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  • FULL NAME : Nina Champelovier
  • AGE : 10
  • SEX : Female
  • RACE : Wood Elf
  • HEIGHT : 139cm
  • WEIGHT : 30kg
  • HOMETOWN : Daggerfall, High Rock
  • BIRTHDAY : Last Seed, 30th
  • BACKSTORY : Nina was born as a daughter of an unwed Bosmer woman in the service to Lord Champelovier, a rich land and estate owner living in the northern outskirts of Daggerfall. Her mother was a poor servant struggling to make ends meet, which is why Nina also started working at a very young age in the Lord's manor. In her spare time, she's a curious and playful kid who is well-liked by the other kids on the streets and quick to make friends with new people she meets. Despite her highly girly appearance, she had a bit of a reputation as a tomboy due to her hobbies and energetic personality, which included play-fighting with wooden swords, being highly competitive and successful, even in duels against boys. One day she learned by an accident that his father was none other than the Lord of the estate himself, but discovering this secret didn't go without consequences. Lord Champelovier was furious at Nina finding out about this, and fearful that it would bring shame to his name and legacy, something which he was very proud of despite his secretly lascivious and sinful lifestyle. Even though Nina didn't like her lewd and inappropriate Lord, she had no desire to go against him, mostly out of fear, but at the same time, she wasn't too keen on facing whatever punishment his Lord had stored for her. He tried to assault her, but she was able to escape and run away from home. Faced with the dense forests of Glenumbra, she ran without aim, thinking that any place would be better than where she ran away from. There, her life was changed unexpectedly, as she got kidnapped by a stranger.
  • SEXUAL EXPERIENCE : At the start of the story, Nina is young and naïve, still largely unaware of her own sexuality. She's curious about the subject but too shy to even think about trying anything, even lacking the experience of self-pleasure. Her curiosity only manages to take better of her when she's eventually pushed and guided to action.
  • COMBAT SKILLS : Nina's choice of weaponry is a long-sword, with a bow being her secondary weapon. Due to her small stature, she's incapable of handling large and heavy weapons, which is why a simple long-sword usually takes the role of a two-handed weapon for her. Shields are too heavy for her. She's also unusually hardy and strong for her size, age, and gender, with an uncanny strength to assist her on the battlefield. She's got an innate talent for some schools of magic and knows how to cast a few simple spells, but the only school she's seriously invested in is Restoration. Whether it's wards, healing, or smiting the undead, she's quite good at it.
  • OTHER SKILLS : Crafts don't suit Nina, but she knows her household duties like cooking very well and could easily survive in the wild with her knowledge of plants and survival tricks she has up her sleeve. She's also relatively charismatic and a nimble talker.
  • APPAREL : She relies a lot on plate armor for extra defenses, but the metal she wears must be light or medium weight due to her being unable to fight well in heavy armor. Outside combat, she really likes to dress in traditionally modest and girly clothing like dresses and long skirts.
  • RELIGIOUS VIEWS : Having grown in High Rock, her religious views are heavily influenced by the Imperial pantheon, with Mara being a goddess she respects the most. She generally distrusts Daedra but doesn't see them all as necessarily bad.
  • POLITICAL VIEWS : Nina could generally be considered a law-abiding citizen who doesn't think it's okay to assault people who have nothing wrong or steal, but she's corruptible and easy to influence. Still, she is by no means a pacifist either, as she believes that the strong arm of law sometimes deems it necessary for some to die. In general, she respects authority and has a strong sense of justice.

  • FULL NAME : "Tim" Timlengar
  • AGE : 17
  • SEX : Male
  • RACE : Wood Elf
  • HEIGHT : 162cm
  • WEIGHT : 62kg
  • BIRTHPLACE : Greenshade, Valenwood
  • BIRTHDAY : First Seed, 5th
  • BACKSTORY : Tim doesn't like to talk about his past, but he grew up in a small village, from where he was driven out when he was young.
  • SEXUAL EXPERIENCE : Tim is exclusively heterosexual. Despite being quiet and awkward around the opposite, he is no stranger to sex. He loves being in control, and he enjoys dominating women. He has no age or race preferences; to him, a pussy is always a pussy.
  • COMBAT SKILLS : He's good with a spear and great with a bow. He is agile, nimble, and an excellent sneak. His ace in the sleeve, however, is Lycanthropy. He's a proud werewolf but can't rely on this ability too often due to the nature of this "curse".
  • OTHER SKILLS : Tim's greatest skills are with his survival abilities. He knows all about nature and wildlife, and knows well how to use it to his advantage. Poisons don't suit him, but he knows how to prepare just about any kind of food in the wild. He's also great at building traps and crafting in general.
  • APPAREL : Tim only wears leather.
  • RELIGIOUS VIEWS : Even though as a Bosmer he feels a connection to Y'ffre and Auri-El, there is no single god Timlengar venerates more than Hircine, thanks to him being "blessed" by his gift. He is a highly spiritual person and follows the most literal interpretation of the Green Pact, refusing to consume, create or even use plant-based products. Even stepping inside a building made out of wood feels like too extreme a step for him. On the flip side, he believes that not a single part of a slain animal can be allowed to go to waste, which serves him very well as a werewolf who can feast on even raw meat and bone.
  • POLITICAL VIEWS : Tim simply loves solitude and being alone above everything else but doesn't at all hate other people. He's terrible in social situations, often coming across as harsh and cold, sometimes even demanding or controlling, even when he only has other people's best intentions in mind. Most importantly, he hates taking orders, and he hates authority in all its forms, believing himself to be the best judge of how he should live his own life. Due to this, there are few institutions on Tamriel he would be comfortable joining, preferring to live his life as an independent mercenary.