2T4U/Jack/Raped Melony and Missy/Tiffany's room/After bite and kiss/fingering/Stick a second finger inside

From All The Fallen Stories
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"I like Buba better than Woger! It feels just good now, no more bad."

"That's good, I must have got rid of your hymen! Just to make sure I should try to stretch you out though. I'm going to put another finger in you, okay?"

"Hehe, okay buba!"

You pull you middle finger out and see there is in fact a small bit of blood on it, but not so much as you expected. You admire her slightly gaping hole for a moment before shoving both your index and middle finger inside.

"Ow! Too much!"

Perhaps you shouldn't have tried to go the full depth right away. Tiffany doesn't seem turned off though, so you keep going. Gentler now, you work your fingers in and out until you can get them in all the way.

Tiffany screams. "Two fingers is the best! More gimme more!