Sexy Fun Times/Neighbour

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Just as you are dozing off again there is a knock on the front door. Quietly at first and then louder. You are naked as usual and when you put a robe on, you are conscious that your morning wood will be making an appearance if you are not careful.

You open the door a crack and just show your face. It takes a few moments for you to recognise the woman. She's about your age, with blond hair, blue eyes and looking rather embarrassed. She is wearing some kind of uniform. "Wow! Annabel," you say, opening the door wider. "It's been a long time..."

In the next few minutes she explains that she has just moved in and meant to call and see you before. You haven't seen her since you were classmates, and more, in High School and she had moved away. It's only when you invite her in that you see the double pushchair.

It barely fits through the door and when its inside you see the two small children sitting up and looking around. "David and Mary," Annabel says. She explains that you are the only person she knows locally and now she has a major problem. She started work at one of the big prestige stores in town (now you recognise the uniform) and today's her first day. Her problem is that the woman who was supposed to babysit the twins had phoned in sick. With today being her first day, she really has to go and has no time to arrange any alternative.

"All I need is for someone to keep an eye on them for a couple of hours while I get to work and then phone round the agencies to get them picked up."

What could you say. When you were both thirteen, you and Annabel were fucking like bunnies every chance you got and she near broke your heart when her family moved away. Now she is back, but with a pair of cute toddlers in tow. You had done quite a few gigs together as babysitters, so she knew that you were good with kids. A few minutes later, she hands you a bag will all the stuff toddlers need and her front door key (just in case), you swap phone numbers and she is gone at a run.

"So, which of you is which," you say as you undo the straps and lift the almost identical kids out of the pushchair. "What's your name," you ask the first one.

"I'm David, thas Mawy," he says.

David is wearing dungarees over a vest ans Mary is wearing a pretty top and a short skirt with leggings underneath. As soon as they are free they promptly toddle off to explore. Annabel didn't say, but you guess their age at around two and a half. You have a quick scout round to check for anything they might break or hurt themselves with and turn the TV on to distract them while you make coffee and decide what to do.

As the coffee machine warms up, you realise that you have some urgent business to attend to and head for the bathroom. As soon as you are in position in front of the toilet, you are joined by two inquisitive kids, one on each side, watching as you empty your bladder. As soon as you finish and shake the drips off, they both announce that they need a wee.

By the time you get their loo seat out of the bag, Mary has her tights and panties down around her ankles and David is struggling with the shoulder straps on his dungarees. You put the child-sized seat on the WC and Mary sits on the floor for you to pull her clothes right off. By the time that's done, David is naked from the waist down too. "Whose going first," you ask.

Mary shoves her brother out of the way and stand in front of the loo ready to be lifted up. "I reeeally got to go," David wails.

Ever resourceful, you sit Mary on the seat and lift David into the bath. "Aim for the drain," you say. When you turn back to Mary, she is sitting with her legs wide apart. Seeing the stream of wee coming from her cute little pussy makes your own cock swell. You wrap your robe around to cover it up and turn to David. He has a surprisingly large cock in his hand and is giggling and spraying wee all around the end of the bath.

You tell him off and use the shower to rinse the bath. You help Mary wipe her pussy (which does nothing to help you with your growing problem) and steer them into the sitting room while you pour your coffee and collapse into an armchair.