JoS/Kanna/10th Journal - Ashlands

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Sun's Dusk, 6th, 3E 427

No shortage of work to do here on the west coast. Kanna was in trouble, Karim needed help desperately, but fortunately that's all in the past now. I've been able to sit back and relax for a while now.

Caius was really mad at me for disappearing for such a long time though, at least at first. I admitted to him that I've been working for House Telvanni, didn't see any reason to lie about that. I did have to lie about what happened to me though, so I just said that work there turned out to be lot more effort than I bargained for, which is why I haven't been able to return here to the west coast. I thought he'd be even more angry at me, but he just congratulated me on being able to get into that organization. It's always good for the Blades and the Empire to have eyes and ears in that part of the province, according to him. Blades don't even have any agents working in the east coast!

Honestly though, I'm not doing this for the Blades, I'm doing this for myself.

Then, it was time to discuss work I do do for the Blades, and that's collecting information about that same old prophecy. Caius said that we're going to need an Ashlander informant to learn more. He's been avoiding this route, but feels like we have no other choice at the moment for more clues. He has a person in mind, a wealthy man who left his tribe to set up a shop in a big city. He could perhaps be persuaded into giving up information, but it won't likely be easy. Or cheap. His name is Hassour Zainsubani and he's a businessman living in Ald'ruhn. Caius suggested that I might want to get him a gift if I intend to learn anything from him, but I'm not sure what he meant by that.

Caius was still cross with me not being honest about my intentions from the get-go, and said that I should've consulted him about Telvanni first. Apology wasn't gonna cut it, so instead he proceeded to punish me by - and I quote - "tapping that ass". Yeah, he wanted me to serve him and his cock in bed.

I suppose that's all fine by now… I've even grown to like having sex with him. It's kind of fucked up when I think about it, that I've been effectively taken from slavery, and now I'm okay with all this stuff. Any sane girl would be traumatized for life about those experiences… In a way, I'm traumatized too, but at the same time, I've grown more perverted. Exploring my sexuality is actually a lot of fun, as long as it happens on my terms… I've learned that many times on this island.

As I haven't been writing, I haven't gotten across doing my job for Caius, but I'll finally ride there tomorrow. I think I've had enough of a breather now. Kanna and Karim will have their private time. Yeah, I know they shag. Not sure why they're so secretive about it to me though… I don't care if they bang despite being siblings… Maybe they think I do, it can also be embarrassing to bring it up… Whatever…

Sun's Dusk, 8th, 3E 427

Ald'ruhn is a city about the size of Balmora, located around the western Ashlands in the shadow of the Red Mountain. It's well known for being the seat of council for House Redoran on this island, as well as for this "building" they call Ald Skar. Legend says that it's actually a shell of an Emperor Crab, but I think that's nonsense. You mean to tell me that crabs that large used to exist in this world? I find that hard to swallow. It houses several stores, living spaces for the wealthy, as well as headquarters for Redoran. Ain't no crabs on Tamriel that big!

It's not just Ald Skar by the way, as the architecture of the whole city is also by bugs, crabs and shells. It's a weird city, even weirder than Sadrith Mora if you ask me. Being regularly tormented by volcanic ash-storms it's not a place I would ever want to live in anyway.

Its interior spaces are rather cozy, as became obvious to me when I entered an inn by the name of "Rat in the Pot". Is that reference to a dish? Hope not, eating rats sounds disgusting. Anyway, the clay architecture, paintings and interior greenery make these places a lovely change of pace from the grey outside. I was told at the previous place that my informant was on business there instead of where he usually stays. Even though I had never been to this place, I knew I was walking into the territory of local thieves. Habasi had told me where to find work in any of the major cities, so I wasn't walking into enemy territory though. Hassour just happens to be a member of the guild himself, a funny little coincidence.

Aengoth and Hassour were having a talk, both being rich businessmen on their own right. Hassour is a gentleman with a deep and pleasant voice as smooth as butter, while Aengoth the Jeweler is this short little Bosmer man with a nicely combed beard. He's one of the Masterminds for the Guild. That's to say, he operates business directly under our leader, whose identity is closely guarded and protected, meaning he's on the same level as Habasi. A big shot, as you can imagine. They allowed me to interject myself into the discussion which was about an urgent job that needed to be handled, and they had an idea.

Aengoth told me that those mages at the guild are planning a little field trip, something about field practice. Nothing I've heard about myself, considering that I've distanced myself from most of their services. Anyway, he says that someone should go and pick up some of the loot that is left behind unattended. Namely, he talked about a certain enchanted tanto, a short-sword inspired by the craftsmen of the oriental continent of Akavir. Aengoth has a client who really wants it. If I would do it, I could also keep everything I want from there.

Stealing from the guild I'm a member of doesn't sound too appealing, but at the same time… Fuck it, who cares? I certainly don't. If they're stupid enough to leave their guild house empty with riches laying around everywhere, I would be stupid to not take advantage. Stealing is wrong, this and that, blah blah blah, I don't give a Guar's shit. It's their fault for not looking out for their stuff.

I also got to talk to Hassour privately, but he says that he's left wastes behind, and he's not too keen to talk about the customs of the Ashlanders to someone who he just met. I guess I really need to bring him a gift? That's what Caius said. I asked Aengoth for tips, and he suggested poetry. "It's our shared passion", he said. "I think I know a book he might be missing from his collection: Words of the Wind."

Well, that's that. I'll return to this task tomorrow. For now, I'll wait for the night, when I'll go loot that empty little guild house.

End of current content.