Must be true/part 15

From All The Fallen Stories
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Hmm… what next. Well, let’s see…

“Well, I already washed you. Do you remember me washing you?” I asked, trying an experiment with my power.

Jodi looked at me funny when I said that. “Noooo… we didn’t wash.” She said.

Ok, so the power didn’t work for that. I kind of didn’t expect it to anyway. It doesn’t work on things I am supposed to do or experience myself.

“Well, I was just kidding. I guess I’d better start washing you then.” I said. “Let’s start with shampoo.”

After saying that, I helped her lean back and dip her head in the water. All the while, I never removed my dick from inside her vagina. After that, I squirted some shampoo in my hand and washed her hair.

As I was doing this, I got to thinking. I had been meaning to experiement with all the different sorts of things my power could do and what the limits were. I have been using it for all sorts of stuff, but that’s mostly been in a panic to try to solve some problem immediately in front of me. I haven’t really been trying to experiment properly though. I should probably try more things.

After another dip leaning Jodi’s head back in the water, I run my hands through her hair as I do my best to get the shampoo out. Part way through it, it seems like Jodi gets some shampoo in her eye.

“Owww… Eliot!” She says in distress as she clamps her eyes shut and lifts her hands up to cover her eyes.

“Ahh! Uhh, no shampoo got in your eye, your fine!” I said as I quickly took a washcloth and scrubbed her forehead. “Yeah, it’s a good thing you closed your eyes in time. You’ll be fine. I just got to dry your face, Ok?” I said.

“Yeah.” She said and lowered her hands from her face in order for me to pat her eyes dry and remove the threat of shampoo.

“There we go.” I said. Jodi opened her eyes with the same smile she’d always been giving me. I just hugged her to me and started running my fingers through her hair repeatedly in order to get the rest of the shampoo out. Meanwhile, I thought about what I already know.

I know this cursed power is enough to actually create people. It can also actually turn blood into semen right in front of my eyes. So, it is definitely powerful. It also let me find the location of her vagina and her urethra when I had no idea where they were, so it can manipulate chance to a ridiculous degree. I didn’t think of it much at the time, but if her urethra is the same size as mine then it is crazy that I was actually able to get all of my pee to go inside her without spilling a drop. That’s how precisely it lined up. Actually, her’s is probably smaller than mine since she’s younger. So, that’s even more impressive.

From Mr. Pool’s story, now that I know it was real, this ability can also create objects like it created a big screen TV and a DVD player for him, only to get them stolen due to that being part of his lie. Well, at least my lie was having a hot little 6 year old to have sex with instead of getting robbed like it was for him.

Actually, that’s probably one of the more concerning things. I told Jordan that I was a major pedophile, and that became true. I can hardly even remember what my sexuality was like before this, but I don’t think I was really into little kids until I said that. Actually, I wasn’t that crazy about sex either. I may have been curious about it, but it’s nothing like I am now. Now, I can’t stop thinking about having sex with girls my sister’s age and younger and getting them all pregnant. In fact, after the hot concept of what I said about all the adults in the neighborhood letting me have sex with their daughters, I really do kinda want to start going around and testing the outcome of that one now that I really have the option to actually do it.

I don’t even want to stop being a pedophile anymore. Now the thought of having sex with a girl my own age or older is actually disgusting to me to the point I am repulsed by even thinking about changing myself with my power again.

So, I am probably alright with staying this way. I can use my power to make it so it will all work out. However, it is really a concern that I can change something that big about myself. I really need to be careful about what I say from now on. If I said that I’m dead, would I actually drop dead on the spot right there? That’s really scary. Yeah, I’m definitely going to have to be very very careful.

I had run my fingers through Jodi’s hair for long enough. I could tell she was starting to become impatient. It was time for soap. I soaped up Jodi’s arms and body, but then it came time for her legs. I’m not going to be able to wash them with her legs in the water like that. Guess this is the part where I have to stop enjoying the feeling of my penis inside her.

“Alright, stand up so I can wash your legs.” I told her. She just looked around like she was unsure for a little bit, and then slid backward down my legs until she was sitting on the floor of the tub, and then let out a frustrated moan before lifting her arms.

“Help lift me up.” She demanded. Right. She’s unstable on her feet because of the remark I made earlier. Her difficulty balancing is also part of what I have given as a reason for her to crave my semen in order to get pregnant, so I am not too keen on the idea of fixing that one anymore.

“Alright.” I said and stood up. I helped her stand, and I heard the sound of the water trickling off of Jodi’s body. However, I also heard a few plop sounds that were not from water, and I looked down to see a cloud of stringy white stuff. Of course, from my previous experiences masturbating in the shower, I realized what that stuff was instantly. Last time I had said that none of my semen would leak out, but I had said nothing about it being permanent. In fact, my words could be taken to mean it was only that one time. Of course, I hadn’t said anything this time.

Ok, let’s experiment with this one too.

“Good, it looks like none of my semen leaked out of your vagina at all.” I said. And, like magic, right before my eyes the milky whispy semen in the water vanished. It was literally there one second and then gone the next.

Well, that tells me that normally semen does leak from the vagina after sex. I had better think carefully before I decide whether or not to change that one more long term.

“Alright, grab onto this bar while I wash your legs.” I told her, indicating the bar that holds the washcloths.

As soon as she had a good hold, I knelt down and scrubbed her legs. I also ran the washcloth between her legs and started rubbing. That was hot, kneeling behind this 6 year old and scrubbing between her legs. I decided to keep it up a little longer than necessary, and then I kept going past what would even be considered reasonable for a thorough job. Jodi made an uncomfortable sound and I could see her looking back over her shoulder, but she didn’t say anything.

“Alright, I’m going to keep washing here.” I said. “It’s very important to make sure your privates are clean. Especially if we’re going to keep having sex. Making sure your privates are clean is better for sex.”

After I said that, I tossed the washcloth aside and started rubbing with my finger. Feeling her privates with my hand, especially now that they were all slick with soap, was totally different from feeling it with my penis. It was a sensation that was just magical in it’s own way.

I went around the front in order to get a better view. I was about to say something about what I was doing, but then I paused for a second to think about exactly how to phrase this.

“I can see your privates better from the front. That way, I can see for sure whether or not you are clean enough.” I said as I slid in between her and the wall in order to start fingering and prodding her slit from the front.

Jodi groaned at this.

“Eliot…” She said in an uneasy tone.

“Huh?” I looked up. “It’s Ok, I’m going to just look at your privates and touch them for a little bit.” I said and then turned my attention back to her crotch as I tried spreading her slit with my thumbs. She tensed up and started pushing her hips back into me. It was making it a little difficult for me to see what I wanted to. So, I resisted a little.

“Eliot, stop! You’re gonna make me fall!” Jodi said in a panic that made me stop immediately.

“Ok, sorry! I’m sorry!” I said and backed right off.

Well, it’s not like I really need an excuse like that. She’ll definitely let me look at her privates almost any time I want after we get out of the bath anyway.

After a few more pascifying words, I took ahold of her arms and helped her lower herself back into the water in order to rinse off. At the same time, I tried to start thinking about other things I can do to experiment with my ability.

What things should I experiment with? (Effectively 1 winner. Top voted item gets the most focus for several scenes and generates off-shoot options. Other options voted for will still be included, but might be delayed several scenes and won't be as heavily focused on or generate derivative options.)
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There were 15 votes since the poll was created on 08:39, 25 April 2021.
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Other than that, should we get dressed? (However many winners makes sense. (If there are multiple winners, I may cut out any that feel redundant.))
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There were 15 votes since the poll was created on 08:48, 25 April 2021.
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(I had other things I wanted to include in a 3rd poll, such as that handicap options idea, but decided to keep a little more focused in order to keep the next chapter reasonable and on point. Those things can be brought up later.)