Tyler’s torments/Chapter 1

From All The Fallen Stories
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Tyler is a young boy who you think would live a normal life, but in reality Tyler’s father is unemployed and his family is on the verge to poverty. The only thing that is saving his family is he at only 10 years old is working at a criminal strip club for women to take their anger out on men, because of the abuse they have suffered. How did get this job you might be wondering. It all started when Tyler and his father were out finding a job. They were in a dollar store when they saw two men in suits with an older woman. They approached the poor looking males. Susan Ottis was the name of the woman. Tyler’s father explained what he was up to. But luckily she had a solution. He just needed to sign his initials and they would be saved. 7 days later Tyler is already in mind for what he might be dealing with. The thoughts sent chills down his spine. He was almost to scared to think about it. Suddenly ding ding ding. Tyler... are you awake?, asked his friend Nelly. She was about the same age as Tyler. Yeah I’m awake. It’s summer break you know and do you know what that means. No school no homework and just fun all summer long. But as for Tyler this was the day he was to start his very uncomfortable job. He secretly had a crush on Nelly. Of course she had the same feelings for Tyler. Well I better get home now, she said. He waved to her. He left his school uniform on and went to the club. Meanwhile Nelly walked back to find Rebecca her 11 year old sister. She had experienced rape from an older man last night and was left in pure fear and anxiety. Hey Rebecca, how are you? What do you think?!, Rebecca said with an angry tone. I still can’t even get my mind off of last night and I don’t think I will. Nelly had always tried hard to make her sister happy. I have an idea, she said. Have you heard of the Seattle moon. Yeah what about it. I bet if we go right now we will have a good time. And trust me sis, no one inside will hurt you. Rebecca had no clue what to think at this time but when she gave it thought she accepted the offer. Ok then let’s go. The went to the Seattle moon, hidden in a dark alley. A tall man in wearing a black vest guarding the entrance. He nodded and let them in. As Nelly and her sister walks in a muscular man in a speedo walks by. What the hell Nelly?, angrily asked Rebecca. I thought you said no one would hurt me here. Rebecca quite being a sour puss. She walks to Miss Ottis. Well Nelly nice to see you again, so what can I do for you, she says with a smile. My sister had a terrible night last night and she needs some fixing. I have just what you need Rebecca, says Miss Ottis. In this place no male can hurt you. In fact you can let out all of your anger on them here. They are completely powerless and weak. But how do I know that whoever I get is going to listen. Miss Ottis knowing that she is talking to a young girl didn’t really give it much thought at first until an idea popped into her head. You know what I have someone new and pretty young. He is just the one that you can make do anything. Rebecca thought this to be useless but went for it anyway. Ok show me, she asks. The to girls follow the woman into a private room with a small stage with a pole and small bar. Ok, just make yourselves comfortable and I will get him for you. Nelly and Rebecca sit on a red leather couch and wait patiently. A waitress came by and gave the girls menus. Meanwhile Tyler was in the break room. He wasn’t needed today until Miss Ottis came storming in. Ok Tyler your up. But Miss Ottis I thought I wasn’t needed today. Well I mean if you want to get fired you don’t have to be. No wait I’ll go, I’ll go, he said in a shaky voice. That’s a good boy, she smiled at him. He brought himself together and went on stage, but to his shock he saw something he would never forget. Nelly his crush and Rebecca her cruel sister. He immediately turned back to Miss Ottis. Please Miss Ottis don’t make me go out there. Well Tyler the door is ready when you are. Ok I’ll go. He was now more uncomfortable than ever. When Nelly saw him step out she was in shock. But Rebecca smiled for once. He stood right on the edge of the stage. My name is Tyler and I will be your server today. He started out by dancing on the pole. Rebecca giggled while Nelly just stared in complete disbelief. Tyler started to blush. He couldn’t help the tears streaming down his face. He then unbuttoned his school shirt. Leaving his bare chest visible. As he started to unbutton his shorts he stopped. Hurry up you dumb slave. I’m sorry, it’s my first day, please don’t get made, he said trying not to burst out his eyes. He took of his shorts leaving his white briefs exposed. He awkwardly took them off because he still had his white tennis shoes and socks on. When he was about to take them off Rebecca stopped him. No, leave those on, you look ridiculous, but cute, she said with a smile. Rebecca looked through the menu and pointed at the silky road none alcoholic. Make one of these slave. Tyler walked to the bar and made one. You know Nelly, you were right about this. I actually have never felt more safe. Tyler held the drink. Ok now dump it in your mouth. But this stuff is really bitter, please don’t make me. Do you want me to get Miss Ottis. No don’t tell her,please. Then dump it in your mouth, slave. Tyler dumped the thick drink into his mouth shedding many more tears. It looks like cum in your mouth, she said. You are one slut, she takes a picture. Tyler now felt all sticky and slightly wet. His briefs were almost see through now. Please, Nelly don’t make me do anything more embarrassing, I beg you. He is really powerless after all, said Rebecca. But he is so cute I want to feel him. Come this way slave. Tyler walked over to Rebecca as his shoes made wet sounds from the beverage he dumped on himself. She rubbed her finger down his chest until it hit the waistband of his underwear. Ok tell you what let’s see your size and then take it from there. No don’t make me, please don’t. Oh my god, do it before I get Miss Ottis. Tyler couldn’t win this one. He slowly starts to pull his underwear down when it came off everyone blushed but not like Tyler. Woah, exclaimed Rebecca. He has the most adorable little pecker. She walked up to him and kissed the tip of his mouth. His penis started getting hard. Rebecca giggled while Nelly slightly giggled. He couldn’t believe what he heard. His longtime crush had just made fun of him completely naked. I heard that this is their weakest spot, Rebecca said as she smacked his sack. Tyler howled in pain. Well sis, you have should me how to heal so now I will let you take a hit. What?!, exclaimed Tyler. No please don’t I’ll do anything just don’t please. Nelly stalled for a moment but her sisters pain caused her to react. She smacked his sack just like her sister did. Soon Tyler was on the floor crying in pain. Nelly wasn’t feeling the brightest at the moment. Well I think we can stick around a little longer. She pointed to another drink. Red Rosie. He fixed it all up and brought it to Rebecca. She sipped on it before making another command. Stick it in. But it’s all cold and... he was then cut off. Then Miss Ottis will know how bad you were today. Ok I’ll do it, he said in sobs. He stuck his pecker in and it was so cold it stung terribly. Owwwww!!!, Tyler exclaimed. He has the most adorable voice especially when he is in pain. Ok I think we have had enough for today. As Rebecca got up and left Nelly walked up to Tyler. I’m sorry, she said. Before kissing him on his lips. She walked out and Tyler was smiling slightly. He got his things and headed home. The walk back was very uncomfortable because of his wet clothes. He got back home and went up to his room. Hey bro, what’s up? That was the voice of a tall teenage girl with red hair. It was Tyler’s sister Racheal. He gave her an angry glare before walking into his room and locking the door.

Chapter 2