Hot Summer Job/Try to help your sister out

From All The Fallen Stories
< Hot Summer Job
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Your sis looks like she doesn't want to answer. It's hard to evade a question when you're the center of attention. But you could offer up a distraction for her.

"I-I..." she begins to stammer.

Stepping forward you grab Larissa's forearms and swing her up off of the floor. Her pillowcase flies off her feet from spinning around and flinging her through the air. You release your grip shortly after getting her airborne to send her screaming and careening to one side of the room.


Rissa slams into the couch and immediately starts cackling.

Bree bounces next to you, yelling, "Do me! Do me!"

You glance over at Kylie to see her roll her eyes dramatically. You grab your sister in turn and fling her at the same couch just after Larissa rolls onto the floor. Bree lands with a similar squealing giggle then follows her friend, rolling off and onto Larissa. The two of them cackle and grab each other giddily.

"Do my sister!" shouts Larissa.

"No way!" Kylie counters. "You're not throwing me."

"Do it! Get her Ry!" encourages Bree.

You saunter towards the redhead with a determined gaze. "I think you're outvoted."

Kylie drops her phone and starts throwing things at you as you advance but she doesn't have much left to throw. You only have to deflect a pillow and her watch before you're on her. She puts her hands up and you instantly grab them, the two of you pushing and pulling each other in a standing grapple. Being a couple years older than the other girls makes Kylie a more challenging target, but in truth you're messing around with her to put on a show for Rissa and Bree.

"Pick her up!"

"Throw her! Throw her!"

"You're not throwing me!" repeats Kylie, putting up a feeble fight.

You drag out your grappling match for quite a while, rotating this way and that, ducking down to bend her over then lifting her arms up to stretch her. It's hard to not drag this out when she looks as good as she does, standing two feet away in her skin tight shorts and skimpy crop halter top. Her light flawless skin pops against her darker top and shorts, your eyes drawn to the midriff of her lean torso and slight thigh gap.

She tries to break your hold and run past you but you lean into her and wrap your arm around her waist lifting her into a fireman's carry.

"Aaugh! Put me down!" She yells thumping her fists against your back.

"Over here! Over here!" one of the younger girls yells. You're not sure which. It's remarkable how similar they are.

You stand above Bree and Larissa, who are still on the floor, and toss Kylie forward onto the couch. She lands with a whomp and has only a second to compose herself before both your sister and her's launch their attack.

The two girls throw their hands on the grumpier one tickling her in a flurry of activity. They hold her down and run their fingers along every sensitive nook and crevice they can find. Their small digits and nimble hands induce crazy laughs and surprised yelps from Kylie who writhes on the couch helplessly. You join in on the fun throwing the odd hand into the fray, but these girls have her well covered. You then try to cover yourself, already getting hard again.

After maybe two full minutes of tickling with Kylie unable to escape, the tweens finally relent and pull back. Kylie slowly swings her legs down and pushes herself up into a sitting position then immediately slumps back into the couch.Paanting and a bit sweaty from so much physical exertion, she's too exhausted to be angry.

There's only the briefest moment of silence in the room before Larissa's fingers find their way to Bree's armpit. Bree grabs Rissa's foot to retaliate, and in seconds the two are rolling on the floor continuing their tickle assault on one another.

You sit down next to Kylie wanting to enjoy the show. The two of you watch as the younger pair wrestle it out, jockeying for position. One gets flipped over, then the other wiggles free and secures some kind of leg lock. One of Bree's hands slips under Rissa's shirt to get at her side and tickle her ribs. Larissa flops about and yanks on Bree's thigh to slide her body along the floor and gain access to her bum. Your sister squeals and quickly rolls away but Rissa leaps forward and is on top of her just as fast. Bree's arms get pinned to the carpet with Rissa staring down, both of them giggling through hard fought breaths. A few strands of Larissa's hair dangle freely having escaped from her short pigtails. But your sister looks the most disheveled, her pants having twisted to one side and her t-shirt lifted high up her torso to show off her stomach which rises and falls quickly with her sharp breaths.

"That is so hot," notes Kylie, still catching her own breath.

"Huh?" Larissa grunts, the two girls only now noticing that you and Kylie are spectating their wrestling match so intensely.

Kylie turns to you. "Isn't it hot in here? I'm so hot..." she clarifies.

Larissa lets go of Bree, posturing up on your sister's stomach to keep her pinned. "Yeah, I'm really warm."

"That's why I changed," you mention a bit too bluntly. "I was trying to get comfortable."

Kylie smiles at you, clearly looking for an opportunity. She raises her hips off of the couch. Her hands move to her shorts which she pulls off rather ceremoniously, shifting her pelvis from side to side and meticulously peeling down one edge of the thin shorts at a time.

"Kyyyleee..." Larissa groans. Bree starts up her giggles again, throwing her hand up to stifle her noises while focusing on the redheaded tease.

"What?" The older sister responds with a defensive attitude. "I just want to be comfortable."

You stare with a keen interest at the teen undressing next to you. The slight curve of her exposed hip leads underneath her to her toned butt which hovers above the couch.

Surprisingly she's wearing underwear beneath her shorts. They were so tight you never would have imagined that they weren't against bare skin. But the underwear isn't particularly substantial either. They too are skin tight, a teenage thong very similar to the one you came across in your sister's room. A plain exposed elastic waistband wraps around her hips with a wide triangle of colored fabric covering everything between her hip bones. Much more fabric than a g-string, but a lot less than what most girls her age are wearing.

Once she slips the shorts past her knees she drops down onto the couch again. She pulls her feet up onto the cushion then reaches down to pull the bottoms from her ankles. They look even smaller now that they're off, the stretchy fabric shrinking down a few sizes. She sprawls her legs out again spreading her thighs and holds her bottoms in one hand to fan her body. She sighs with satisfaction.

Looking at you again she noticeably stiffens her elongated body, very much the opposite of relaxing. "Seriously, if we were at home I'd be naked by now."

"You're always naked," Rissa remarks, idly playing with Bree's top.

"If only..." Kylie mutters to herself, but plenty loud enough for you to hear it.