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The varselavesh are an amphibious, hermaphroditic race of green skinned humanoids. Their native planet of Kreshnakel has higher gravity than Earth's at 2.165G, a much thicker nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere at 4.672 atm, and an average temperature comparable to that of Earth. Due to these factors they are extremely strong physically compared to humanity, but have a great deal of difficulty breathing in Earth's atmosphere without mechanical aid (similar to the effects of high altitudes on humans if discounting temperature effects).




Varselavesh are surprisingly human in appearance. They have two arms and two legs with five digits on their hands and feet, just like humans. They walk with a upright, bipedal, plantigrade gait like humans. They have a single opposable thumb on their hands, and possess fingernails and toenails, like humans. They have two eyes and a mouth like humans, but possess no nose or ears; instead having a pair of antennae that are sensitive to vibrations and chemicals, thus acting as a replacement for both missing sense organs. Their eyes have no visible pupil or iris, instead appearing to be solid green. They all have breasts, which lactate and produce milk like human women. They are completely hairless, and possess supple green skin marked with spots.

Genders & Reproduction

Varselavesh reproduce sexually, and have a single, hermaphroditic gender. The varselavesh penis is normally retracted into the body, but extends from the body when they are sexually aroused. Varselavesh sex is very similar to human sex. They have similar sensations and enjoy orgasms just like humans do. The fertility cycle of the varselavesh lasts about three months, and is very similar to human cycles. The renewal of the womb is a bit less messy with the varselavesh, as it is biologically designed to detach its inner lining intact, which is then passed bloodlessly from their vagina in a single act as opposed to in pieces over a period of days.

Varselavesh pregnancies last much longer than humans. Varselavesh are pregnant for approximately 38 earth months (just over three years), but their offspring are born much more fully developed. They have fully developed senses on birth and are usually walking in a matter of minutes. Children feed from their mother's milk for about a year after they are born, then transition to solid food.


Varselavesh suffer from aging like most organic species, however like most of the species in the Galactic Federation, they can suppress and correct the effects of aging indefinitely, making them virtually immortal. Varselavesh reach adulthood after about twenty-five Earth years. Without anti-aging medication they begin showing signs of old age at about eighty-two years old, and can live as long as two hundred years.


Varselavesh are omnivores. Varselavesh biology is highly comparable to the organisms on earth. They have no difficulty consuming terrestrial food, and can easily derive all necessary dietary requirements from it.


  • Visual: Varselavesh eyes are not very similar to those of humans. Their entire eye is always collecting light, instead of having a contracting pupil, individual receptor cells turn on or off depending on light level. Varselavesh have a broader range of visual input than humans, seeing colors in the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum that they could not possibly describe to humans. They have exceptional vision at night and under water. They possess a nictitating membrane to protect their eyes in adverse conditions, which is reflexive and cannot normally be triggered consciously.
  • Auditory: Varselavesh antennae receive atmospheric vibrations and direct the information to their brains, thereby allowing them to hear. The varselavesh have a similar range of auditory capacity of humans, but do not lose any range as they age the way humans do.
  • Chemical: Varselavesh antennae are also chemically sensitive providing a sense of "smell" for the species. The antennae are highly attuned, giving varselavesh a much more discerning sense of smell than humans. Varselavesh also have tongues which act in a similar manner to those of humans, but due to their antennae not interacting with their tongues, the way that the human nose interacts with their tongue, they have a decreased sense of taste when compared to humans.
  • Tactile: The skin of a varselaveshi is comparable to a human's for level of sensitivity to pressure and temperature. They do not have an advantage or disadvantage compared to humans.

Other Considerations

Varselavesh have a very easy time making themselves appear human due to the racial similarities. They are one of the few races that can do so easily.

Government & Culture


Varselavesh have a technocracy. The society is governed by scientists, engineers, and technologists on the basis of scientific and technical knowledge. Participation in government is determined through the education system. Upon achieving a particular level of education a varselaveshi is expected to start weighing in on the issues that face the species. A varselaveshi can only vote on matters that they have direct expertise in. All varselaveshi have the same potential to rule within the society, and only those who know what they are talking about are allowed to express and opinion on a problem.


The varselavesh economy is a nationalist meritocratic socialist-capitalism. All of the resources of the varselavesh are considered property of the state. The vital needs of all varselavesh (food, shelter, medical care, and education) are the responsibility of the state. Any surplus beyond this is divided among the population based on merit. The more one contributes to varselavesh society, the more one receives in return. This process takes the form of credits, which are exchanged for goods and services, providing a capitalist sub-economy.


The varselavesh culture is based predominantly on knowledge, reason, and critical thinking. While emotion does play a role in their society, they are not ruled by it. Varselavesh have very few cultural taboos, and those that they do are perfectly logical (such as taboos against murder or incest due to logical reasons to avoid such). Illogical taboos, such as nudity taboos, superstition and sexual taboos do not exist in varselavesh society. They also do not put such a heavy emphasis on the act of sex that humans do. Young varselavesh are allowed to explore their sexuality whenever they start becoming interested. Varselavesh have no organized religion, and while there are both those who believe that a deity or deities may exist and those that do not, no one pretends to know for certain that there is or is not a creator of the universe; or even if the question can ever be answered.

Invasion Goals and Processes

Interbreeding Process

The process for interspecies mating with humans is rather simple for the Varselavesh. They have an implant that contains nanites which adapts their sperm and eggs, and those of their human partner, to be receptive to the other species DNA, creating a viable hybrid. While this is designed for use with sentient species, it will actually function for any species that reproduces sexually.

Political Goals

The political goal of the varselavesh invasion is to form a world government on Earth, leading it in the direction of a meritocratic technocracy with a nationalist socialist-capitalist economy.

Cultural Goals

The cultural goal of the varselavesh invasion is to put humanity on the path to the elimination of superstition while encouraging reason, logic and critical thinking.

Technical Goals

Invasion Stages

Stage One

Stage Two

Stage Three