
From All The Fallen Stories
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Mike read the card and said, "Lilly." He shrugged, "Lilly and Kate, go into the closet, I am starting a seven mi-"

Lilly interrupted and said, "I think it should be longer, like 30 minutes or something." A lot of people agreed, some said an hour, some said 15 minutes.

Mike responded, "Ok, we can do 30 minutes if everyone is ok with it." Nobody protested, "Ok, go into the closet, I will start the timer when you close the door." I went into the closet, Lilly followed me in but left the door open. She was wearing a pink sundress, the dress only reached to about halfway down her thighs, she had no panties, no bra, and no shoes.

She looked back out of the closet, then she closed it and looked at me, she turned on a flashlight that she had brought. I was about to protest that it was cheating, but I decided not to, doesn't really matter. She set up the flashlight so that it provided partial light for the entire room.

She was standing, I was now sitting on the floor, I saw up her dress and noticed she wasn't wearing panties. I pointed it out quietly, "You aren't wearing panties! What if someone sees you, that dress is not that long." Lilly looked like she was struggling with something even though she was just standing still in front of you.

She sat down, her dress went up a little, she decided to lift it more, enough for me to get a clear shot of her pussy. She put a hand down on her pussy and rubbed it a little, she moaned softly and then stopped. She reached over to me and pushed my skirt up, she took my panties off, despite me resisting.

She ripped my panties, and before I could protest, she said, "You shouldn't wear panties, especially with skirts and dresses." She tried to convince me that it was ok if someone saw my pussy. She stood up and picked me up, she took my shirt off, even if I tried to resist, she was too strong for me, I couldn't do anything.

She put me back down, wearing only a skirt, she lifted off her dress and she was completely naked. She put 3 fingers in my pussy and moved them up and down super fast, it felt really good but also hurt like crazy. I told her to stop, but she didn't, she just went faster and harder, I looked down and noticed that I was bleeding a little.

She kept fingering me, I moaned loudly, I am pretty sure everyone outside heard me. She made no attempt to keep me quiet, so I made no attempt to stay quiet, I moaned and cried, from the pain. I enjoyed it, but I wanted it to stop, I tried to push her hand away, but that just made her hook her fingers on the inside of my pussy to keep her hand in.

It hurt and I cried more, she stopped hooking and went back to fingering. She pulled her fingers out super fast, her fingernails scratched me a little, I cried and didn't move, trying to catch my breath. She laid me down on my back and put my clothes back on except for my panties, she stood above me, still naked.

She peed on me, getting my clothes soaking wet, and also my hair. She took off my clothes and used them to tie my arms to a shelf in the closet. I was confused and just let her tie me, she grabbed a 24 inch dildo and lined it up with my pussy. She thrust it in as hard as she could until no more of it went in, she put a hand on my mouth before I screamed from the pain.

I screamed, but virtually no sound came out, I cried and she held my mouth. She pulled the dildo most of the way out and then thrust it back in, she started going faster and faster. She untied me and pulled the dildo out, still keeping her hand on my mouth. She slowly removed her hand, making sure I don't scream.

I didn't scream or even say anything, I just cried and stared at her, she looked at me apologetically. She whispered, "When the time is up, don't let anyone see you, I will find a way to get you out unseen." She reassured me and stood up, she got dressed and hid my wet clothes and even my panties.

The timer ended and Lilly left, a few people went in to see why I didn't leave, but they didn't see me at all. Lilly acted like nothing was wrong, they shrugged, assuming I had just left without them noticing. They grabbed more named from the hat and two people came into the closet.

Lilly was gonna protest, but if she did, then they would know I was in there, so she kept quiet. The two people who came in, were Fred and Matt, the door closed and I was now stuck in here for another 30 minutes. I decided to get into a more comfortable position in my hiding spot if I was gonna be here for so long.

I readjusted myself, I realized a little too late, that it was way too quiet in here, and they surely would have heard me. I looked over at them, frozen in fear of them hearing me, they did, Fred was looking in my direction, though obviously not having found me yet. Matt was looking around like he was trying to find an exit.

I stayed perfectly still, hoping they would forget about the noise. Fred said, "Hey, Matt, I found something." My heart beat so fast, I feared they would be able to hear it. Fred walked over toward me and grabbed my arm, I was in too much shock to resist. He pulled me to my feet, I just stared at him, praying he wouldn't notice my nakedness.

Matt saw me, "Well, what do we have here? You trying to spy on us? It's supposed to be just two people at one time you know..." He sounded slightly angry, but also amused. Fred picked me up off the ground and slung me over his shoulder. My butt was out in the open, Matt slapped it hard, I yelped and Fred put a hand on my mouth to silence me.

Matt got undressed, Fred protested, "Hey! Me first! I am who found her!" He paused for a moment, "and, you slapped her butt." This last comment seemed to win Matt over, I was just praying whatever that Fred was going first for, didn't hurt. Fred tossed me to Matt, who barely caught me, Fred got undressed as Matt laid me on the floor.

Fred aimed his 7 inch dick at my pussy, he got on top of me so that I couldn't move, he slowly pushed his dick in. I was having trouble breathing, mainly because he was squishing me, he put a hand on my mouth and then started fucking me as hard as he could. I cried and screamed into his hand, not much sound came out.

I was having an even harder time breathing now, he fucked me hard until he cummed and then he slowed down and stopped. He pulled out his dick, but stayed on top of me, I started to calm my brathing and then he finally got off of me. Matt was very eager and lifted me off of my feet, he was already naked, I stumbled and fell back down, hitting my head on the floor.

I got a little dizzy, but I stayed awake, Matt kicked me in the arm to make me roll over onto my back. I cried and tried to get up, he practically jumped on top of me, all my air left me as he fucked me with his 6 inch dick. He put his hand on my mouth, which didn't make it any easier to breath, I was running out of air.

My mind immediately made me think I was going to die in a closet, being raped by two men, but I just passed out, not died. I woke up, I was tied to the cieling, hanging from my arms, I looked down and saw Fred and Matt rubbing my pussy. I moaned a little and they smiled, noticing I was awake.

They stopped fingering me, my pussy was still hurting from being fucked. Fred grabbed one of my legs and Matt grabbed the other, they simultaneously pulled, not too hard, so that they didn't pull them off, but enough to hurt like hell. I screamed and noticed I was gagged and barely any sound came out.

They stopped pulling and they both got dressed, I wiggled, trying to break free, no effect. I looked toward the door and prayed that their time was almost up, they seemed to be waiting for their time to be up too, I was confused. I needed to pee, but I was stuck, so I just peed onto the floor.

I noticed that where I was, was not in immediate view of the door, meaning, they could leave without anyone seeing me. I realized that this meant, that someone would find me and pin the blame on Lilly.