Sexy Fun Times/Five/Girl/Daddy

From All The Fallen Stories
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Daddy's working from home today, he only has to go to the office two or three days a week. Mummy volunteers in a charity shop and stays home when Daddy has to go in. "Good morning Princess," he says as usual.

"Mornin Daddy," you reply and climb up onto a chair to eat your cereal.

You both sit for a while; you slurping and listening to the radio, and him munching toast and reading the paper. "Dad..."


"What's a pedophile?"

"Eh! What? Why do you ask?"

"The lady on the radio said one had been sent to prison."

Daddy puts his paper down and looks at you. "You know how they warn you about talking to strange men," he says. You nod. "Well that's because some of them want to do bad things with children and they are called pedophiles."

"What kind of bad things?"

Daddy sighs. "They want to look up little girls skirts and if they get a chance, they would touch you in places that you shouldn't be touched."

"Like my winkle?"

"Yes, some men want to do, err, grownup things with little girls - and boys too. Maybe when you are older you will understand, but I should get to work." Getting to work meant going into the dining room where his computer is. He hasn't even bothered to get dressed and is still in his PJ's.

"You mean pedophiles want to do sex with kids?"

Daddy goes a bit red in the face. "Yes. That's exactly what they want." You can see he is uncomfortable talking about it and decide to get down.

When you get down from the table you drop your spoon and bend down to pick it up. "It's not a good idea to be mooning your Dad," he says with a funny kind of laugh. He had just got sight of your bare bottom and when you turn to face him, you notice that his hand is down the front of his pajamas.

Back in your room, you read a comic for a while and then you get to thinking about what pedophiles might want to touch. Obviously, your winkle and you slip a wet finger down there, wondering what it would be like if it was some man's finger, and that makes the tingle even better. You remember how Daddy looked guilty when you saw him touching his willy and wonder if he is a pedophile.

You get a pair of knickers out of the drawer and put them on. They are last years and a bit small, but it feels kinda nice when you pull them up tight and they cut into your winkle. You pull your pink "DADDY'S GIRL" T-shirt over your head and put a pair of blue shorts on.

You knock on the door and then wait patiently while daddy types something on his computer. He smiles when he sees you standing here with your hairbrush and some bands. He swivels his chair round and you stand between his knees with your back to him while he brushes the tangles out of your long hair before pulling it back in a ponytail and fixing it with the bands.

"Can I go and see Jenny," you ask when he's finished. She lives two doors down and Daddy phones her Mum to check that it's okay. He lets you out of the front door, gives you a kiss and watches you run down the street, giving you a wave when you turn into her front path.