Sexy Fun Times/Dog/Andrew/Play Area

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On a sunny day like this, there are usually a few kids around open to a bit of puppy love.

You make your way inside and have a look around. There's a girl who looks around 12 sitting on a bench with her face buried in her phone, she's got messy brown hair tied in a loose ponytail and her face, while cute, looks a little dirty. She's dressed in a dirty grey jacket and tight black leggings, a pair of dirty old sneakers adorn her feet, which are resting on the edge of the bench.

Over on the left is a children's play area, there are a couple of toddlers playing on the climbing frame, and a young woman is sitting nearby paying more attention to her phone then to them.

There is a public toilet over on the right of where you are, as you glance over you see a small girl being led towards them by a man you assume is her Dad.

As you look around,

Who do you think is the best bet?

Or you could just go and