2T4U/Jack/Morning/Head over to your buddy Gary's house

From All The Fallen Stories
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You could head over to your Buddy Gary’s house. You have never told anyone, but Gary is actually gay. Not only that, but he seems to have a thing for his 10 year old little brother. You have actually caught him before with his hands in the kid’s pants. You get on well with his little sister too, the two younger siblings are twins. She seems to have a bit of a crush on you, and you have wondered at times if you might take advantage of that to get some of the same action Gary is getting with his little brother. Jokingly of course, a little fun ridiculous thought you have sometimes. She is only 10 years old, and Gary would probably be a bit upset over you doing something like that, not that he could really complain too much with him always having his hands all over his kid brother.

Yeah, Gary’s house sounds like it might hold some possibilities. You are not sure why you are suddenly having such perverted thoughts, but you somehow feel like one way or another this might be just the thing to get you off before school.

You make your way over to his place and knock on the door. You wait a while, and then you hear some voices inside the house. “Lilly, can you get that?” A little more time passes and you hear some sounds of people moving around from inside and then the door is answered by a dark haired little girl with a scowling face. As soon as she sees who is on the other side of the door though, her face just seems to light right up. “Oh hi Jack!” She says, latching on to your arm and dragging you inside. “Gary and Trevor are playing with each other again.” She says with a pout.