A Sweet Escape/Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I woke up the next morning to a perfect view of my little seven year old niece.

She was still laying next to me, sound asleep. Her unkempt blonde hair had fallen off her shoulder and scattered across the pillow. She had kicked down the covers just below her waist and gave me the perfect view of her girlish chest. I admired her nipples, small, undeveloped, and hardly protruding from her chest.

Her smooth skin looked so inviting, I snuggled in closer to her on the bed and reached out to caress the side of her rib cage.

When I moved, I noticed an uncomfortable sensation in my boxers caused by the dry cum from the night before. It was my reminder of what I had done that night. It seemed to me that I ought to feel a little more guilty than I did.

But it’s not as if I had hurt her or anything, right? My cum was contained in my boxers and she was none the wiser. Still, I had used her body for my pleasure, and as I looked down upon the sleeping child, I just wanted to do it again.

Setting my thoughts aside, I nestled back into bed next to my niece and tried to get in a little extra rest as I inhaled her scent.

A phone call eventually woke both of us up. It was my brother, finally. He had news but it wasn’t good. Someone had been ripping off the cartel for some time now and they had just found out. It was someone along one of my brother’s shipment lines and he was the prime suspect.

He was cavalier about the situation and had been able to cool the cartel down for now. His demeanor calmed me down about the situation but he said it wasn’t safe to come back yet. His biggest concern was if they were able to get their hands on Zoe, they would try to use her as leverage against him. I assured him I wouldn’t let anything happen to her and that we would stay away until he thought it was safe.

I got nervous when he told me he might have to take a trip to Mexico to sort things out. No doubt if things went south down there, he wouldn’t be coming back. For now, he was busy trying to find the real culprit and he said we should plan on staying up here for at least a week.

On the bright side, he didn’t think anyone would be actively looking for us, so he didn’t see any reason we both had to be cooped up in the hotel room any longer. I was glad to hear it since I wasn’t sure my raging hormones could handle much more of being so close to my neice. I was horny enough as it is without being bored out of my mind with nothing to do but stare at Zoe and let my imagination run wild. Of course I kept that fact to myself.

Zoe was happy to get the chance to speak with her father, too. After the phone call, she treated me to a brief show as she dressed for the day. I followed suit taking a shower and getting ready to explore the city we’d found ourselves in.

I took her out to breakfast and we drove around the city a bit until we would up at the Pueblo Zoo. Zoe thought it was quite a treat and we were both glad to be out of the motel room. Zoe’s favorite thing was the otters and naturally, she had to have a cute stuffed otter.

She named it, Misty which I thought was a pretty good name for an otter. It was much better than the name she’d chosen for her new unicorn. At any rate, we spent most of our day at the zoo and then stopped for some fast food on our way back to the motel.

That evening, I was able to extend our reservation several more days to accommodate us staying longer in Colorado. Zoe slept with me again that night, but I was able to contain my excitement about it for the most part. I gave her a lingering kiss goodnight and held her close as she nestled in next to me. I did fondle her chest a bit, but nothing more.

I guess at that point I still considered what I’d done the night before as a one time thing. But that was all about to change very soon…

Chapter 4