Fun with Naomi/Part 7

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Part 7

“Please don’t make me go,” I was crying really hard as I put on a pair of panties. It was the first time I actually didn’t want to get dressed. So what if I had to stay home and be naked for Daddy and my brothers? At least I wouldn’t have had to go off with some stranger!

“You don’t have any choice, missy. Now finished getting dressed.” Daddy was standing in my bedroom helping me get ready. I had just finished sucking both my brothers and my daddy fucked my kitty one last time. They all said they would really miss me while I was away. Then Mommy gave me a bath and rubbed my kitty to get me ready to go with the head of Daddy’s company. I was hoping they would change their mind about making me go.

“What if everyone is mean to me?” I kept crying.

“You’ll live. Nobody is going to hurt you.”

“But he did hurt me last time!” I wailed.

“And as I remember, you also came twice that night, didn’t that feel good? Huh?” I sniffled and kept crying in response. “Get your dress on right now, Naomi!”

Instead of listening to Daddy, I whined louder. Then I started screaming and stomped both of my feet. I even threw my dress on the floor before I started breathing really heavy and I couldn’t stop. I knew Daddy was really mad and just wanted me to get dressed, but I couldn’t help it.

“Can you get her to calm down? He’s supposed to be here in 20 minutes!” My dad yelled to Mommy. He had to yell really loud because I was crying so hard. She came in, sat down on my bed, and pulled me into her lap. She started caressing my back and kissing my tears, trying to get me to relax until my breathing started to slow down.

“Come on, Naomi,” she said in a calm voice once I was only lightly crying. “I know you really want to do this. Deep down you want to help your father.” Mommy was always really good at calming me down. “And you’ll be helping me and your brothers, too. Daddy’s job is very important to all of us. And Jim has promised that you’re going to have lots of fun. When Daddy and I talked to him today, he said you were going to stay at a nice hotel on the beach and if you have time, he’s even going to take you to see the alligators. You might not like everything you do with him. You’re still a little girl that needs to do what she’s told, but I know you’ll still have lots of fun.”

“Why can’t you and Daddy come, too?” Mommy did make sound it a little fun, but I still hated the idea of going with that man.

“Because that’s the way it is sweetheart. Sometimes little girls just have to be brave and go alone. You’re such a strong little girl. I know you can be brave.” Mommy kissed me again and hugged me closer. I hugged her back. I was still crying, but nowhere near as hard as before.

She held me for a minute. I didn’t really feel that much better because they were still making be go, but I stopped crying. Then Daddy kneeled down next to Mommy and and moved my chin so I was looking down at him. He started talking in a calm voice so I wouldn’t get to scared.

“If you don’t go with Jim tonight like a good little daughter, I promise you are going to regret it,” his word felt mean, but he still sounded completely calm. “Little girls who don’t do what they’re told always regret it.” He rubbed my hand.

I didn’t know what he meant by that, but by then I knew I had better take him seriously.

“I’m sorry Daddy,” I sniffled. “I’m a good girl.” Saying it almost made tears start falling again.

“I know you are, Naomi,” he lifted up the white dress Mommy had picked out from my closet. “Let’s finished getting you dressed.”

I lifted up my arms and let Daddy pull the dress over my head. Mommy fixed my hair that had gotten messed up when I was running around and crying. I didn’t want to go, but at least I felt pretty.

It didn’t take long after that before Jim arrived. Daddy greeted him, but I tried to stay away. I hid behind Daddy, but Jim saw me peering around him.

“Hey there, little lady!” He actually sounded pretty nice, like the man who had been at the party telling me jokes as I sat one his lap instead of the one who had ripped my dress off and made me lay on the table as he stole my virginity.

I knew they were really the same man, but pretending that the mean man didn’t even exist made it a little bit easier when he took my hand and pulled me out from behind my dad.

“She’s been a little anxious about her trip,” Daddy admitted.

“Well, that’s okay,” Jim said to me. “It’s okay to be scared sometimes. But what a pretty dress you have on!” He twirled me around and I remembered twirling for all the guests the week before, but I tried to stop thinking about the bad part when the dinner started.

“Thank you,” I looked down at it. It was just a plain white cotton dress, but it had frilly sleeves and I liked that. I kind of wished Mommy had picked a different dress for me. I hated my uncomfortable blue one and wouldn’t mind if anything happened to that one on my trip.

“I think I even owe you a new dress, don’t I?” I was surprised when he said it. “We’ll have to stop somewhere when we get to Florida and pick one up for you. I’ve been feeling bad about what happened to your old one.”

He talked to Mommy and Daddy for a few minutes and Daddy loaded my suitcase in the back of his car. Then Daddy came back to the house to get me. I tried not to cry again when he picked me up and handed me to Jim, but I know I did a little.

“Have you ever been to Florida, Naomi,” he asked as Daddy set me down in Jim’s car.

“No,” I admitted and had to wipe another tear from my eye.

“Well I bet you’re going to love it. We’re staying in West Palm Beach at a fancy hotel on the ocean. You’ll fit it easy with all the other pretty girls there.” I liked the complement and I thought staying on the beach sounded fun, but I still cried in the back seat of Jim’s car when I watched my house disappear. He had a driver so Jim sat in the back seat with me.

“Don’t be sad, little lady. We’re going to have lots of fun together.” he started running his hand though my hair. Then he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. He didn’t say anything for a while as we drove towards the airport. So I just sat there looking out the window.

After a while, looking around his car, too. The leather seats smelled really nice and there were little tray tables in the back of the front seats just like an airplane.

“This is a really fancy car,” I was surprised I could say something without crying.

“You like it?” Jim said. “It’s new. I’m going to take you to lots of nice fancy places. You know that?” I nodded and then he kept talking.

“I bet you’re going to love it when I take you shopping tomorrow. A girl like you with two brothers probably doesn’t get to shop at too many fancy places do you?”

“I wear a lot of my brother’s old t-shirts,” I admitted. “Mommy and Daddy only take me shopping for special occasions, like when Mommy bought me that red dress.” Talking about it made me scared he was going to start ripping my dress off the dress I was wearing then. I wished I hadn’t said it and got really scared when he reached over and touched my shoulder, but he didn’t rip it. Instead, he kept talking.

“I promise I won’t rip any more of your dresses, okay? I’ll just buy you new dresses from now on, little lady. How does that sound?” I nodded slowly and he paused for a few more minutes before continuing.

“You do know why I wanted to bring you along, though right?” It was more of a statement than a question. He then adjusted himself in the seat of the car and then I saw a big bulge in his pants.

“Yes,” I said quietly. He saw me staring at the mountain on his lap that was slowly growing larger.

“That’s right, sweetie,” Jim touched a finger to my cheek. “You’re going to love that, too.”

“How much longer until we get to the airport, Felix?” Jim called to the driver.

“Looks like there’s some traffic up ahead. You’ll be there in plenty of time for your flight, but the GPS says it will take an extra 20 minutes.”

“That sounds perfect,” Then Jim grabbed the back of my head and pulled it into his lap. I had to take off my seatbelt because it started hurting my neck.

“I’m sure you know how to take a man’s pants off by now, right?”

He started rubbing my butt over my dress as I unbuckled his belt. When I unfastened his pants, he lifted himself up in the seat and helped me pull them down. I was surprised that he wasn’t wearing any underwear. He told me that he doesn’t usually wear any and never does when he travels somewhere to make a deal. He thinks that it brings him good luck, but I think that’s stupid. I didn’t tell him that, though.

As we drove to the airport, he pushed the back of my head and I opened my mouth.

“That’s it, little lady,” Daddy’s boss told me when I started bobbing my head up and down. “Your Daddy has done a good job teaching you what little girls are for, I see.” He kept talking as I continued to suck his cock. Jim is a lot bigger than Daddy and he was really hard to fit in my mouth. I remembered it being really big and making my kitty feel really full as the night at the party, but I never got to look at it up close. I get to see it all the time now, though.

When we hit a few bumps in the road, his cock pushed hard into the back of my throat and I started gagging. I tried to pull up until the road got smoother, but he still had his hand on my head and wouldn’t let me. I thought I was going to throw up and started to panic. My face was starting to get a little wet again because I had started crying. That didn’t last long because road smoothed out again and I was okay.

“Hurry it up, Naomi,” he told me after I sucked for a little longer. “We’re getting pretty close to the airport.”

I started going a little faster and soon he started cumming in my mouth. He was a lot bigger than Daddy, so even though I was getting a lot better at swallowing with by brothers, I could barely swallow anything at all. I just felt the big mouthful of the gross tasting cum get bigger and bigger. I thought I was getting used to having a lot of cum in my mouth, but I still gagged at the taste and a lot of it spilled all over his hairy cock and his balls, too.

“Careful, don’t get it on the leather,” he told me when I got up on my knees and he saw how much was dripping off my face. That’s when I looked down and saw what a big mess I had made.

“Mway dwress!” I whined, but it only made even more more cum spill out of my mouth when I tried to talk. There was cum all over the front of my white dress. It was all over my chest and it started to feel sticky because it was soaking through. I started to get mad because I knew it was ruined. Instead of helping me clean my dress, Jim lifted up the bottom of it and started to wipe off my face

“Spit it our or swallow the rest,” Jim said and put my dress up to my face. Cum was already all over it, so I just spit it out. I could see him looking at my panties as he held my dress up.

“You got cum all over my dress!” I could finally talk normally and I was really mad at him.

“No I didn’t, little lady,” he responded. “It dripped out of your mouth. If you had done a better job swallowing, then your dress would still be clean.” After he said that, he pulled me back closer to him so he could wipe off more of his cum with my dress. It made me even more mad.

“It’s going to be ruined,” I complained and hit his shoulder as he wrapped the fabric around his cock.

“There we go! Now I’m good as new.” He pulled his pants back on and let me crawl back to my seat.

“After we check into our hotel, I’ll send your dress down to the concierge and they should be able to work their magic. If they can’t and you’re a really good girl for this little trip, I’ll buy you a new one.”

I think Jim was trying to make me feel better, but it didn’t really work. I could feel cum on my knee where he had wiped his cock off on the inside of my dress.

“If anyone asks, you were eating a big ice cream cone and you accidentally spilled it all over yourself” Jim said. “It’s close enough to the truth anyways.” He laughed at me and I didn’t like that.

The gunk that was all over my dress looked nothing like ice cream and when we got to the airport, it was embarrassing having to walk around with it all over my dress. I started to feel a little better when I realized we were flying first class, though. It was my first time and I couldn’t wait to tell my friend Katie about it. I knew she would think it was really cool.

We got to sit down before everyone else and order drinks before the plate even took off. I ordered apple juice. All the cum on me had mostly dried by then, too. It was still easy to see on my dress, but it actually did look more like I spilled ice cream. The flight attendants were really friendly to the first class passengers and gave us lots of special attention. It was the normal kind of attention, not the kind that Daddy or my brothers like to give me.

It was dark when we landed and so we went straight to our hotel. I was really excited because it was really fancy. The lobby looked so pretty and so did our hotel room. It was big and it had a view of the ocean. It was too dark to see it when we got there, so it just looked dark and scary, but Jim told me it would look really pretty in the daytime.

The room had a kitchen and a sofa and the bedroom was a completely separate room. I had never had a hotel room like that before. I walked into the bathroom and everything was marble and it had a huge tub. It was bigger than the tub in Mommy and Daddy’s bedroom at home and the shower had two shower heads.

“See, we can both take a shower at the same time,” Jim’s comment made me feel uncomfortable again. I had been enjoying riding in first class and being in such a nice place, I had almost forgotten that I was alone with a stranger without Mommy and Daddy. I wished Mommy was there to hold me. But instead. It was Jim that picked me up.

He put me on the bathroom counter and stood in front of me. He didn’t say anything, he just started running his hands through my hair as I sat there. I tried to ignore him. He started putting his hands up my legs and under my dress. I stared at the bathtub trying to think about something else. I liked the attention from Daddy when he would feel me all over my body. Jim wasn’t my daddy and it felt really wrong.

Jim pulled my dress over my head instead of ripping it this time. I didn’t care, though because I figured it would already stain from his cum. He started kissing my chest as I sat on the counter in just my panties. Then he started taking off his clothes, too.

“Oh yeah,” he finally said something. “Edward is going to love you tomorrow. You’re just his type.” Jim was completely naked now and rubbing up and down my sides with both hands. I didn’t know who Edward was, but I had a pretty good idea why Jim said he was going to love me. I hoped I was wrong.

Jim took my panties off and kept rubbing my body all over. He told me it was nice to get to spend more time with me this time. I gasped when he stuck his penis in my kitty. He moaned, too. I still couldn’t believe how full it felt when he was inside me. It was weird knowing his cock had been the very first one I had felt inside me a week before that. Daddy and my brothers had fucked me so much after that night that I was starting to get used to it. It was really hard to be used to Jim’s big cock though. It felt way to big being forced inside my small kitty.

He hugged me and I hugged him back as he fucked me. It wasn’t hard like my first time and it didn’t hurt as bad either. But he still felt too big inside me. He started kissing me on the lips and sticking his tongue in my mouth, too. I was starting to feel a little better and having such a big cock inside my was actually starting to feel good.

“Oh, your pussy feels so fucking nice,” he said as he kept fucking me. “Ahhh, yes.” He kept moaning and rubbing his hands all over me. I fell my body shake and I started to feel really really good. I hugged him close as the feeling in my kitty got stronger and took over me. I squealed and squeezed him tighter until it was over.

That was the hardest I had ever cum before. Then he started cumming really hard in me, too. It felt hot as he filled me up with his jizz.

He still kept holding me for a little when it was over. He was breathing hard. I guess I was breathing pretty hard, too. His cock was still in me, but I could feel it getting softer.

“You’re the best,” he said still holding me close and rubbing my body after he caught his breath. “I had only ever had younger teenagers before I met you. But you’re body is so hot.” He looked down at my nipples and then rubbed my chest with his whole hand.

It felt really good to hear him complement me. My daddy and brothers almost never complemented me like that. They always just walked up and starting touching me or making me do whatever they wanted. After Jim had made me cum so nice and said I was hot, I felt like spending the weekend with him wasn’t so bad. But he kept talking.

“I’ll never forget how good it felt to rip that dress off of you and start fucking you on the dining room table,” I suddenly felt uncomfortable when he talked about it. “I liked watching everyone else do it, too. That was the hottest thing I have ever done. I bet you’ll never forget it, either,”

He kept rubbing my chest. The way he talked about the dinner party made me want to go home again.

“I think I might have to try out some other little girls now,” Jim kept talking. “I wish you had a little sister.” I was glad I didn’t have a little sister, but then maybe it would be better because she would get sent with me and I wouldn’t feel so alone.

“Come on, let’s get a shower. We have a big day tomorrow.” Jim picked me up off the counter and set me down next to the big shower. There was plenty of room for two people in there, especially since I’m not very big. But Jim still kept finding reasons to bump into me. He actually turned it into kind of a game and started pretending to reach for soap or shampoo and rub his soapy wet cock up against my chest or my face. It made me laugh.

“Oops, sorry!” I said after I bumped into his cock pretending to have trouble reaching the bar of soap. He laughed and liked that I was playing along.

After our shower, he sent my dress off to the concierge like he promised. I didn’t know what a con-see-air was at the time, but I didn’t have much hope that they could actually get it clean.

Mommy packed pajamas for me, but I don’t think Jim wanted me to wear them because when I started putting them on, he took them out of my hands and put them back in my suitcase. Then he picked me up and started hugging and kissing me as he brought me to bed.

He got up and turned out all the lights in the big suit. Then he came back and started snuggling me. It felt nice, especially when he touched my kitty and it started getting wet. He didn’t make me feel that good like earlier, though.

He kept cuddling me as we were falling asleep, I usually liked being cuddled, but that night I didn’t like it. It didn’t feel bad, but I kept thinking about Mommy and Daddy. They would let me sleep in their bed and cuddle me and it always felt really nice to know they really loved me. But feeling someone else cuddle with me like that felt wrong. I tried to get away and move to the end of the bed, but Jim wouldn’t let me.

Every time a squirmed free, he would grab me and pull me into him again.

“What’s wrong, little lady?” Jim finally said something. I didn’t want to tell him. It seemed to embarrassing and I was worried he would be mad.

“Uh, I only like Mommy and Daddy cuddling me at night.” I pouted. “Can I go sleep on the sofa?” I could see his face soften and I actually thought he might let me, but he didn’t.

“No, I brought you here to sleep with me and do whatever else I want you to do,” Jim said sternly. “Besides, I thought we were both having a bit of fun in the bathroom together.”

“It wasn’t fun in the car when you made me suck your cock, though. Yours is too big and it’s really hard to get my mouth around it.” I started complaining at him.

“Your father said you might be a handful,” Jim sighed and I just laid there. I turned away from him and started at the wall in the dark. Then he started talking in a hushed but angry tone right in my ear.

“One more complaint out of you and I’ll let you sleep on the sofa, right after I spend an hour fucking your little ass as hard as I can. Then when I wake you up, I’ll fuck your pussy so hard you’ll wish you were back being fucked on the dinner table. How does that sound, little lady?” His voice softened a bit before the next part. “Or you can cuddle me back like a good girl and learn to like it.”

I rolled over and looked him right in the eyes. I knew it didn’t matter what I wanted and I had to do what he asked. Resisting was only going to make things worse.

I leaned closer and started kissing him on the lips. He kissed me back and started humping me and rubbing his cock against me. I could feel his cock growing and he started rubbing faster. He didn’t even seem to want to fuck me, he just rubbed himself all over me. I grabbed it a few times and started to jerk it. He liked that a lot.

We kept going for a long time since he had just cum in my pussy right before that. I liked the way those fancy bedsheets felt on my skin as we moved together. The last time I grabbed his cock, he started shooting his cum onto me. It got all over my chest and a little got in my hair.

“See, it’s not so bad!” Jim said when he looked down and saw me covered in his cum. My dad and brothers hated getting their own cum on them and always wanted me to wash off before they would hug me or do anything else. Jim didn’t care about that, though. He hugged me close and I could feel his cum squishing between us.

I didn’t complain this time when he cuddled me. I actually cuddled him back, too. Daddy says that’s what little girls are for.

Continue to Part 8