
From All The Fallen Stories
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You take a deep breath of the oxygen-rich air as you look out of the door of your ship. You have landed in the corner of a neglected field and if the nav is correct you should be in early 20th century England - somewhere in the South of the country.

The yellow sun is well over to the West, so it must be afternoon and you know that it will be light for quite a while yet at this time of year. The temperature is pleasantly warm as you stretch your new body. You are an amorphous vaguely human shape at this stage.

Looking around, you see that your ship is apparently a rusty old shipping container. A good disguise as they are pretty ubiquitous and get repurposed for all kinds of things, a lot better than the old phone box you could have used. This one looks abandoned, tucked into some bushes.

You review the mission parameters:

Examine the sexual mores of the local population with special reference to sex with children, it says. To this end you are provided with a fully adjustable construct, capable of simulating human bodies of either sex and any age. There's also the usual EULA for the software and hardware, which you accept without reading the 96 closely written pages of legalese.

The ship is fully supplied with suitable contemporary clothes etc, but your trainer suggested that you start as a baby with nothing but a blanket, on the grounds that babies are nearly always welcomed. You also have a supply of recorders. These are housefly-sized fully autonomous cameras that will automatically lock on to anything of interest. They work in pairs to get 3D and can operate for six hours before returning to base.

So. The first thing to decide is gender. Although you are aware of other alternatives, you have decided to stick with male and female:

Are you: