Must be true/part 24

From All The Fallen Stories
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“Umm… well, my mom is going to be coming home to teach me more about sex today. She should be back by the time I can finish playing sex with all of you here, but it’s fine. I know enough about it to play.” I said.

Yeah, all I really needed to know more about was enough so that I’m not messing anything up by using my power. I definitely know enough to stick my penis in and get a girl pregnant. I don’t need to know more about it in order to do that.

McKinzie noticed us as we were walking over. Her eyes immediately lit up and she started running over to the curb in front of her house to greet me.

“Hi Eliot!” She called out. “Can you play? Kyle and Berret are inside playing video games, and those two over there are jerks!” She said, indicating the two older boys.

“Hey, you can’t keep up with us playing basket ball. You’d just get in the way.” One of them says.

“I will not!” She argues back.

“Hey, hey, it’s fine!” I told her. “Actually, I wanted to show you all a new game I learned about in school.”

“What kind of game?” One of the boys was actually the one to show interest first.

“You wouldn’t be interested. It’s a game where you have to play it with girls.” I told him. He immediately shrugged and lost interest.

“It’s a girls game?” McKinzie said with a sound of obvious disappointment.

“Uhh… no, actually, you need at least one boy and one girl in order to play it. You gotta have a boy use his privates to touch a girl’s privates.” I told her.

“What!? You’re not supposed to touch people’s privates!” McKinzie argued.

“That’s only for kids, adults like to play this game with each other a lot, but they like to keep it secret from kids because they don’t want them to find out how to play.” I told her.

“Huh? No way!” She protested.

“Yes way! I’m really telling the truth this time, so you got to believe it!” I said. I wasn’t really sure exactly how to convince someone about this, so I decided to just phrase something in a way to make my power activate. Besides, this one really was true, so there’s no real harm in it.

“So, does daddy touch mommy’s privates with his privates?” She asked.

“Yeah! I bet he does it a lot while they are alone together in their bedroom.” I told her.

“That’s weird!” She says.

“Yeah, isn’t it weird that the adults all seem to want to keep this stuff secret from kids?” I asked. “They teach you about it when you get into highschool, but usually most other kids in highschool are also jerks and don’t want to teach younger kids about it because they think it makes them better to know about this stuff. I’m nice though, I’ll tell you about it and show you how to play.”

“I wanna play the adult game!” Kellie suddenly chimmed in from the side.

“You just yelled at me caus you didn’t want your privates touched! You can’t say you want to let Eliot touch your privates now just caus it’s part of another game!” Malissa said.

“This is different! It’s for adults, you were touching my privates like I was a baby.” She complained and actually crossed her arms in a harumph pose.

While they were all arguing, Samantha finally spoke up. “I really don’t think this is a good idea though.” She said. “We shouldn’t be touching each other’s privates, we could get in very big trouble.”

Everyone went quiet when she said that. Kellie even started to pout a little bit.

“Yeah!” One of the boys chimed in from the side. “You would get in very big trouble. I heard some people could even get arrested for it.”

“It’s Ok. They only arrest adults who force kids to play the game when they don’t want to. Also, you’re not going to get in trouble for playing it with me. But, if you’re still nervous then nobody here will tell anyone about it.” I told them.

Samantha did not really look convinced. McKinzie looked like she couldn’t make up her mind, but I thought she would probably be one of the more likely people here to agree. Kellie was the first to say she wanted to do it, but it looked like Samantha’s words had an effect on her. Malissa seemed to still be pouting about Kellie choosing me over her for this privates touching stuff.

Meanwhile, I had been holding it in for long enough. My penis felt like it was just begging for a chance to shoot my semen, and I could sense it wanted to be inside a vagina right now. It was really getting frustrating trying to hold back with my power.

Poll closed: poll results

Poll 1 (1 winner). Who to have sex with.

  • 5 year old Kellie 13 votes

Poll 2 (multiple winners)

  • Invite them into my house so nobody can see 3 votes
  • Do it right here in McKinzie and Kellie's front yard 3 votes (wins in a tie breaker)
  • Just shove them down, pull off their pants, and stick it in 7 votes
  • How about just changing the world again to make touching privates Ok for kids? 8 votes

("Keep trying to convince them with words" received 1 vote and was rejected due to having less than 1/5 of the highest voted option)
