Stuck in Traffic/Weekend/Neighbours/Yes/Sunday Lunch

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By the time we were ready to leave, the sun was already high in the cloudless sky. I don't usually take long to get moving in the mornings but sharing a shower with a cute eight-year-old is rather distracting and it took a while before we sat down for breakfast.

Ellie put her new dress on and I found some clean shorts and a polo shirt. We got a wave from Bob and the kids who were setting up a barbecue and set off. Ellie lived in a village about half-an-hour away and when we got there she directed me to her house. It was originally a farm labourers' two up/two down cottage that had been extended sideways and back, to add a modern kitchen, a bathroom and an extra bedroom on the ground floor.

Ellie had told me that her mother's name was Catherine but everyone called her Cat and the baby was Milly. She met us at the door barefoot and wearing a loose dress which showed off a good deal of cleavage. Ellie got hugs and kisses while I got a handshake, before we were led through the house to the back garden where the baby was laying on a blanket in the shade under a gazebo.

She was naked and on her back trying to suck her toes. My cock twitched at the sight of her surprisingly well-developed pussy. I sat on a swing-seat and Cat sat next to me talking about the hot weather and Ellie's new dress, but saying nothing about the fact that I had just spent part of the weekend fucking her daughter. "Lunch will be an hour or so yet," she said. giving me a cold beer.

Ellie was naked when she came out to join us and sat down on the blanket to play with her baby sister. She was looking around for something. "Try the toy box," Cat said. She went into the house and quickly came back carrying a bag. I took a pull from my beer as she rooted around and pulled something out. I had expected a child's toy, but what Ellie had was unmistakably a small butt plug. I looked at Cat and she looked back at me with a smile. "I do love to watch them play," she said.

The 'toy' was about four inches long and as thick as my thumb at the widest part. Ellie offered it to the baby, who sucked enthusiastically on it before it was moved down to stroke between her chubby legs. It was obviously a game the girls had played many times and Milly promptly spread her legs and held her ankles to give her big sister maximum access. I expected Ellie to put it in Milly's ass, but instead, she pressed it against the entrance to her cunny.

Milly squealed as the toy slipped inside her, but not from pain. As soon as it was fully in place, she started kicking her legs and reached down to press it in as far as she could, which was all the way. Ellie stood up and came over to me. My cock was pushing up the front of my shorts and, after a nod of approval from her mother, she pulled them down to expose it. I lifted my bum so that she could pull them right down.

Cat stood up, led me over to the blanket and sat me beside the baby. Then she pushed me onto my back and sat astride my thighs with her dress pulled up to her waist. She wasn't wearing any knickers so I had a good view of her pussy. Unlike most women these days, she didn't shave her pussy
