Sexy Fun Times/Five/Girl/Breakfast/Jenny

From All The Fallen Stories
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Jenny's mother is really nice. She is quite small but the sort of person that makes you pay attention when she speaks. She has dark, almost black hair cut short and always wears big earrings. She lets you in and sends you upstairs. "Im expecting someone in a minute, so please keep the noise down," she says.

She works for a charity that helps people with money. She goes through all their cards and stuff and tells them how to get it sorted out. The doorbell rings and she lets someone in. There is a conversation and she calls Jenny. "This is Rory," she says, pointing at a red-haired boy, about ten years old. "Is it okay if he comes up for an hour while I talk to his mum?"

Rory comes into the bedroom looking around. We sit on the bed, looking at him. He looks okay, thin and gangly, with knobbly knees sticking out of a pair of shorts. He took his shoes off, so his feet are bare and a bit grubby. "hello," he says.

Jenny introduces you both and then no one says anything for a while. "It's, err, a nice room," he says, eventually, still standing in the middle of the carpet. You all start talking about schools and stuff and he tells you that he hasn't got a dad. "I don't either," Jenny says and you talk about that for a bit. Then, out of the blue, he says "Have either of you ever seen a boy's willy?"

When we shake our heads, he asks if we want to see his. We look at each other and giggle. This is turning a bit weird. "Do you want us to see it," you ask.

"Only if you want to," he says. "But you gotta promise not to tell anyone."

He pulls the front of his shorts down and it pops out. It's not very impressive, not as long as a pencil, but quite a bit thicker. He stands there, facing us, holding it in his hand. "What do you think," he asks. We both shrug. ""You can touch it if you want."

He moves closer and we both realise that he wants us to touch it. You poke it with a finger, but Jenny grabs hold of it and gives it a squeeze. "How does it get stiff like that," she asks.

"Summat to do with blood, it blows it up like a balloon. Girls have ne too, its very small, but it swellls up just the same.