Sexy Fun Times/Work/Lifeguard/Changing Room

From All The Fallen Stories
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Hordes might be an exaggeration. First in are two young mothers, deep in conversation and only loosely supervising three children, two girls and a boy, between them. They are regulars and all three are wearing their swimming things under their outdoor clothes so they just strip off and put their outdoor clothes in a locker.

The boy is around twelve or so and you see him looking at Molly, especially between her legs, where her pussy is well-defined by the tight swimsuit. It's obvious that the older girl is the sister of the boy as they are arguing about something. The other one is much younger, maybe five or six. Both girls are wearing two piece swimmers although the top part is entirely superfluous for the six-year-old.

"Did you see that boy checking me out," Molly says.

"I don't blame him. And anyway, he's not that much younger 'n you."

Molly giggles. "His sister was giving him a hard time though."

At that point a few more 'customers' arrive and you split up to move around and keep an eye on what's going on. A woman with two small children, twins by the look of them, is looking around and you ask her if you can help.

"I was looking for the lady's changing room," she says.

You explain the system to her and guide her into one of the bigger family cubicles. You wave to Molly before nipping out into the service area which runs down behind the changing rooms. This is a narrow passage that was created for the pipes and electric cables. There are lights, but you leave them off and use the tiny LED torch on your key ring to light your way.

The wall at the back of the changing cubicles is just cheap paneling with a row of raised panels, about a foot square at eye level which have no obvious purpose. You walk down until you are behind the one the woman with the little girls is using. The panel has an ingenious catch and you just have to slide it up a little to remove it altogether.

You now have a clear view of the cubicle where the woman is getting the girls changed. What looks like a mirror on their side is a window on yours as long as your side is dark. The children are both naked and you see that there is a girl and a boy. They look to be around seven or eight years old, slim and attractive with dark hair cut short, snub noses and brown eyes. Apart from the the fact that the boy has a cock and the girl a cute pussy, there is hardly any difference between them.