Hot Summer Job/Embarrass your sis and explain her dares

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"It was a dare she got at a sleepover," you interject. "She had to go to school wearing a dress... only a dress, nothing underneath it. Not even underwear," you add, rubbing it in.

"Ryyyyy-leeeeee," your sister groans in your direction with a smile. But she doesn't protest beyond that. She wants someone else to tell her story, you’re positive. So you ignore her and continue.

"She tried to do it yesterday but her dress was too long? Something like that. So she did it again today with that shorter fake skort."

"Wow! Two days in a row? And at school? Even I'm not that brave!" grins Kylie.

“That's only half of it,” you goad, stepping behind your little sis and wrapping your arms around her chest. “She wanted even more dares. But she's already forgot about that.”

Bree starts too look up at you then pauses, the realization hitting her."Ohhh..."

“Like what?” Kylie prods.

“Well... right now she's supposed to be stuck in her room naked for the rest of the day.”

Larissa gasps and giggles while your sis buries her head in her hands, her words becoming muffled.

“Oh no! Please don't make me!”

“If you're by yourself that’s not even hard,” scoffs Kylie.