Sexy Fun Times/Five/Girl/Breakfast/Jenny/Garden/Home/Show/Mummy/Bedroom

From All The Fallen Stories
< Sexy Fun Times‎ | Five/Girl‎ | Breakfast/Jenny‎ | Garden‎ | Home‎ | Show‎ | Mummy
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"When I came home, the last thing I expected to see was my husband wanking over our beautiful five year old daughter in the bath," Mummy says, sitting down on their bed.

There is a stool in front of the dressing table and Daddy sits on that. They are both dressed, but you only have a towel to cover yourself. You look from one to the other and it's hard to see how this will turn out. Mummy and Daddy never fight. The kids at school sometimes talk about how their parents have terrible rows with slamming doors and things being thrown, but you could never join in.

"It was the thought that some old pedo would have her before me," Dad says. You look at him, shocked. "What does he mean? Has he been wanting you all these years?"

"We said we'd wait until she is older," Mum says.

"Jenny and her mum are coming over this evening. Should we wait, or do you think she's ready now," Mummy says.

"Do I get a say," you interrupt.

  • [[Sexy Fun Times/Five/Girl/Breakfast/Jenny/Garden/Home/Show/Mummy/Bedroom/xxx|xxx]