The orphanage/Chapter1

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It was a normal morning in the orphanage, when suddenly someone comes ringing the doorbell of the place, one of the maids opens the door to meet a man who brought a child in poor condition to be cared for in this place, the man introduces himself Saying that he is a man from the town who found this child wandering the streets, so he decided to bring him here, the maid approached the little boy to ask his name, shyly hiding behind the man, she answered in a low voice: "Aiden". Nice to meet you aiden, my name is melanie and I am one of the maids at this orphanage, would you like to come in? asks melanie. Aiden fearfully nods his head. Melanie smiles at him and opens the door of the orphanage so that he can pass, melanie says goodbye to the man and thanks him for bringing the child, closes the door and addresses the child.

Once inside, aiden is surprised to see how big the orphanage is inside, with an astonished face he says: "how big this place is and it's cold", melanie smiles at him and says that he is right, it is very big.

Aiden's guts growl, in a sad way he asks if there is something he can eat since he is starving, melanie laughs tenderly and answers yes, but clarifies that he does not have to feel sorry when saying things since this is your new home. Aiden gets excited hearing that and smiles happily at melanie.

Melanie tells him to accompany her to the kitchen to see what to eat, he follows her but realizes that at the top of the stairs there is a girl watching him stealthily. Aiden doesn't care too much about it and continues walking to the kitchen. Once they got to the kitchen, melanie introduces aiden to the other maid, she says: she is lucy, another of the maids in this place, aiden shyly says to her in a low voice: "hello".

Lucy tenderly turns her head and tenderly replies hello, I have not seen you before, are you a new child?

Aiden is silent. Melanie answers that "yes", he has just arrived, a man from the town brought him, he found him in bad condition on the street and decided to bring him here, but he is very shy, we must show him that he can trust us.

Lucy understands the situation and with a consoling face asks Aiden if he's hungry. Aiden puts his hands on his stomach as his belly growls, and replies "yes". Lucy smiles at him and says that in a moment the food will be ready, today's menu is soup and a little meat with an orange juice, aiden's saliva drips from his mouth when he hears that, Lucy tells him that if he wants he can wait in the dining room and in a while she will bring him his food. Aiden licks his lips hungrily and nods. Melanie takes him to the dining room and tells him that he can sit where he likes, and that in a moment the other children will come to eat too.

Aiden sees that the dining room is very large and that there are many places to sit, there are several small and large tables, he decides to sit at the large table, waiting for all the children to sit with him.

Suddenly, another maid arrives, looks at Aiden and goes straight to the kitchen with the other maids, Aiden manages to hear a little of what they are talking about in the kitchen, he can hear that they are talking about him, the unknown maid asks where he came from that new child and why didn't they tell her before?

They continue talking for a while and then he hears that the new maid comes to where he is, makes a scared face and lowers his head, the new maid asks him what his name is, to which he remains silent because he was listening to their conversation a while ago, in addition to being shy. The new maid makes a face between confusion and annoyance and asks him louder, what is your name?

Lucy realizes the situation and approaches with them, explains to the maid that he is very shy and that she should speak to him in a more friendly way so that she builds trust with him and he can respond to her. The maid with an annoyed face due to her character says to Aiden with a not very pretty smile face, my name is Morgan, what is yours?

Aiden is surprised and shocked by his expression, but manages to say in a low voice: "aiden"

"See?" It wasn't that difficult, Morgan replies to Aiden. Try not to be so shy, and have fun with the other children, in a moment I'll bring them to eat.

Morgan turns around and goes upstairs in the direction of the children's rooms, lucy tells aiden with a worried face not to be intimidated by morgan she has a bit of a strong character, but she really is a very good person.

Aiden nods and thanks Lucy for the explanation.

Then Lucy goes to the kitchen after hearing Melanie's call to help her carry the food.

Aiden is excited because they are finally going to bring the food, but when he looks towards the stairs he realizes that several boys and girls are coming down them, and they approach the dining room, he removes his emotion from his face and his face turns red. of grief.

At that, some girls arrive and sit at the large table in front of his table, then other children approach Aiden's table and sit at his table but a little away from him.

At that the 3 maids arrive with the food to which the children are desperately happy to have their food.

Aiden receives the first dish, because of that all the children are aware of his presence.

Aiden notices that everyone is watching him and lowers his head, after that melanie tells him that there is nothing to fear, that he can eat in peace.

As they finish serving the dishes to the other children, Morgan loudly informs the other children that there is a new member at this orphanage. She asks aiden if he can please stand up.

Aiden's face falls with pity but he stands up and greets the other children saying: "Hi, I'm Aiden, nice to meet you, I hope we can be friends."

The other children smile at him and happily wave back: "hi aiden"

Aiden shyly sits back down and finishes eating.

After that, morgan advises aiden that she will give him a tour of the whole place.

Morgan takes aiden out of the orphanage and tells him: "as you can see this is the main entrance, to enter the orphanage you have to go through a huge black gate, the orphanage has a large wall that covers its entire perimeter, passing the gate "