Pedo Romp/Small/2yo Alice

From All The Fallen Stories
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It's your first time with Alice. Her parents are a young couple in their early twenties and Dad has a Friday evening gig as a DJ in a local pub. It must pay reasonably well since they can afford to pay you so that they can both go. Alice's mother will be back early though so you only have a couple of hours to introduce her to your brand of fun.

Alice is a pretty girl with blond curls and big blue eyes, although she is slightly on the chubby side. She gets a kiss and a cuddle from both parents and Mum puts her to bed in her cot. You get all the usual instructions about emergency contacts and where things are and they are finally gone.

Alice's room is not pink, for which you are grateful. She is wearing a one-piece sleep suit and a nappy with velcro tabs and she is still wide awake when you, confident that her parents are gone, go in to play with her. You drop the side of the cot and lift her out on to the floor. She happily toddles after you, back into the sitting room.

You start with a tickling game on the floor. "This little piggy went to market..." At the end "And this little piggy went wee wee wee all the way home," your fingers trace up her chubby leg and under her nappy, which she finds hilarious.

"Let's take this off shall we," you say, tugging on the tabs to free the nappy. As soon as you open it up, her hand goes straight down between her legs. "Oh Ho," you say. Does that make you feel good?"
