
From All The Fallen Stories
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Since the Calamity you drive to Scotland every year for the Summer. Global warming is gradually retreating with everything that happened but Summer is still too hot for you in the South, so you pack up the camper and head for the hills. This year, you had decided to explore the West coast where it was easy to find a secluded place to park up and run free.

It was on the way back that, in need of a dump and a leg stretch, and reluctant to use the on-board facilities, you stopped at what looked like a nice pub. After a couple of sips of your pint you followed directions to the toilets. They were pretty disgusting but you had some wet wipes for the seat and the writing on the walls gave you something to look at while you did your business. apparently Kirsty has a cunt the size of The Caledonian Canal and Angus has a very small cock.

You left the remains of your beer and it was when you were walking back to the camper that you saw the woman trying the door. You were right behind her before she noticed you, but she seemed unfazed at being caught red handed. She was thin and unkempt - one of the thousands of displaced people who lost everything in the Calamity and have little or no hope of regaining a life.

You automatically reach into your pocket and produce a few notes. You see the track marks on her arm as she takes them. Then that you spot the children - two dirty faces peering round from the back of the camper. She beckons them over and they reluctantly come forward. They are both scrawny to the point of emaciation and very dirty. They have scabs on their knees and elbows and what look like flea bites on their arms.

"You like kids," she asks. You turn and look at her. "They are grubby but the don't got any disease," she says, and you realise that she is offering them to you for sex. Your first thought is to say "No Thanks" and leave, but as they stand there with their eyes wide and something makes you hesitate. "Is it possible?"

"An hour. Fifty with either one, or both for seventy-five," she says as she sees you hesitate.

"How much to keep them," you ask, wondering if you are making a huge mistake.

She looks nonplussed. "Keep?"

"Yes, Do they have documents?"

She nods thoughtfully. "You mean like... Adopt?" A greedy look comes in her eyes. They are probably a liability anyway. "A thousand... Each," she says.

"Show me their papers."

Telling them to stay put, she runs over to a derelict car on the other side of the car park and soon returns with a battered briefcase. You open it and look inside. You see two folders and the top document in each is a genuine-looking birth certificate. Joshua Stone, Mother, Audrey Stone, Father unknown. The date of birth made him about six and a half. His sister, Samantha was nearly five. Also in the bag is a battered teddy bear and a rag doll.

"Two thousand," you say and she nods. You turn to the children. "Would you like to come with me," you ask. They both nod, seemingly unconcerned at leaving their mother, if that's who she really was.

Half an hour later, with the children sitting on the floor out of sight, you glide smoothly out of the car park and set off back the way you came. If anyone is interested, you don't want them following, but the road is pretty deserted. After half an hour, you turn off into a side road and then into a field where you press the button to lower the legs which level the camper and lift the wheels off the ground. You pull out the awning and set up the barbecue while the two kids watch.

While the charcoal is heating up, you run some warm water into a couple of bowls. "Time for a wash," you say. Sam goes to dip her hands in the water. "Not just hands, all of you. You hand them a flannel and a bar of soap each. I'll find you something to wear until I can get you some proper clothes. They look at you aghast. "Yes, you have to strip off and do your best to wash at least the top layer of grime from your scrawny little bodies.

You root around in a locker and dig out a couple of old T-shirts. Grateful Dead and Jimi Hendrix. When you get back outside, they are down to their underwear and halfheartedly rubbing at the easy to get at places with the soapy flannels. You unfold a chair and sit down. "You first," you say to Josh. "Sam, there's a bin bag over there, gather up your clothes and put them in it."

You start with the hair and quickly decide that it will have to go, so you fetch some clippers from the van and set to work. Josh's dark hair is soon on the grass, looking much like a birds nest. He runs his hands over his fuzzy head and Sam giggles. You throw the dirty water away and refill the bowl. "Let's have those pants off," you say. His cock looks pretty big to you but then you have little experience with kids. He makes no objection when you pull the foreskin back to give it a good wash, nor does he mind your hands on his ass.

Sam kneels down for a haircut without being asked and her fair hair joins her brother's. She also whips off her panties and puts them in the bag with the other clothes. The scabs on her knees and elbows are superficial and you carefully clean her up as much as you can. Her pussy looks sore and she winces when you wash between her legs, but she says nothing. When you finish, instead of drying herself on the towel she runs off in the grass to let the sun do it. Josh promptly follows suit and you turn to your cooking.

The bread is a couple of days old, but the burgers and the squares of Scotch sausage meat are fresh from the fridge and even made with mostly real meat. You look over at the kids and add extra to the feast. You keep them naked while they eat, knowing that a good deal of grease and tomato sauce will not make it into their mouths and when they have eaten their fill, you ask them to tell you about themselves.

After a resounding burp, Josh tells you pretty much what what you had expected. Their father buggered off not long after Sam was born and their mother had taken up with a band of thieves. Small children are useful for posting through windows and they were lucky to survive shotguns and dogs at some of the the places. Their mother failed to stop one of the men from abusing them and soon realised that she could use them as a source of income. When the gang leader was arrested she went off on her own. Hooked on drugs, she needed money and there were always men who were willing to pay for sex with the kids.

She was actually intending to go to Glasgow to sell the children to some lawyer who arranged 'adoptions', but her ancient car had broken down and she had been stuck at the pub for a week before you turned up and took them off her hands. You wondered how long she would last with all that money in her pocket.

You cleaned them up again and gave them the T-shirts. Josh got the Grateful Dead and Sam laughed to see him in what looked like a dress. You tidied up and then settled down with a bottle of beer and a pipe. "Are you gonna fuck us," Josh asked. They had been whispering behind the van and it seemed he got elected spokesman.

You look them up and down, Even cleaned up, they were not all that attractive. Only the eyes had that promise of... Something. "Not if you don't want me to," you say.