Sexy Fun Times/Resist temptation and take her to the park

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As you walk to the park, Katie slips her small hand into your big one and skips along beside you. You remember when she was a baby and you were a horny twelve-year-old, and you hope that she has no recollection of some of the things you did. You’ve read somewhere that no one remembers much before they were about four, so it seems unlikely that she would remember giving you your first-ever cum as you slid your cock back and forth between her chubby little legs when you were supposed to be changing her diaper.

Most of what she is chattering about washes over you; she talks about school and going to sleepovers with her friends, and drops a few hints about her upcoming birthday. At the park you go to the play area; you used to bring her here when she was little and she still seems to enjoy swinging on the swings, sliding on the slides and being spun round on the roundabout.

There are other kids there too, and soon there’s an impromptu game of tag going on and you sit down on a bench to watch. There’s a woman there with twin girls about six or seven years old; with their bright blue eyes clouds of curly blonde hair, they are a paedophile’s dream, made worse by the fact that they are both wearing loose dresses that fall down over their heads when they do handstands. The sight of their chubby little bottoms, barely covered by white panties gives you an instant erection.

Katie sees you looking, and I'm not the only guy either. She goes over to the climbing frame and does a handstand with her feet against the bars. It promptly turns into a competition and we are all treated to the delectable sight of two little bottoms and one bigger one.

Later, as you walk back to your apartment, Katie asks why you were watching the girls. You shrug; “I like watching pretty girls,” you say.

“Do you think I’m pretty,” she asks.

“Of course I do, but you’re my sister,” you say.

Back home, you make yourself some coffee and Katie has a soda. Once again she sits sideways on the couch with her knees up, giving you a good view of where her panties are stretched over her pussy. “The girls at school say men who like to look at little girls are perverts,” she says.

You shrug and try to look innocent. "Nothing wrong with looking," you say.

Your thingy swelled up when you looked at them," she said.