Sexy Fun Times/Strange/Bad Boy/Mom/Sitting Room/Rita

From All The Fallen Stories
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All your experience so far has been with teen and preteen girls. Now, faced (literally) with a choice of an experienced woman and a very young baby, you find it hard to decide. You look at Angie's pussy - she has no hair and her lips are spread, showing the darker pink of the inner lips, all shiny with her juices. Then you look at Baby. Her pussy is also spread open and it too is shiny and wet, although you guess that this is from someone having licked it rather than any juices of her own.

Angie reaches over and grasps your stiff cock. "Ricky fucked her the day after I bought her home," she says. "This won't go in very far, but it won't hurt her either." She gives you a squeeze as she speaks.

"Go on, I wanna see her take a big cock," Ricky pipes up. "Tell you what, I'll open her up ready for you."

He stands between Angie's knees and she slides Baby down to line her up. Then, without hesitation, he slides his stiff little cock straight into Baby's cunny. It has to be well over three inches long and you are surprised to see that Baby can take it all. Not only that, but she is giggling and kicking her legs, obviously enjoying the experience.

"That's enough Ricky, you go and take care of your big sister," Angie says, pulling Baby off his thrusting cock.

"Aww Mom, I fuck Rita all the time," he says, and stomps off out of the room.

"Are you really gonna let him fuck Baby," Rita says, looking at your stiff cock and not the least bit bothered at being rejected by her brother.

To be honest, I was having my own doubts. She was so small and vulnerable. The older children are able to make their own minds up, but fucking Baby would be rape, pure and simple. "I think I would rather fuck Rita," you say, smiling at the nine-year-old.

Rita doesn't hesitate and climbs up onto your lap. "I'll leave you to it," Angie says and she follows Ricky out of the room, carrying Baby in her arms. "Come on Baby, we don't need a boy to have fun do we," she coos as she leaves.

Your cock slips into Rita's tight cunny without difficulty a she wraps her hands around your neck and kisses you on the lips. Her tongue slips into your mouth at the same time. After a long kiss, you break off for air. "I love feeling full of cock like this," she says into your ear.

"I love your beautiful body and the way your hot little cunny squeezes me," you reply. "I expect you have had a lot of cocks though."

"Not really, Mom brings men home, but Ricky and I stay out of sight mostly. It's just a couple of 'specials' that she calls us in for and they are pretty old. I think that, unlike you, they have trouble getting it up," she giggles.

"They would have to be impotent if you couldn't make them hard," you say, bouncing up and down a little to make the point.

"There's one guy, not that old either, who likes Ricky more than me. It's a bit weird, wanting to fuck a boy's bum instead of a girl's pussy, isn't it?"

You shrug. "Some men are just wired that way. I had an uncle when I was younger who would have chosen Ricky over you every time."

"Did he do you?"

In spite of the fact that the girls asking the question is sitting on your lap with your cock firmly embedded in her cunny, you feel yourself blush. "Well, err, yeah," you mumble.

"Wow! How old were you? Did your mom know? Did you like it?" The questions are rapid fire.

"I was about your age, maybe a bit younger and no, Mom didn't know. He was in the Navy and he had a long break between ships and came to stay with us - He is Mom's brother. I really liked him and he showed me the tattoos that he'd had done in all different countries. Then he took me camping up in the hills."

"Go on, I want all the details,"Rita says, wriggling encouragingly on your cock.

You shrug. "It was a long time ago. He had this old car and borrowed a load of camping gear from somewhere, so we set off. I imagined a nice camp site with showers and toilets, but he wanted to be out in the wild, so we ended up on the bank of a lake, miles from anywhere. The first odd thing was when he insisted on coming with me when I needed a pee. He stood beside me and pulled his cock out and said something about mine being big for my age, which it wasn't."

You squirm a little at the memories, making Rita giggle.