Sexy Fun Times/Strange/Bad Boy/Mom/Sitting Room/Rita/Baby

From All The Fallen Stories
< Sexy Fun Times‎ | Strange‎ | Bad Boy‎ | Mom‎ | Sitting Room‎ | Rita
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By the time the fried chicken arrived, Angie had got Baby up and in her high chair, although we all stayed in the sitting room and ate off paper plates. Baby sucked a couple of chips and ate some mashed up chicken mixed up with mayo.

Angie was wearing a kind of housecoat but all three kids were still naked. You only had a small towel to cover yourself. Angie and you shared most of a bottle of wine, the kids had coke and Baby got water.

After you had all eaten, you sit back on the couch and let out a big burp, "Sorry," you say, but the children think it hilarious and follow up with burps of their own. Angie picks Baby up and pats her back, but has no success.

"You try," she says and you find yourself with a naked baby on your lap, with your cock getting stiff underneath her bottom. She feels it and starts giggling and wriggling about. Before long, the towel is gone and she is sitting directly on your stiffening shaft. Rita nudges Ricky and points and they both join in the giggles. She is a bit sticky from the food she dropped and there is mayo spread over her chest and tummy. You lift her up and lick it off.

The day's experiences and half a bottle of wine has lowered your inhibitions to the point where licking a naked baby in front of an audience doesn't faze you. When you look across, Angie is sitting on the floor with her back against an armchair and her arms around the older children who are snuggled up, one on each side.

Some mayo has dribbled down between Baby's thighs and you lift her up with her knees on your shoulders so that you can get at it. Having her pussy licked is clearly something that she enjoys a lot and she squeals with delight and grabs your hair as you make a thorough job of cleaning it with your tongue.

The position is a bit awkward so you flip her round so that she is facing your cock with her cunny still easily accessible. In spite of the distraction, she reaches out, grabs your stiff shaft and pulls it to where she can lick and suck on it. You glance up at the other three and see that Angie now has a finger embedded in Rita's pussy and Ricky's stiff cock in her other hand.

"I tole you Baby could get a big cock in her mouth," Ricky says as Baby does just that. She sucks greedily on it as if it's her mother's tit and you push up to get even more inside. Angie's mouth is open and she is licking her lips as she watches you, a seventeen year old boy, force her baby's head down so that your cock is at the entrance to her gullet. Then you realise that Baby can't breathe so you lift her off, turn her round and give her a cuddle.

This time she is face down on your belly, and once she gets her breath back, she seems okay with having your stiff cock between her chubby thighs, pressed hard against her pussy. You stroke and squeeze the cheeks of her bum and push your cock up and down. Then you suck a finger to wet it and slip it into her tight little anus. Her sphincter makes little resistance and your finger slips in quite easily. When you look up, you see that Rita is sitting on her mother's lap with her legs spread while her brother is licking her cunny and her mother is rubbing her clit. Angie is still watching what you are doing with Baby though, her eyes wide. It's not hard to guess what she wants to see.

"Are you gonna fuck the little slut or just play with her," she says, her voice sounding strange.

"Yeah, fuck her baby cunt you dirty old pedo," Ricky says. He stands up, walks over to you and spreads Baby's legs apart. Then he catches hold of your cock and pushes it down to line it up with Baby's cunny. It seems that the whole family want you to fuck her so you hold her hips ready to push her down while Ricky holds your shaft in position.

Should you or shouldn't you?