A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/Week2/SolitarySunday/Mailbox/Dommed/Hide

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< A Loli's ENF Adventure‎ | Sally‎ | Week2‎ | SolitarySunday‎ | Mailbox‎ | Dommed
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Sally stopped long enough to get her other flip flop on. Although Sally felt safer with the water fight far behind her, she was still standing on a random sidewalk somewhere in the neighborhood a good ways from her house, basically naked. Once she looked up to see some people loading into their car some distance down the street, she thought twice about going any further. She couldn't deal with anyone else seeing her right then.

Needing a moment to catch her thoughts, Sally followed a hedge down between two houses, then carefully clambered over a low chain link fence into a backyard, and crawled underneath a trampoline beside the fence. It was an older metal flat-top style with none of the safety nets of modern models but with plenty of room below for her to sit under it. It wasn't the most private hideout, or the most comfortable, but it was the first one she had come across.

Picking at the grass, her mind tried to settle. She could still hardly believe that had just happened. Those kids were rowdy! Her brother wasn't perfect, but she could never remember the two of them doing anything like what just happened on that front lawn. And on a front lawn! Those kids didn't care if everyone on the street saw them doing that to her. One of their parents very nearly did.

Sally paused to shift to one side and rub her butt. It was a little sore, but not painful. She'd had worse sunburns but the dull sting was an ongoing reminder of every spank that had been levied against her just moments earlier. Because of that, she didn't want to sit on it. But she didn't want to lay down under the trampoline either. The grass was much longer under here than the rest of the yard and it felt a little creepy crawly on her skin. She looked up and stared through the tiny holes in the mesh above her, looking up longingly at the sky.

She contemplated what she was about to do. It was a worse hiding spot, but the nearby houses seemed quiet enough. A lot of people were probably at church, being Sunday. Sally crawled out of the overgrown grass and scampered up on top of the trampoline, rolling out into the middle of the stretchy black surface, then flung her limbs out like a starfish, sighing as the late morning's rays warmed her skin yet again.

Sally tilted her chin to look down her mostly bare body lit up by the sun. Her panties were still rolled and twisted and low on her hips, the wet fabric resisting every frantic attempt she had made to fix them. She sighed again, this time with resignation, and stuck her hand down to lazily pluck at and run her fingers along the twisted edge of the thin waistband that was threatening to expose her crotch, no longer concerned about fixing it with no one around.

Sally tried to feel sorry for herself. She wanted to cry, or told herself that she was supposed to. She wanted to put all the blame on those kids, to say that it was all their fault and to somehow go back there and get them all in trouble. But she couldn't. She wasn't blameless. Sally was the one who had gone trouncing through the neighborhood in her knickers. Sally ran back into the fight when she could have run away. And she definitely could have gone limp or screamed for help instead of holding her butt out, anticipating each spirited strike against her bare backside.

That was what Sally couldn't figure out, what she couldn't get past; did she really want to get spanked? To be held down and walloped?

Sally was spanked when she was little, a more common occurrence with younger parents to be sure, but she never "liked" it. She never got in trouble hoping to get spanked, but when she decided to break a rule she always knew it was a possibility. That said, she never dreaded it either. It was just something that happened sometimes, often for no discernable reason, like sneezing. She would reluctantly lean over whoever's knee it was and take her punishment. She was often bare-assed but that was mostly because she shed her clothes more freely when she was younger and was frequently lacking one article or another. Sometimes daddy would make a point to pull her bottoms down when she'd done something especially egregious, but there weren't any specific rules about pants or no pants when being spanked.

Staring up and daydreaming, Sally had a flashback. At first it was just a vague sense of being spanked upside down. As she thought harder she recalled more details.

Sally was about 5 and standing at the bottom of a climbing tower, layered nets every couple feet so kids couldn't freefall. She told herself she could get to the top but got scared halfway up. Some impatient older kids pushed her and she slipped headfirst through a partially broken net and got her arms tangled in it, suddenly inverted with all her weight on her shoulders while hanging between two levels.

She remembered flopping her legs about trying and failing to right herself. The plain cotton playdress she wore that day did nothing for her modesty while upside down, but that shouldn't have mattered as she had fuzzy pink sweatpants on as well, a rare day where she had gotten herself decently dressed for once. She cried for help when she couldn't free herself and eventually felt hands grabbing her legs. They pulled on her but only managed to strip Sally of her pants.

That was when Sally experienced her first real wedgie. She didn't know if they were new hands or the same ones that stripped her, but they reamed on her underwear, her panties digging in between her bum cheeks. Then, as the hands pulled harder, the fabric kept going and wedged its way through her pussy as well. The kids laughed and taunted her after sinking the underside of her undergarment through her puffy cleft and tiny bum but Sally was powerless to stop them.

When Sally still "refused" to "just get down" they humiliated her even further, pulling her legs apart, spanking and tickling all along her exposed skin. At the time young Sally laughed with them. She was plenty ticklish and what they were doing to her was all so weird and naughty, not to mention that she'd never been tickled there before, so she let them continue. Not only did she not complain, she patiently waited for them to finish doing whatever it is they wanted to do with her so that they would then be able to help her down. That's what she expected anyhow. She was at their mercy until then.

The kids poked and slapped her backside for ten minutes or more before getting bored and climbing down. They were never going to help her. They just amused themselves and left. It wasn't until she was alone that Sally began to cry, still hanging upside down. She was forced to spend another 10 minutes in that tower pantsless with her deep wedgie before another kid happened to climb up who was willing to rescue her.

Sally couldn't be sure that distant memory explained how she felt, but it sure was weird that it popped into her mind just then. Did she like feeling helpless? Or was it the embarrassment? Or maybe it was just having so much attention being levied on her in such a naughty way. It was all so confusing. But when Sally noticed that her fingers had slipped inside her wet panties to absentmindedly stroke the length of her slit while reliving that memory, she admitted to herself that she must like it, whatever "it" was.

This probably made her different from other girls. She'd certainly never heard anyone talk about the sorts of things she was thinking about just then while touching herself, namely being held down and spanked. She sure felt weird doing that at all - touching herself - but there was a strange extra thrill from doing it outside in a stranger's backyard, and on top of a trampoline no less.