A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/School/Barely/After/Shriek/Protest/Talk/Nurse

From All The Fallen Stories
< A Loli's ENF Adventure‎ | Sally‎ | School‎ | Barely‎ | After‎ | Shriek‎ | Protest‎ | Talk
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Mr. Vice finished writing the note. "Alright, I want you to take this note to the nurse's office.", he paused, waiting for her to look at it before letting go.

Sally Sorenson informed me that she forgot her underwear today, yes all of it. I'm afraid she had a bit of a panic attack when she realized other students may have seen, so I let her stay and calm down. Please get her something from the spare uniform rack.

Sally was a good reader and quickly realized the note didn't match what really happened too closely, but after their talk, she thought understood why he'd done it. She nodded and took the note. "Thanks, Mr. Vice.", she said, cheerily.

"And thank you too, Sally.", he said.

She wasn't quite sure what he was thanking her for, but it made smile as left her home classroom.

John just hoped he hadn't screwed up too badly.

The nurse's office was on the first floor and Sally felt nervous about going down the stairs without panties, but it soon became apparent that no one was there to see her. Since everyone was supposed to be in class now, the halls were empty. It was actually kind of spooky walking through the school when it was so quiet, she thought.

At the nurse's office she was greeted by Benjamin Mulner. Yes, their nurse was a man, an elderly man with thick glasses at that. But he was a jovial fellow who made kids feel like he could be their 3rd grandfather. Since he wasn't a teacher, students weren't required to use his last name, and he was happy to go by Ben. Considering kids were mostly sent to him for minor scrapes and bruises and just needed a little TLC, he was well suited for the job.

"Hi, Ben.", she said, clutching her note in one hand and unnecessarily holding her skirt in place with the other. Even though there was no way he could see, she was very conscious of being naked under it.

"Sally, right?", he asked.

She nodded.

He responded in a hushed tone. "Well don't you worry, your teacher told me what happened. Come on in."

Sally was surprised, she hadn't expected to be... expected. Perhaps Mr. Vice has decided to explain his version of events himself and called ahead, she thought. That kind of made sense. In any case, she followed him into the office.

"Alright, hon, why don't you just head into the exam room, hop out of those clothes, and get cleaned up if you need to. When you're ready I'll bring you a fresh uniform.", Ben said

It seemed odd to Sally that they couldn't just lend her new shorts and panties, but maybe that's just how they do it, so she simply said "Okay", and headed into the small room. It looked much like what you'd see in a real doctor's office, only smaller. There was a child-sized paper-covered exam table, a counter with a build-in sink and waste basket, plus a few odds and ends like cleaning rags and a first aid kit. There was a hamper marked "Soiled Clothes" in the corner, and that was about it. Not even a chair.

Sally discarded the apparently unneeded note. She was feeling a bit reluctant to "hop" out of her clothes, as Ben suggested, but she didn't want to keep him waiting, and began unbuttoning her blouse. And, figuring it was the correct thing to do, she tossed it in the hamper, quickly to be followed by her skirt. The now naked girl was feeling shyer by the moment, but there was nothing to do but wait, so she climbed up on the table and sat down.

Soon enough, a surprised looking Ben appeared in the doorway carrying what indeed appeared to be a fresh uniform. "Oh!", he exclaimed, "Shall I close the door?".

Sally was embarrassed at having forgotten, but she figured it didn't much matter. No one else was here to see. "It's OK, I'm ready now.", she said.

Ben took this in stride. "Ah, I thought you'd want to use the gown, but it'd fine if you don't."

He was looking at the "cleaning rags" she noticed earlier. "Oh.", she said, feeling even sillier now. "It's OK, you're almost a doctor, right?", she said with a half smile. Ben being "almost a doctor" was a running joke with the kids, who were usually surprised to learn than nurses could be men. He took it in good humor, as he did most things.

"Well, alright then, I looked up your size on the thingamajig, and unless you've done a lot of growing this should fit you fine.". Thingamajig was his favorite word. So far, Sally had heard him use it to mean computer, stethoscope, intercom, skateboard and once, bandaid. She wasn't sure if he actually forgot these words or was just being funny.

He came in, closing the door finally, and set the new clothes on the table next to Sally, but then he paused, looking around. "You've still got your bra, don't you?", he asked.

She blushed, said "I don't wear one yet."

Ben squinted at her. "Well, no, I guess you don't, huh." He thought for a moment, and then added "That's a bit odd, come to think of it. Since you're feeling brave today, I'm gonna take a look at, ya, alright?"

Sally's blush deepened, she wasn't feeling brave at all, she just hadn't realized being dressed was an option. None the less, she nodded, and Ben slipped on a pair of latex gloves.

"Alright, let's start from the top, so to speak.", he said. By top, he apparently meant her nipples, at which he was now looking closely. And he really did have to look close, as his eyes weren't that good, even with the glasses. Sally let out an embarrassed giggle.

"Giggling already? I haven't even started tickling you.", Ben said. He pretended like he was going to, but really just touched her nipples gently, one with each thumb. "Don't feel much.", he said. Sally wasn't sure why he'd done that, but she was relieved he didn't really tickle her. She was very susceptible. Ben moved on. "OK, hon, now I need to take a quick look at your thingamajig, open your legs a bit. Don't be shy. Remember, I'm almost a doctor.", he said.

Well, there was another meaning for the list. But this only distracted Sally from the embarrassment for a moment. Once again, he wasted no time moving in very close. She remembered what she'd learned just a few minutes before, and wondered if Ben liked looking at girl parts too. She decided he probably did, and found that made it slightly less embarrassing. Apparently he liked touching them too! He poked at the tiny bit of blonde fuzz above her private place, and this really did tickle, though not quite like tickles she was used to. Maybe tingle was more the word. She let out a little gasp. Finally, he even pulled back the skin on each side and looked inside her. Sally thought he must really like looking at girl parts.

She was blushing pretty bad by now, but the indignity was short-lived and Ben stood up, scratching his chin. "Really is odd to have that happen at your stage. And it stopped now too.", he said. "I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, but you should mention it to your real doctor just to be safe, I think." Sally was very confused by this comment. Was there something wrong with her private parts? Surely Mr. Vice would have said so if there were, he'd spent a good long time looking too. Surprisingly, the next thing Ben said actually did make perfect sense to Sally.

"Cinnamon Toast Avalanche, right?"

"Banana Cream Explosion.", she corrected. They were talking about the jar of lollipops that were obligatory for any kid visiting the nurses office. Not the cheap dollar store kind either, these were big, shaped like a ball, and hand-made by elves according to Ben.

"Ah, right.", said Ben. "Well how about I find you one, while you to get all dressed up? And don't you worry about panties, a little extra ventilation is good for a girl, I say." With that, he left, closing the door behind him.

Sally was worried by this last comment and began inspecting the clothes she'd been given. Sure enough, no panties, but she was relieved to see the shorts were present, along with the skirt and top. Once she thought about it, this made sense. The shorts were part of the uniform, but she just wore her regular panties under them. Well, shorts were a whole lot better than nothing, so she proceeded to put them on. They didn't fit great. But the waist was elastic and they seemed to stay up. The skirt was large as well, but on the plus side, that meant it came below her knees and the extra coverage didn't feel bad right now. The top was the worst, it almost felt like she was wearing one of her mom's. Sally briefly considered getting her old shirt back out of the "Soiled Clothes" hamper, but she wasn't sure exactly how dirty the stuff in there was, and thought better of it.

Sally was a bit put out, but she figured this was the best they had available, so she left the exam room and collected her lollipop. Well, one good thing happened at least.

Ben patted her on the shoulder. "It'll be alright, Sally, these things happen. Part of growing up, you know. Hope the rest of your day goes better, even though that means I won't get to see you again.", he said. This was another running joke, that he got lonely in his office and wanted kids to get hurt so they'd come see him. Of course everyone knew he didn't really feel that way.

As Sally left the office, she was almost bowled over another girl coming down the stairs. Not her fault for once. It was Sally Gorden, her neighbor from up the street. Miss Gorden was a big girl, in every dimension, but didn't look so big right now, hunched over, gingerly holding her skirt, which was marred by a dark stain. She was tempted to ask what happened, but the other girl looked very upset, so she just politely excused herself. She didn't have much time to consider this interaction, for almost immediately, she heard the bell.

Wow, that meant she'd missed her entire class. Today was music, which was too bad because she liked that class, but at least the teacher was nice and probably wouldn't be too hard on her about it. Sally didn't know this, but her private elementary school's schedule was rather unusual, in that even 3rd and 4th graders had one class in a separate room every day, either before or after their combined lunch/recess period, which is what it was time for now. Combining these gave students a little extra freedom in the middle of the day, how will Sally use it?