I was waiting for someone to pass by me that would be suitable for me to fuck, when I saw a small girl, maybe 8-10, walking down the street in my direction. I hadn't previously thought about fucking a child before, I was just waiting for a pretty girl, but the idea intrigued me and I got hard just from seeing her. She was wearing a white skirt that went about halfway to her knees and a hot pink t-shirt. I knew it was illegal but she was so pretty, I just had to have her. I quickly scanned for anyone who might be paying attention to the girl, maybe a parent or something. I saw no one, and then as she walked by, I put my hand over her mouth and pulled her into the alley that I was hiding in. She started squirming and kicking and tried to scream but I held my hand on her mouth. I went deeper into the alley so that no one could see us. I made sure no one was watching then she stopped struggling, I looked at her and realised why, how had I not noticed this sooner? She was my daughter.
What do you do?
Release her and apologize. Stare blankly in shock. Fuck her anyway.