Must be true/part 39

From All The Fallen Stories
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I tried to think about what to do about this. I looked down at myself, still naked except for my shirt, and then at Aimie who still had white streaks of semen across her stomach where it didn’t have her shirt to protect it. My dick was still stiff at the sight, but after ejaculating THAT much all over and also inside my little sister I was finally feeling some level of satisfaction that I didn’t have to immediately try to start doing more.

I decided I had better get us both dressed so they don’t see all this mess. I kind of liked the idea of Aimie wearing a pull-up with my semen close to her crotch like that. So, maybe if she’s just got pants on nobody will notice the mess.

“Alright, we’d better get dressed.” I said out loud as I started with myself, grabbing my underwear and sliding them on. It was only when the undergarment was around my waist and I reached in to adjust my still very stiff penis to a better position that I realized it was still covered in my own semen from when I had it laying between Aimie’s privates and the crotch of her diaper which I’d already filled with the stuff. None of it was on my balls. At least, it wasn’t until I pushed my penis down to press against them. But, the penis itself was coated with the stuff every bit as thick as Aimie’s privates probably were.

That made me stop with the shocked realization and reality of everything I’d just done. It also made me think a little. I’ve been drifting from girl to girl ever since I decided to use my power to loose my virginity to Jodi before this time travel bit. It’s all been just like a game, none of it has really felt real. It still doesn’t completely feel real with me being a little kid again and all this. It’s all just too much to be believed.

But, it really is real. And also, as a “major pedo,” having sex with little kids is everything I really want to be doing anyway. I guess the real thing though is, maybe I should make some kind of choice. So far I’ve been doing nothing but just running after whatever girl is in front of me and trying to use my power to immediately have sex with her as quickly as possible.

Maybe I should stop doing it like that. There was something thrilling about having to hide that me and Aimie were having sex just now. It made it all just more exciting. But, at the same time, I don’t exactly want to have to sneak around every time I have sex. That seems a little ridiculous when I have a power that can just make everything work out. I really like the thrill, but I don’t want to get in trouble if I’m found out or anything like that. Or for anyone else to get in trouble for that matter.

“Alright” I said after I got my pants up. I threw Aimie’s denim coveralls in the hamper and went to her drawers and pulled out a new shirt and a pair of pink coveralls. I put on the shirt without cleaning even a drop of semen off of her and watched the wet spots form on there.

“They’ll probably think we just spilled something on you if they see that” I commented. “There’s no way they would think it’s semen, none of them know I can squirt it yet because it’s not normal for a kid my age to be able to. So, they would never think that’s what it is. But, they might want you to change your shirt if they see it so we will just have you wear this.” I said as I had her put on the coveralls which, once all fastened up, hid the wet streaks on her belly.

“There you go. I will help you change your… uhh… pull up later before we go to bed so they don’t see the mess down there when mom undresses you for bed.” I told her. “I want to keep it secret that I can ejaculate, so you can’t let them know about any of what we did up here, Ok?”

“Ok.” Aimie said. She didn’t seem entirely sure of what I was saying, but I hadn’t confirmed whether or not my power worked if I said something without anybody around to listen. So, I had to keep her here a little longer to complete everything I was thinking about so far as keeping things secret about my sex stuff.

“Nobody will get mad if they find out I had sex with you or anyone else. Grandma and Grandpa won’t punish mom either. All the adults actually want me to have sex with every kid in the elementary school and get them all pregnant. But, umm… they don’t know I can make semen, so they don’t expect me to do it now. I’m going to surprise everyone when I have you and also all the girls in my school get pregnant! I’ll try to do it without even any adults noticing I’m even having sex with anyone, but it also doesn’t matter if they find out since they won’t try to stop it or say anything to get me or anyone in trouble.”

“What’s pegnat mean?” Aimie asked.

“Umm… don’t worry about it. Mom will tell you about it later after she finds out that you are pregnant.” I said.

“Anyway, nobody knows I’m having sex yet, and we should keep it that way. Nobody I have sex with will tell anyone at all about it, Aunt Misty, Uncle James, and Uncle Peet all don’t know about sex yet because they’re too young to know so even if they see me having sex they won’t know what I’m doing. And, even if grandma and grandpa did find out they would actually be happy.” I said.

It was only after I’d said all that that I realized I didn’t really know how old Uncle James and Uncle Peet were yet. Maybe they were old enough to know before I just said what I did. Dang it! I’ve got to be more careful with that. I’m really not used to this at all.

Suddenly, I heard a stampede of footsteps coming up the stairs. A short time later, two boys… or rather, “boys,” who could only be the two uncles I was just concerned about burst right into the room.

I was a bit shocked and looked quickly at myself and Aimie. We were both fully dressed now, and sure enough Aimie’s cloths were hiding the mess of semen I’d gotten all over her. We’d just barely managed to keep it hidden.

“Hey Eliot! Mommy and Daddy said they were done and we could play now! Let’s play that imposter game!” One of them who my brain registered as uncle Peet said excitedly.

“Yeah, come on!” Uncle James behind him cheered on.

I looked at them, and noticed there was something that had definitely gone wrong. They both had identical short buz-cuts with their neatly trimmed blond hair that was not quite half an inch long coming up just a little off their foreheads in the front. They also had two nearly identical faces, although I could still tell them apart because I was family. About the only thing really different about them was that uncle James was wearing a blue shirt and uncle Peet was wearing a green shirt.

This is exactly what the problem was though. Uncle James and Uncle Peet were not originally twins. That must mean that one of them actually was 14 or older before I messed up like that just now, and since I said it his age was dropped to be equal to the younger of the pair. Thing is, since I didn’t go out to see them before I said that I am not even sure now which one was which. I do remember both of them being blond and having a face that could have easily aged down to look like this, so even my memories from before everything got messed up from from this time thing don’t really help.

Now, they both looked like they were close to my new age, although maybe just a little older. So, I guess that might also explain why it was only after I said they were both too young that they came up here. Maybe having the older one suddenly become the same age as the younger one made them more excitable.

That’s one question answered. Now for a less supernatural and far more mundane concern. They were asking to play ‘the imposter’ game. That’s not really a game for little kids like the three of us here. Would this be Ok? Well, I guess I’ve actually got the brain of a 14 year old, so I should be Ok. But, they are… what? 8 or 9? Maybe even an older 7 for all I know. They are asking to play that game? Also, is it just going to be us three? That game doesn’t really work with three people. You need at least four. Preferably more than that. I cannot see a game going well with kids this young in an online game either.

No, actually, that's not the biggest problem. The even bigger problem is that 'the imposter' only came out a few years ago before I supposedly went back in time. How is a game like that still around after supposedly going back in time? What exactly happened?

Poll Closed: Poll results

  • Whatever, just agree to play. Might be nice to just have some normal fun. 4 votes
  • Go try to play the baby-making game with aunt Misty instead since she's (now) the oldest that's still in elementary school. 9 votes
