A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/ClothingOptional/Devin

From All The Fallen Stories
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Devin collapsed into bed with an audible "humph". He'd just gotten back from Basketball. His muscles were sore, which normally felt good... but less so after 22-46 loss, the worst he could remember. And there was no obvious reason for it either. They had played the other team before, ending in a close victory. It wasn't like the Screech-Owls had gained an amazing new player or anything. Everybody just seemed to be off their game today. He didn't know what might be going on with his teammates, but he sure knew what was distracting him. His sister.

He regretted ever mentioning nudism to her. It was about two weeks ago when she convinced their parents to let her practice nudism upstairs. That was the big problem right there, "upstairs". It sounded fine initially, mom and dad probably imagined Sally would sleep naked, and then get dressed before joining the family downstairs at breakfast. Then if she really wanted to lounge around naked some more, she could do that in her room, and passing her in the hall going to and from the bathroom should have been about the limit of her exposure to the rest of the family. But there was one big flaw in that theory. All the bedrooms were upstairs, including his. And she was absolutely not shy about dropping in to chat or just hang out.

She always had, but if anything she was doing it even more now, perhaps because she couldn't practice nudism outside and had few options to entertain herself without "compromising". That's the other thing, she was taking nudism really seriously. She'd even started calling people who wear clothes "textiles" on occasion. She got this stuff off the internet of course. That was his fault too. But as insufferable as she could be about it, he just couldn't bring himself to reproach her. His little sister loved him more than anything, it was cute to see her so excited about something, and on top of that, even if she was only 10, she was a pretty naked girl.

That last bit was the key reason for the next item on his list of grievances. He hadn't been able to bring any friends over since this started. No one actually said he couldn't, but how was that going to go with his cute little sister running around naked? Badly for somebody. He hadn't really thought about this in the first week, but by week two he was aware that this was cutting into his social life significantly. And just when he most needed some extra diversion from things he shouldn't be thinking about, too.

He could swear she was flaunting herself and teasing him on purpose sometimes. Maybe his mind was playing tricks on him... he wasn't sure if that was better or worse, but it was hard to explain all her actions as innocent. Jumping in has lap without permission and wiggling her butt. Calling her privates "kitty" and mentioning them unnecessarily. Eating ice cream and dribbling it all over her naked body. That was just yesterday and he didn't remember her being a messy eater before...

With these thoughts on his mind, Devin drifted off into an afternoon nap.

* * *

"It's taco time!"

Wait, that wasn't a taco, it was a pussy.

"Devin, aren't you going to eat it?"

His sister's pussy. He squinted and opened his eyes again. Didn't change the picture. It was still his sister's pussy... sideways, for some reason.

"Aren't you hungry, Devin?"

Definitely his sister's voice...

"Deh-vin! Are coming to dinner or not? Mom made tacos, your favorite.", said Sally.

He came to his senses enough to look up. It really was his sister's pussy, she was standing next to his bed, and way too close.

"Gahhh, no! I'm not hungry.", he said, turning to face the wall. "Tell mom I'm not feeling well."

Sally scurried out of the room. Or at least he assumed so from the sounds, he didn't dare look. Well that's just great. Now I can add "ruining a favorite meal" to my list of complaints, he thought.

He couldn't go on like this.