Must be true/part 7

From All The Fallen Stories
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So, pee in her bladder, huh? That actually does sound like it could be something interesting to try. I don’t know if it actually is possible to do that or not. I suspect it might require me to use my power to warp the world first before I can do it, but I kind of want to try sticking it in to there without my power first. After all, if I try to do something that’s not possible, it means I get to play around by touching a girl’s privates with my penis for longer. There’s no way that can be a bad thing.

“Uhh… I dunno, let’s try it!” I said and then kicked my pants completely off before sitting myself down backward on the toilet seat so I was facing Jodi.

“Cool!” Jodi said immediately as she leaned her body weight back against the tank and picked up her knees with her hands in order to spread her legs even wider. She made a hiss of pain suddenly though and let go with a hand in order to start rubbing her shoulder, but I didn’t really notice that much as I was kissing the slimy pre-cum coated head of my penis against her slit.

I couldn’t believe it. My penis was actually touching a girl’s private area. I knew it wasn’t in her vagina yet, that was the name of the hole. But, it was touching her… what was it called? Her vulva? That was the name mom called Aimie’s private area, and I had asked about the difference between the vagina and the vulva after my sex-ed class. It was a very embarassing question for both of us, but she still answered it.

“Hehehe, eeew! It’s slimyyyy….” Jodi said with a giant grin on her face. She giggled more as she pressed her own hips into me, but then hissed in pain again. “Ow!” She said.

“Are you Ok?” I asked.

“Uhh… yeah, I’m fine.” She said. “It’s my shoulders and hips, they hurt all the time from the bone marrow extractions.”

“Uhh… sorry.” I said. This was all because of the story I told about her existence, so the reason she was hurting right now was really my fault.

“No, it’s Ok!” She said. “This is really fun! You’re touching me with a boy’s penis!” She said with a huge grin.

“Uhh… yeah.” I said. I wondered if maybe I should say something with my power to stop it from hurting. Should I? Or, maybe I could make it so that sex could heal her injuries or something, that would be even better, wouldn’t it? For now though, I couldn’t really figure out how to phrase it.

“Alright, now hurry and put it in my bladder so you can pee in me!” She cheered for me.

“Yeah.” I said in a distracted tone. “I’ll try to find the entrance to your bladder.” I added the words, after I find your vagina in the back of my mind. I wondered how my world altering power would respond to that.

I started pressing my penis against her vulva again and slid it up and down her slit, pressing hard here and there down the length of her grove, but it wouldn’t go in no matter where I pressed. Shouldn’t I have at least found her vagina by now? I didn’t really understand it, where was her vagina even?

I could feel something coming. I had had quite a few wet dreams before, but I only managed to get myself to ejaculate while I was awake once or twice before. I don’t exactly get enough privacy in this house to masturbate whenever I wanted to. So, I didn’t have a lot of experience with waking orgasms, but I could still tell it was starting to get close. And I still hadn’t found her vagina.

I wanted to actually ejaculate it inside her. What could I say to get it inside there without sparking a huge conversation though?

Aww… I’ll just say it! “Gonna find your vagina and stick it in!” I said in a hasty panic.

“Huh? What are you talking about?” Jodi said in an extremely confused tone. Despite my words though, I still couldn’t get in her vagina no matter where or how hard I pushed.

“Ugh!” I grunted in frustration. I could feel it getting closer. “Gonna put all my semen right now in your vagina!” I said. This time it actually worked.

“I don’t know what that means!” Jodi protested. “OW!” She yelped right as my penis slid down through her slit and suddenly burst right inside a hole in her slit. Just as I felt the warm muscular walls on the head of my penis, it began to errupt with my gooey virgin semen as I completed what was probably the most awkward and fumbling act of vaginal sex ever.

“Owwww… that hurrrt.” Jodi groaned as one pulse after another of my teenage spunk went inside of her kindergartener vagina. Being pretty naive about all of this myself, I actually thought she was talking about her bone marrow surgery pain again.

“It’s Ok.” I told her as the last few spurts of semen were going inside of her. “The semen being in your vagina will make it stop hurting.” I put my plan into action here.

“What are you talking about? What’s sea-men?” She asked.

“Uhh…” I thought for a second about how to answer that. How was I supposed to explain all sorts of sex-ed stuff to a 6-year-old? Then, I had a really mischivious idea. I had to test my powers anyway, and this is something I’d always wanted to do for real.

“You don’t want to know what semen is.” I told her.

“Umm… okayyy…” She said, sounding really confused. “But that still hurt when your penis went inside me!” She complained.

“Uhh… yeah.” I said. So, it wasn’t actually her shoulder after all? “But, uhh… it doesn’t hurt anymore now, right?” I asked.

“Mmm… nooo. It feels a lot better now.” She said with a light smile.

“Good, it shouldn’t hurt anymore in the future either.” I said. “I mean, it absolutely won’t hurt!” I added. Had to make the statement a little more definite.

“Ok.” Jodi said. She sounded a little skeptical, but she didn’t seem too upset. In fact, a smile came back to her face pretty quickly. “So, you found my pee-hole now, right? Did you already pee inside me!?”

“Uhh…” I had to stop myself from instinctively saying “yes” to that question. What would happen if I did? Would my semen immediately turn into pee? Or would I immediately loose control of my bladder inside Jodi’s vagina?

“Umm… no, that’s not actually your pee hole.” I told her.

“It’s not?” She asked.

“Uhh… no, it’s a different hole called your vagina.”

“Vagina?” She asked in a tone that said she hadn’t heard that term before. Seriously?

“You mean the doctors never taught you about your vagina?” I asked her. I cringed as soon as I said it. That’s right. I can’t even ask questions like that anymore, it would make it the truth if I say it, wouldn’t it?

“They never told me the word vagina for my privates before!” She said. “Are you sure it’s not my pee hole?”

“Uhh, yeah. Pretty sure.” I said.

Well, this is definitely getting crazy awkward.

(Notice: Introducing 2 new concepts. Null option, and override option. Null option, any option that recieves less votes than the null option will be excluded. If the null option gets the most votes, then no other option wins. Also, override option. An override option must get more votes than ALL the other options.)

Poll closed

  • Say that you "got her pregnant" 9 votes
  • Say that she is too young to get pregnant so this didn't get her pregnant 6 votes
  • Don't say anything about pregnancy 1 vote
  • Say all your semen will stay inside her 1 vote

(top 3 are incompatible with one another, therefore top result wins. Bottom option is compatible with any of the above options, therefore it is included despite only having 1 vote.)