2T4U/Jack/Raped Melony and Missy/Tiffany's room/Go grab that toddler's naked ass and use her body to get yourself off

From All The Fallen Stories
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You close the door and calmly walk over to little Tiffany, hardly able to contain how hot this is making you feel. Your heart is beating so hard you can feel it in your throat as you step up behind the sexy vision of that 3 year old ass gyrating in the air, presenting her sexy charms for the world to see.

You never bothered to put your pants back on after raping your other sisters, so your dick is still out and ready. You kneel down behind your baby sister's bucking hips and position your prick right above her tiny 3 year old privates.

She doesn't even seem to be giving any visible signs that she has noticed you. She must really be in to the act of grinding her pussy. Oh, you will be giving her something else to experience in just a minute.

Have her stay face down like this

Grab her and throw her on top of you