Sexy Fun Times/Five/Girl/Breakfast/Car/Cock/Okay/More/Naked

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< Sexy Fun Times‎ | Five/Girl‎ | Breakfast/Car‎ | Cock‎ | Okay‎ | More
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Your shorts and knickers are tangled up with your sandals, so you kick them off. The man reaches over, picks everything up and puts it all on the shelf between the seats. "Kneel up on the seat," he says.

You climb up with your knees on the soft cushion and lean forward, holding onto the back. He had tilted it right back, so your bare bottom is sticking up. The car rocks as he climbs over to your side and you feel his warm hands on your bum cheeks. You shut your eyes and let him do whatever he wants.

He slips a hand down between your legs, forcing them apart and then slides it hack up until he is touching your winkle - "He called it a kitty which sounds kinda cute" you think. He takes his hand away for a moment and when he puts it back, it feels wet. He turns his wrist so that there is a finger pressing hard against your kitty and then you feel what must be his thumb pressing on your bum-hole.

You try to jerk away, but he has a firm hold. You open your eyes and look round. He is standing behind you, sort of crouched over and he has his stiff cock in his free hand. "Just relax and it won't hurt," he says. "I've got some special cream that will make you feel real good." The car rocks again as he moves and he takes his thumb away from where it was pressing into your bottom.

Then you feel something else pressing there and it's a few moments before you realise that it is his cock. "Relax," he says and his voice sound hoarse. He has a hand on each bum-cheek now, spreading them apart as he pushed his cock against the entrance of your poo hole. Your instinct is to clench up to keep it out, but something in your head says "let it in" so you try to relax.

It's much the same as when you do a big poo. It stings at first, then you feel it stretch open and then a weird kind of full feeling as his cock slides into your poo hole.