'd seen pictures of you before, but maybe she's suspicious about you anyway? Well, she is here babysitting and someone who's more or less effectively a stranger just drove up, so it is understandable.

Without another word, you get in the car and drive off to the school.

When you arrived at the school, the old halls of the single school building housing students all the way from preschool to the senior year of highschool seemed eerily quiet without the usual hustle and bustle of students you always remembered from this place.

The teachers were supposed to be in for this in-service day, but you had no idea about how those kinds of things were supposed to go. You heard your sister is teaching the third grade. She told you about that in her phone and mail correspondence. But is she going to be in her class room, the staff room, or maybe even somewhere else entirely?

Since you are not so sure about this, you decide to just go to the main office to ask about the job first.

When you enter the office, the first thing you see is a secretary sitting at a desk in a reception room. You also notice 2 doors further back. One door is labeled "principal," of course. The other, though, is labeled "director of disciplinary action." This is the position that Beatriz said you might be able to get, although she was somewhat sparse on the details. She had said something about how they would be interested in you in particular for this job, but what would it be about you that would have them so interested? Maybe she had just pushed hard enough with the people in the town to help her rope you back in or something. You are probably the last person who should be disciplining children given your sexual interests, so some kind of nepotism combined with this town's will to rope it's wayward members back in probably had something to do with it.

Well, your life was basically ruined anyway going into this, so being able to at least get some kind of job in your old home town was very much appreciated.

By now, the secretary was looking up at you curiously, so you decided it was best to introduce yourself and explain what you were here for.

"Umm... hello. I am John Gardner. My sister, Beatriz Moore, told me something about how there may be a job available here for me?"

"Oh, yes! Mr. Gardner." The secretary greeted you with a warm smile. "Ms. Moore told us about how you would be a good fit for our new disciplinary program. Has she told you about the details of this job?"

"Unn... no." You told her.

"Well, this is the pamphlet we gave around at the last parent teachers meeting when we got the program approved. There is another document that goes into more detail about specific disciplinary actions which can be performed under this program for internal use as well, but I would recommend you take a look over that introductory document first before getting into the weeds with all the details and regulations on the other one since it is a much heavier document. How about you look those over while I go to tell Leopol... uhh... Mr. Granville that you are here." She said while handing you one pamphlet and one much thicker packet.

Going by her recommendation, you decided to look over the pamphlet first.

St. Andre Truitt Academe is pleased to announce we intend to greatly revising our system of discipline for the students moving forward.

Here at St. Andre Truitt Academe we aspire to educate well-rounded individuals that will serve their community to the full of their capacities. An unfortunate fact of education is that many children will not internalize a lesson unless a proper punishment is applied.

Experience has shown that short-term physical punishments yield short-term improvements in the students, and may even backfire, triggering in the student a rebellious response. These guidelines, therefore, will focus on alternative forms of punishment that will leave a deeper mark on the students and will minimize the chance of rejection.

After careful consideration, the kind of punishment that will be enforced shall be designed to affect the individual and social identity of the student, so instead of physical pain they will be made to feel shame, both on their own and among their peers; and instead of fear of pain, it will be the fear of loss that will drive them to better themselves.

What does a student fear to loose? As we all know, our community is the strongest bond we all share, and both at home and during classes, students are reminded of this fact. We will take advantage of this conviction to make our students see how their actions can make them loose value in the community.

With this in mind, all punishments in this new program are designed to extend beyond the walls of the disciplinary office, and both peers and parents will participate in the punishment to drive the point.

This new program will involve punishments that seek to bring shame to the student in the most significant ways available, carefully tailored to fit the severity of the student's violation. Punishments may involve your children having to be exposed in various shameful ways, but for the more minor day-to-day violations, this exposure will only be done in front of school staff or the child's parents.

In the case of some more extreme violations, it may be necessary to make an example of a few of the more exceptionally errant students under the philosophy that you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. These cases where the student will be shamed in the most severe way possible are reserved only for those who have committed a particularly serious violation or who have continued to offend repeatedly and who are not responding to the lesser punishments.

We would like to discuss the new program in more detail with parents at the upcoming parent teacher's meeting on 7/23/XX.

Ok, so shame based punishments? That sounds alright in theory, but the way this document is talking about things makes it sound very much like there may be some nudity involved. There's no way, right? Are they literally giving you a job where you will be responsible for looking at little boys' and girls' naked genitals? And not in a medical sense either, literally encouraged to make the kids uncomfortable by ogling them in a sexual sense in order to induce shame! That can't really be what's going on here, right?

You try to stop yourself from getting overly excited. There's got to be some more reasonable limitations on it than that, and the nudity stuff is most likely at the more extreme ends that it mentioned before. There is one way to find out for sure though. You decide to take a look at the internal memo that the secretary also gave you along with that pamphlet.

However, before you can really get to it, the secretary is already out of the headmaster's office.

"Alright. Mr. Granvill says that you can come in now if you're ready." She said.