JoS/Kanna/Kanna's Profile

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  • FULL NAME : Kanna Alhazred
  • AGE : 9
  • SEX : Female
  • RACE : Redguard
  • HEIGHT : 129cm
  • WEIGHT : 26kg
  • HOMETOWN : Nimbel Moor, Hammerfell
  • BIRTHDAY : Heartfire, 4th
  • BACKSTORY : Kanna's story starts with her brother Karim when they are torn away from their parents in a bandit raid, which results in Kanna being a captive and her brother is pressured to join the bandits against his will. During her childhood in this group, Kanna has a housekeeper's role and helps around with cooking, setting up tents and such while the others do their dirty work. After a certain fateful day she finds herself imprisoned in the Imperial City prisons after a bandit raid gone wrong, which leads to her being torn away from her brother and with most of the other bandits dead. There she stays and she waits for her sentence to run out while dreaming of the day she can finally walk free again and start searching for her brother, her only family left.
  • SEXUAL EXPERIENCE : Kanna is a naturally curious girl who loves trying out new things, and tends to enjoy a more passive and submissive role during sex. She's a bi-curious with a strong preference for a male partner, and also loves her brother a little bit too much. While Karim may be her first, he's not by far the only one. This is fine though, because Kanna isn't the only one for Karim either, and Kanna acknowledges and accepts this.
  • COMABT SKILLS : Kanna's sense for combat is poor, but her talents for sneak and deception are extraordinary. She can't fight very well in one on one situations, but with enough prep work and planning, she can take down anyone foolish enough to fall for her traps and schemes, which makes her a natural when it comes to assassination work. She is extraordinarily talented as an healer and a summoner with high affinity to both Restoration and Conjuration, so if she needs to fight, she has minions to fight for her. She's okay with other schools of magic as well, and relies a on Mysticism and Destruction magic a lot as well, but they don't interest her as much as the aforementioned two due to not being as good with them.
  • OTHER SKILLS : Kanna is a shy and quiet, anti-social introvert loves creative crafts such as tailoring and painting, and also has a knack for cooking and alchemy. She can cook a meal delicious enough to please an Emperor, and brew a poison strong enough to kill a mammoth.
  • APPAREL : Kanna's choice of armor is durable leather to make her armor as light and quiet as possible. With her typically skimpy armor she can easily prioritize flexibility and ease of movement, and she also wears some metal over her shoulders and wrists for extra defenses, against arrows and blades. For apparel outside combat, she prefers very simple and comfortable clothing. A one-piece dress is her favorite.
  • RELIGIOUS VIEWS : Kanna grew up in a highly religious family, where both her mother and her father worshipped the nine divines, so she knows a lot about religion in general. Despite this, she doesn't feel a strong connection to any particular deity, especially not after going through all the hardships she did, at some points even feeling abandoned by the gods. She mostly sees gods, both aedric and daerdic, as subjects to be studied rather than worshipped. She will only work for and worship a deity if she has something substantial to gain from it.
  • POLITICAL VIEWS : Politics bore Kanna to death, but she values and respects hierarchy, which not only includes taking orders from superiors, but also giving orders to one's possible subordinates. Preservation of culture and tradition are important to her to an extent and she values both deeply. She's not a strong believer in traditional gender roles of man being a provider and woman being a housemaker though, as evident by the fact that she prefers to be an adventurer as opposed to settling down as a housewife, although she does find certain kind of beauty in that. Additionally, she will not hesitate to break the law if the price is right. In fact, in some cases, she may even prefer that.