Hot Summer Job/Ask Bree why she's acting weird

From All The Fallen Stories
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"Okay, you have to spill. Why are you acting so weird?"

"But... why are you in my room?" she asks, likely certain that you've been snooping. But you get your back up and cross your arms, taking a stand.

"Because something's wrong but you won't say what. So I'm not leaving until you talk to me."

Bree frowns, looking down at the floor, her wet hair dangling in thick strands beside her face. "Nothing's wrong..."

"Yeah, as if. Listen, Carrie, er... Mrs. Callahan got all angry and whatever about your sleepover, after finding you and the other girls... how we did. But I didn't make a big deal about it. I think I've been really cool about the whole thing actually. But maybe I've been avoiding dealing with it and you're acting way too weird, so now we gotta clear the air. What happened?"

Bree shifts from side to side, unsure how to answer before taking a page out of Kylie's book with a whiny, "Nothing."

"Okay. You don't have to explain anything if you don't want to. I'll just ask some questions. Fair?" You take Bree's silence as a yes. "Cool. Let's see... You were pretty tired this morning. You stayed up until when? Morning? Like 4AM? 5AM?"

Bree shrugs. "I dunno."

"Alright. I'm in the ballpark I think. Did Larissa really draw on herself?"

"Of course not." A real answer at least. That's progress.

"Did Kylie... bring other people over last night?"


"Did she hurt you?"

Bree shifts again, answering with less confidence. "No..."

"Okay... Well I wasn't going to ask about that bottle over there, bu-"

"Where did you go?" interrupts Bree, looking up at you.


"Last night. I thought you were home with us but then I... we found out you left. You didn't even say anything. Where were you?"

"It's not a big deal. I went to see..." It's super weird admitting this out loud, and you contemplate lying so that you don't have to explain it, but you hope that by being honest maybe she will be too. "Carol. Carrie... Mrs. Callahan."


You shrug, trying to play it off like it should be obvious, boring even, but your body language alone has you projecting your pride, practically boasting about it. "Y'know. For sex."

"Oh..." Bree blinks, processing that. "For that long?"

"Yeah!" you reply with a chuckle, still amazed it happened, then clear your throat. "Uh, yeah. We did it a lot. I mean, I didn't mean to," you continue, not wanting to give Bree too much nitty-gritty info. She is only 10 after all, buttplug or no, so this conversation feels as natural as sharing with your mom. "That is I meant to have sex, I just... we started, uh... stuff, and then we did other stuff and, well, I dunno exactly. We did it a lot! I just woke up this morning in Kylie's bed when Carrie was..." You stop short of providing further details, your own excitement over what happened nearly causing you to overshare. Part of you really wants to tell her all those details, to tell anyone, but this doesn't feel like the time.

"You could have said something," Bree notes with another frown. "It was kinda scary when you were just... gone like that."

"Yeah, sorry. But the girls were here," you argue. "It's not like you were alone."

Bree pauses. "Kylie got bossy."

"Isn't she always?" you joke, then let your sister speak.

"She brought all of these... toys," she explains, gesturing to the bag.

You give her a chance to continue but she seems embarrassed. "Toys?"

"You know," she says with a nod, referring to your overnight stay with Carrie. "Sex stuff."

"Hey, I may have lost my virginity - and it was awesome - but I haven't done much with toys."

"Okay... well Kylie has. And she wanted to do lots with them. She kept double daring us," she clarifies, like that made this a bigger deal. "And she said if someone doesn't do a dare we had to swallow... vodka," she whispers, as if mom was around the corner.

"So did you drink, or..."

Bree nods with a wince. "It makes your throat hurt. Rissa didn't want to swallow so Kylie pushed her into doing other things."

"Other things?"

"Yeah, like... well we took her for a walk... like, a dog walk."


"Because she had to go pee, and dogs don't go indoors."

"You walked her like a dog?" you ask incredulously.

"She agreed to it!" says Bree, defending herself. "Later she even said she'd be our slave. Because she didn't drink."

That explains Larissa turning into a billboard. "I get it. So you and Kylie ganged up on Larissa all night?"

"No! I had to do stuff too!" she notes with a pout, asking for pity.


"Well, like... butt stuff," she whispers again.

"What stuff?"

Bree drops her head a little in shame, struggling to share. "I... I have to wear a... a plug now."

"Like a butt plug?" you ask, knowing full well already. "You have to? Why?"

"Because I... She..." Bree stammers her way forward until the dam bursts. "The girls tried a toy on me and it was weird and scary and I called out for you but you weren't home and Kylie made fun of me for yelling that, calling your name, and I told her that wasn't it, that she couldn't even make me if she tried. So she... She said that if she could make me that she'd "own my ass" and... and now... she put this here."

Bree turns around, bending forward as she lifts the bottom of her towel before gently pulling her ass apart, showing you the jewel stuck inside her with her bare pussy lips just below it as if she were letting you inspect a bruise. Her shower has also done little to wash off the sharpie on her cheeks. You can already feel your dick fighting to get out of your pants.

You openly stare at your sister's spread ass as you reply. "Umm... that's... sorry I wasn't here. I didn't mean to scare you by leaving," Bree looks back over her shoulder at this, like she was waiting for an apology the whole day. You try to smile supportively but it probably just looks like you're smiling at her butt. "Does it hurt?"

"It feels really weird," she whines, bringing a finger to the jewel to poke it. "But it doesn't hurt."

It occurs to you at that moment that she's really been wearing this the whole day. She had it in while passed out in the living room and while eating dinner and when you walked with her for ice cream. Kylie made your little sister cum and then plugged her ass like a grade school whore. Did she onlyt make her cum, or did she make her scream your name? What else did she do to her?

"So... you don't want to take it out?"

"I can't!" exclaims Bree. "It was a double dare! And she said I wasn't allowed. I mean, I did when I was in the shower, just to wash, but she said I could in the bathroom because... yeah."

You nod. "It's okay, I get it."

Bree turns around to face you again, her ears and cheeks a soft crimson. "But that's why I wanted to go see Kylie. To get her to take it out. It's hard to wear pants with it in and I keep having to sit funny and when I do things I can feel it... move," she adds, covering her face, even more embarrassed.

You've got her talking now, so that's good. She still takes dares way too seriously, but maybe you could help your sister out with that.