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Natalie Hendricks was finally ready to go to bed, she stripped to just her pink underwear and put on her fluffy pink pajamas. She quickly went out to the living room and kissed her parents 'goodnight', then she went back to her room. She climbed into her bed and curled up under her covers, she was excited for tomorrow, her first day of third grade.

She closed her eyes and drifted away...

The U.S.S. Gunther was on it's way to unexplored parts of the galaxy, outside of communications range of Starfleet. They had been traveling from a far out starbase, near the edge of federation space, outward. They had been traveling for about a month, and finally left communications range, though they were planning to go just a little bit further.

A few days later, they started scanning to see if they could find any strange anomolies, or new kinds of aliens to meet, etc. and they stumbled across a temporal rift. They went to it and arrived within an hour, they scanned it and sent a probe, the probe transmitted through the time rift and told them, that the time rift led to the middle of nowhere in space, about a lightyear from Earth, in roughly year 2000.

They lost connection to the probe and launched another to see what happened. The temporal rift was constantly fluctuating, so it now led to the Klingon home world, Qo'nos, pronounced Kronos, in year 4618. The probe was noticed by the Klingons and they sent it back through.

They were very fascinated by the rift, it seemed to change to a different point every few seconds. Then something came through, it was a random Starfleet shuttle, but it was from the 2100s, in early Starfleet days. The time rift changed before the other shuttle went back in, but they were like halfway in the time rift, so if anyone else came in, they would collide, and kind of be inside of one another.

The shuttle was empty, it was abandoned, and the U.S.S. Gunther was about to use a tractor beam and pull it in, but something happened first. Something came through the time rift, but the shuttle wasn't crushed, and nothing exploded, so they continued with their mission, and they pulled the shuttle in.

Once the shuttle was in, a few engineers, a security officer, and the First Officer went down to the shuttle bay to investigate it. Lieutenant Page, Ensign Rodriguez, and Crewman Jackson were the engineers, and Ensign Marrak was the security officer that went down with Commander Berlin. They arrived at the shuttle and went in, it was indeed empty, except for one thing, something inside of a blanket was in there.

Marrak had his phaser ready, pointed at the blanket, Commander Berlin lifted the blanket, revealing a human child. She was 8 years old, with dark brown hair, and she was wearing pink pajamas. She was sound asleep, she must have been sucked into the time rift while she was sleeping, but when did she come from.


Author's note: In case you didn't catch that, the girl is Natalie Hendricks from the beginning part that made no sense to the story.