A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/Bath/Window/Park/Playground

From All The Fallen Stories
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Sally couldn't resist, being almost naked at the big park was a unique opportunity. It wasn't something she'd ever do on purpose, but here she was, so why not have a little fun with it? She took one more look around from her vantage point in the trees, and still seeing no one nearby, she dashed for the playground equipment. The big park was known for its impressive climbing structure, the biggest she'd ever seen, at least. But the first thing she wanted to try were the slides!

She immediately discovered bare butts don't slide nearly as well as clothed butts. The slides basically didn't work. She had an idea though. What if she put her legs in the air and slid on her still-clothed back? Whoa! It worked! And what an amazing feeling the wind on her bare but and girl parts was. She did that a few more times, but it gradually dawned on her just what kind of view she was giving to anybody who might be watching. She still hoped no one saw her at all, but the thought made her nervous, so she decided to confine her activities to the more protected space of the climbing structure.

It was definitely a good one, with multiple platforms on two levels, plus a lookout tower, all connected by a variety of tubes, slides, ladders, bridges and monkey bars. She went from one side to the other, and back by a variety of routes. Normally monkey bars were her favorite, but she did feel extremely exposed there, not that it stopped her from using them a few times anyway. A little breeze had picked up, and being in the open parts felt especially exhilarating. The tubes were safer though and she stuck to those most of the time. It was great fun, and if it weren't for the worry of how to get home, she could have spent all day there.

In fact she did spend rather longer than she should playing around. The shadows told her it was no longer early morning, and she couldn't count on the park staying empty much longer. She decided she had to get going, but made an excuse to herself that visiting the lookout tower once first to survey the scene would be a good idea. This was the highest part of the climbing structure of course, and intentional made somewhat difficult to reach. Plus the final ladder segment was also very exposed.

But she did it anyway. At the top of the lookout tower, she was somewhat concealed again. It was also equipped with a telescope in each corner that really worked... well three of them did anyway, one was missing a lens or something. It had been like that as long as she could remember. She did look around just visually first, knowing that was the more practical way to check if anyone was coming—she didn't see anyone—but she couldn't resist using the telescopes too. It didn't hurt to try.

From the southwest telescope she saw something shiny in the grass, back towards the treeline she'd come from. She couldn't really tell what it was, but getting into the whole telescope thing, her first thought was "treasure!". Of course she knew that was silly, but still, she might check it out.

From the northwest telescope, looking left down Main St., she saw a group of older boys sitting around a picnic table and smoking. She hadn't spotted them before because it was the furthest corner of the park and shaded by trees—Hey, the telescopes really did help!—but that was not good. They weren't looking at her or anything, but they were too close for comfort.

From the northeast telescope, looking right on Main St., she saw something pink caught in a bush. It looked a lot like the top she was wearing. A little too much in fact. She checked and was startled to discover she was now completely nude. She must have lost it climbing at some point and the wind had blown it halfway across the park.

The southeast telescope was the broken one, and anyway she now had at least two serious problems, so it was time to get out of there. As she climbed down, she thought about her options. She could check out the "treasure", who knows, it might be something useful, and it was more or less in the right direction if she wanted to return to the relative safety of the trees anyway. She could try to recover her top, but it was in a fairly exposed position and somewhat in the direction of the smoking teens too. Or she could just cut her losses and leave. Being naked wasn't really that much more worse than her previous situation, thought she thought it might be more obvious from a distance. If she was going to walk home naked, she'd have to be even more careful about staying out of sight. Her best bet would be to try and go back the way she came, even at the risk of getting lost.

What would she do?