Tomboy's Folly/June 14th

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Wednesday, June 14th (one day until the trip)

Riley woke up early the next day, feeling excited. They had a little more ground work to do before their plan was finished, and she was off to meet Meg and April at the park. Riley threw the covers off and jumped to her feet, running for the bathroom. She passed her mom in the hall. "You seem to be feeling much better, hon." she said happily. "Yup!~ I gotta take a shower then I'm gonna go meet Meg and the new girls!" she said as she ran by her mother, dashing into the small bathroom and slamming the door.

Riley stripped off her pajamas and jumped into the shower, squeaking as cold water struck her naked flesh. Shivering she turned the temperature down, her teeth chattering. Eventually the water got warm and she relaxed, reaching for the soap. Riley heard the doorbell ring as she scrubbed, but didn't think much of it until a minute later when a knock sounded on the bathroom door. "Who is it?" she called. "It's Meg! Can I come in? I gotta use the bathroom."

Riley rolled her eyes - of course Meg couldn't just wait for her to come over to HER house! "Sure, c'mon in." Riley called, hearing the door open and shut as Meg entered, then the sound of the seat being lowered on the toilet. She scrubbed at her stomach without really looking at what she was doing, for some reason fixating on the sounds Meg made as she walked through the bathroom from the other side of the shower curtain.

Meg went pee and flushed while Riley listened, water continuing to cascade down her small lithe body, her wet bangs matted against her forehead. For some odd reason she felt very strange sitting naked in the shower with just a thin curtain between the two of them... but she couldn't think of why. She almost wished Meg would just come in here so she could see her.

As if she read her thoughts Meg asked. "Uhh... Hey Riley, I was in such a hurry to get over here that I forgot to shower. Mind if I join you?" Riley's heart skipped in her chest at Meg's words, though she had no idea why. "S-Sure, c'mon in." she replied after getting her racing heart under control. She listened intently as Meg locked the door, as Riley never remembered to lock it. Megan undressed slowly, and slipped into the shower behind Riley who was facing toward the faucet.

Riley's heart thudded in her chest again as a hand passed into her view. "Pass the shampoo?" Meg asked softy. Her face flushed, Riley handed Megan a bottle of shampoo over her shoulder, still not turning to look at her. They washed in silence for a while, until Riley couldn't stand it anymore. "H-Hey Meg..." she mumbled. "C-Can I ask you something..?" Now it was Megan's turn to have her heart skip. Was this the moment April has mentioned??

"Eh? What is it, Riley? You know you can always talk to me 'bout anything!~" She swallowed, her mouth somehow dry despite them being in a hot shower. Riley chose her words carefully. "H-Have... Have you ever.. umm... t-touched yourself... between the legs?" she said with a swallow, shrinking her shoulder reflexively as if she expected to be scolded or hit.

Megan's breath caught. "Uhh... Y-Yeah, sometimes. Wh-Why..?" Riley's shoulders unhunched and she turned around to face Megan. Meg couldn't help but stare at her best friend's immature body and the water tracing lines down her tanned and freckled flesh. "D-Did it feel... I 'unno.. g-good when you did it?" she asked. Meg's heart was beating so fast she was starting to worry that Riley would actually hear it. "Y-Yeah, it did. Wh-Why do you wanna know, though?"

Riley blushed and looked at her toes, locking her hands behind her back. "Well, uhh... after you left to get the stuff to bind your chest yesterday.. R-April touched me down there... and it f-felt kinda good." Meg's eyes went wide. So THAT was what April had meant when she said she'd gotten Riley "started"..!

"A-Ahhh... She was probably just.. um... being friendly or something. Megan swallowed, deciding to press her friend. "S-So she touched you l-like this?" Unable to hold back, Meg slid a finger down Riley's hairless slit. Riley jerked away and gasped, and Meg was terrified she'd just made a huge mistake! "R-Riley, I'm s-so sorry! I d-didn't mean anything! Honest!" Riley was panting hard, her hands in front of her vagina. "N-No, it's fine Meg! Don't be mad, you just startled me!"

Riley let her hands drop away from her groin, feeling a flush creep up her neck and cheeks as she noticed Meg staring at her pussy. "C-Can you d-do it again..?" she asked in a timid voice so quiet Meg almost missed it. "R-Really? You sure?" asked the blushing girl, who nodded, hiding behind her bangs. Meg reached out slowly and gently brushed her index finger down Riley's plump preteen slit. Riley shivered, feeling the hairs on the nape of her neck stand on end as a wave of pleasure washed over her.

Megan was prepared for this. That morning after they woke up, April explained to her what lesbians were and how it was nothing to be ashamed of. She'd also taught her a few tricks, and had given her some advice on how to seduce Riley. "You said Riley takes a shower in the morning right? And that you two often bathe together? So go over there when she's taking a shower." April had been grinning the whole time she said this. "Ask if you can go in to go potty first, then afterwards make up some excuse like you forgot to shower at home. If she lets you get into the shower with her, that means you're good to engage!"

Meg removed her finger from Riley's slit, noting that she felt a liquid that wasn't water on her finger tips. "Why'd you s-stop?" Riley wheezed. Megan swallowed, then asked. "C-Come give me a hug?" Riley looked puzzled, but did as she asked and moved up close to Megan, hugging her around the chest. Meg scooted in closer to Riley, feeling her breasts press against Riley's flat chest, and the odd but very pleasurable sensation of her hardened nipples bumping into Riley's equally erect nipples.

Megan remembered what her sister had told her to do next. "After you touch her, have her give you a hug facing towards you and rub your pussy over hers." Megan had started at April confusedly. "Why?" she'd asked. "Just trust me - you'll thank me later!" April had replied with a giggle. Deciding her big sis hadn't steered her wrong yet, Megan moved up closer to Riley.

Riley was uncertain what Meg's plans were, but had no reason to mistrust her best friend. "Wh-What are we doing?" she asked with a nervous giggle. Meg replied in a breathy voice, "I-I want to try something..." She had to lift Riley up a little bit to line them up, she realized. She put her hands on Riley's bottom and pulled her closer to herself. Riley stood on her tiptoes for Meg and let her move her body around, enjoying feeling Megan's hands on her butt. "What are we going to..." she started, then gasped as their hairless slits touched. A wave of pleasure went up Riley's spine as Meg rubbed her slit over Riley's, moving up and down very slowly.

Riley's knees wobbled as her best friend ground their cunnies together, feeling her fingers digging into her bum. Riley panted harder, her grip around Megan's back tightening. They both lost themselves in the moment... At one point Megan grabbed one of Riley's legs and bent it up, using her grip on it to smash their groins together harder. Riley felt a feeling she'd never felt before begin to well up inside her as her best friend held her tight in her arms.

Feeling like she was going to pop, Riley's eyes boggled as in one of the deepest thrusts, her little bean rubbed against Megan's. Riley cried out and came for the first time in her life, her butt twitching in Meg's grip. Seeing the lewd expression on her friend's face pushed Megan over the edge, too, and she came just as hard. Their combined juices spilled out from between their mashed together groins and fell in droplets down their legs and to the shower floor, washing away down the drain with the water.

They both panted, holding each other in a tight hug in the shower for quite some time. Eventually Riley worked up the courage to say something. "Th-That... f-felt a-amazing..!" she mumbled with a contented sigh. "Wh... What was that??" Megan panted, catching her breath. "U-Um... April s-said it was called an.. or-gaz-sum? D-Did it feel nice..?" Riley nodded into her friend's chest, her body still trembling slightly. "A-Ah... Okay... Um... W-We sh-should... wash again." she mumbled. Megan giggled and nodded, and they washed each other's bodies with soap.

Finished, they got out of the shower together and got dressed, helping to do each other's hair. Giggling together, they left the bathroom. Riley's dad looked up and saw them leave together. "Aren't you girls getting a little too old to bathe together?" he asked with a frown. "Oh, leave them alone, dear." came Riley's mom's voice from the kitchen. "I think it's cute that they do everything together!~"

Riley turned to Meg and they both smirked. "We're going now mom, I'll be back before dinner!" Riley said as they rushed towards the front door. "You'd better be!" her mom called after them as they put on their shoes and left the house.


Riley and Meg rode their bikes to the park on their way to meet April. "Race you!" Riley said with a whoop when they got close and sped up. Meg sped up quickly to try and catch up to her friend, but Riley got their first. "Ah, no fair! You got a head start!" Meg complained. Riley stuck out her tongue. "Nah, you're just a sore loser!~"

They parked their bikes and chained them up by the parking lot. It was only a few miles from their houses to the park, and both girls were fit enough to do much, much longer bike rides without tiring. "Where did April say to meet again?" Riley asked Meg as they scanned the busy park. "Uh, she said over by the bathrooms I think." Riley nodded. "Okay, c'mon then!~" They took off through the park, waving to the people they knew along the way.

Approaching the bathrooms, Meg spotted April by one of the benches and pointed her out to Riley. She wasn't sitting there alone - Meg and April's brother, Thomas, was there with her. The two girls joined them on the bench, sitting down to the left of April, while Thomas sat with his head bowed on April's right.

"I got Thomas to agree last night." Meg said. Thomas directed a glare her way, but said nothing else to his sister. He was 12 years old, barely a year older than Megan and a lot shyer than his more outgoing little sister. Unlike his sisters he had blond hair cropped just under his earlobes and striking green eyes. "Here, Riley..." Thomas dug in his backpack, and brought out a boy scout uniform, tossing it to Riley. "I hope it fits... it's my old one from last year." Riley took the uniform and shook it out. It looked to be about the right size.

April nudged her. "Why don't you go try it on? She said, pointing to the bathroom." Riley nodded and took the uniform into the bathroom. After the door closed, April nudged Thomas. "Give us girls some privacy for a bit, would ya?" Thomas got to his feet. "Whatever... I'll tell the scoutmaster what you said. Now I'm going to play with my friends..." He shouldered his backpack and ran over to a group of boys around his age playing with a ball nearby.

April watched him go, then slung an arm around Meg's shoulders. "So... how'd it go with Riley?" she whispered. "Did you two do it?~" Meg blushed and hid under her bangs, tapping her fingers together. "Uh-huh..." she said shyly. April let out a whoop and pat her on the back a bit too hard. "Oww... calm down..." she complained. April was too excited to care. "Tell me everything!" she said, and squeezed Meg for all the juicy details of her deeds while Riley changed.

When Riley emerged from the park bathroom wearing the scout uniform, the first thing she noticed was that Meg's face was beet red. Her eyes flicked from Meg to April.. then she gave an internal shrug. She'd ask Megan what April did to make her blush like that later.

"H-How do I look?" she asked the two girls, putting the hat on as a finishing touch. April got off the bench and scrutinized Riley, who fidgeted nervously. "I would put your hair up." she said finally. Riley nodded and stuffed most of her shoulder length hair up inside the hat. "What about now?" she asked. April was already nodding. "Perfect... you look just like any other boy your age." she said with approval. "You're lucky with your name - you won't have to remember a fake one. You can use your own name - Riley. Nice."

"U-Um... thanks?" Riley said shyly, unsure how to respond to that. "So you think I can pull it off then?" April nodded rapidly. "Oh most definitely. You look so much like a boy they'd have to see your pussy to be able to tell." Riley flushed. "D-Don't just say that out loud in public!" April chuckled. "There's nobody in earshot... don't be so shy about your sexuality. Besides, you look so cute when you're flustered like that!~" she teased.

Riley scowled at April who only chuckled. "You look so cute when you scowl, too, you know!~" Riley stuck out her tongue at April, who was full on guffawing at this point. She finally caught her breath. "Well it definitely works and fits you very well!" April was still teasing Riley when Thomas rejoined them. "My scout leader's actually here in the park right now. He said he wants to meet you first before he makes a decision on whether or not you can come with us."

"Oh good, this is perfect timing. Riley, time to go say hello to the nice man. Remember: you're a boy now! But beyond that, just be yourself and you'll fit in just fine, trust me!~" April gave Riley a small shove towards Thomas. "C'mon, I'll introduce you." He told the girl. "Here's the plan: you're my cousin staying with us from out of town for the summer." Riley nodded and walked off with Thomas.

Once she was gone April nudged Meg. "She looked really cute in that scout uniform didn't she?" Meg only nodded, blushing. "Mmm-hmm..." April gave her a hug. "Awww, you're so precious. You two make the most adorable little couple, you know!~" Meg blushed deeper. "Stoooooop it April, you're embarrassing me!"


Riley steeled herself before approaching the boy scout troop master with Thomas. "Hey, scout master Brad!" Thomas called. "I brought.. him. This is my cousin, Riley." Riley walked up to the man and extended her hand. "Nice to meet you, sir." she said politely. Scout Master Brad took her hand and shook it.

"Nice meet you, too, young Riley. Thomas was just telling me about you. I have no objections bringing you along as long as you can keep up." he said with a friendly smile. "But I am going to need some proof. A troop is only as strong as its weakest unit, after all." Riley squared her shoulders determinedly. "Of course! Just tell me what I need to do! I really wanna go on this trip!" Brad chucked. "Now that's what I like to hear! First, a simple endurance test. Run to the trash cans over there..." He pointed across a rather large field at them. "...and back. You've got 60 seconds - go!"

Riley took off at a full sprint across the field, easily crossing it and back in under 30 seconds. Brad looked at his stopwatch as Riley dashed back to them. "Not bad... not bad at all." He noted that the 'boy' wasn't even breathing that hard. "So you've got the endurance, now let's check your strength." he paused, thinking. "Can you carry me over to the water fountain?" Riley blinked. He was an adult, but a pretty wise and lean one. She sized him up, considering. "I think so." she said.

The scoutmaster lay down on his back on the grass. "Let's pretend this is a life or death situation. There was a fire, and I'm unconscious. Carry my to safety." Riley realized what he was really doing was testing her skill knowledge. She gathered him up and slung the man over her back in a fireman's carry, stumbling slightly under his weight. Nevertheless, she carried him carefully over to the water fountain and set him down gently.

"Very, very good. I see your scoutmaster back at home taught you the fireman's carry." he said, getting to his feet. "Very well - I'm convinced. You can tag along with us. Welcome temporarily to boy scout troop 64, Riley!" Riley shook his extended hand eagerly. "Y-You won't regret it, sir. I'll do my best!~" she said with a whoop. "We're all meeting her in this park tomorrow at dawn. Don't be late!" Riley thanked him again, running away with a whoop of exhilaration.

She ran back to the benches by the bathroom. "Well, how'd it go?" Meg asked curiously. "I'm in!" Riley exclaimed, spinning around in excitement. "We leave tomorrow at dawn!~"

June 15th