Hang Her High

From All The Fallen Stories
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You wake up in a small fairly non descript room, not sure where you are or how you got here. As you blink your eyes and your vision begins to sharpen you see a stool and a small table next to it. Rising slowly to a sitting position, you look around a little more, but you can't really see much from the floor. Slowly you rise to your feet and once you can see the top of the table you notice several lengths of a white cotton rope. Intrigued you move to the table and pick one up, noting how soft it is.

More intrigued by what else may be in the room you turn slowly, taking in the lack of furnishings and any real decorations. The walls are white, the floor covered in a soft cream colored carpet. You finish turning around and you are surprised by what you see. The sight is both intriguing and a little scary.

A long piece of rope is anchored to the back wall. From the anchor point it travels up the ceiling, through a pulley and then ends in a Hangman's Noose. Under the noose is a chair.

You begin to wonder about the noose and what it might be for. You begin to wonder why you are here and what may be in store for you. Something pulls at your mind and you look back to the anchor and see something even more puzzling, near the anchor is an AED in a storage case mounted to the wall. If someone was going to kill you, then why the AED?

Before your imagination can get carried away you hear a door open behind you. You turn quickly to see a gorgeous young woman walk in through a doorway you hadn't noticed before. As soon as she's through the door quickly closes behind her and you hear a click as it latches. The door is part of the wall, only a very small line can be seen indicating that it isn't just a wall. Your eyes return to the woman, her eyes on you searching and measuring you.