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Wednesday, July 15th, 2020

I woke up in my bed, wearing my pink pajamas that have crowns all over them, they are sp soft, I love the way they feels on my skin. I opened my eyes and saw my room, just as it was when I went to bed, I climbed out of bed and went into my bathroom, I bad my own because I was a princess.

I pushed my pants down, I was not wearing underwear, which was not unusual, I usually wore nothing under my pajamas. This was not to fulfill any sexual desires, I just didn't think it necessary, so I didn't. I sat on the toilet and went pee, I wiped myself with toilet paper and stood up. I flushed the toilet, pulled my pants back up, and washed my hands.

I brushed my teeth and left the bathroom, I got completely undressed and went to my closet to pick my outfit for today. While I was still naked, standing in my closet, Grace came in, she came without warning, and without knocking, and since my closet door was open, she saw me naked. She was wearing a blue dress that only went to her mid thighs.

She closed the door behind her, I still hadn't noticed her yet, she came up behind me and grabbed my butt, I squealed. I turned around, she laughed at me, and said, "You're naked! haha! Slut!" I didn't know what a slut was, but it still hurt my feelings. "Princess Natalie, a 7 year old slut." she pretended to introduce me to a crowd of people, she laughed and smiled.

I was at the verge of tears, I was using my hands to cover myself up, "What do you want?" I asked angrily.

She smiled, "Well, I came here to tell you that mom and dad want to talk to us about something important." She looked behind me and picked up a pink dress that she knew only went to my upper thighs, and my panties were always visible when I ran or it was windy. She gave me the dress and said, "Put this on," I did, then she said, "Now let's go."

She left, I followed her, not realizing that she made me forget any underwear, so I was wearing a very short dress with nothing on underneath. She grabbed my hand and started running, I was forced to run so that I didn't fall over, I almost tripped several times.My dress went up while I was running, and anyone we passed by, was able to see my nakedness under my dress.

We went down many long hallways, definitely not taking the most direct route, eventually making it to the informal living room, which is only accessible by the royal family. We stopped running before going in, we went in and my parents were sitting on the couch waiting for us, they gestured for us to sit across from them, and we did.

Grace sat perfectly straight, legs crossed, I however, sat with my back mostly straight, but my legs were not crossed, they were straight, which gave mom and dad, a clear view of my pussy, but I didn't notice. They noticed, dad didn't say anything, he was secretly enjoying it, mom said something though, "Natalie! Why are you naked? You are a princess, you should dress like one!"

I looked down and noticed my lack of panties, I didn't say anything, but I put my hand in front of my pussy and crossed my legs tightly, and my face turned bright red with embarrassment. Grace was laughing quietly so that nobody noticed, but I noticed, which made me feel even worse.

Instead of allowing me to leave to get dressed, my mom said, "Natalie, you asked for it, you dressed like this, you will stay like this, and everyone will see what a slut you are... next time, put some clothes on." I was on the verge of tears, but I held them in, I was now being forced to stay exposed, despite the fact that she was mad that I was exposing myself, and it was all Grace's fault.

She decided to change the subject and continue to talk about what she called us in here for, "We called you in here because, there will be a new person in our family, you guys have never met him before, but he is your cousin. His family died in a terrible car accident, and we are his closest relatives, so we are going to accept him into the family."

I would have been excited, except I was still too busy being embarrassed to really focus on anything but myself. "He will be moving in tomorrow, right before your birthday Nat." She smiled when she said this, I had completely forgotten about my birthday, this distracted me from my embarrassment, and now I was excited, though I am often shy around new people. "Also, his name is Drake, Drake Johnson."

We were excused, I was warned again that I was not to get dressed into better clothing. I left the room, I went to the kitchen to get my breakfast, I ate it and left the kitchen, I was kind of bored, I had not much to do today. I went to my room, because we were royalty, we didn't go to school, we had school work to do each day, but we usually did it alone.

I did my school work, and by the time I was done with it, it was almost time for lunch. I had forgotten about my lack of cover down there, so I just skipped down the halls without any care. I made it to the dining room, my mom, dad, and sister were already there, they informed me that we would have company today for lunch, we often did, so I was used to it.

The royal chefs were busy in the kitchen, my mom and dad left the room to fetch our guests, leaving me and Grace alone. I looked at her, she was looking at my dress, which was not really covering anything because it was not straight, it was pushed up when I was skipping. I noticed where she was looking and quickly fixed it, I growled at her and she laughed at me, my face was red.

Once our guests came in, we all sat down, dad was at the head of the table, mom was in the seat closest to him on the right side of the table if you were facing the head of the table. Across from her was some person of great power and influence in a neighbouring country, next to him were some of his aquaintances.

Apparently we were making some sort of trade deal with them, I wasn't quite sure what it was, I was very young still, so I didn't understand everything. We ate lunch, whatever they were doing appeared to be a failure, because my dad looked mad, I listened in on the conversation. "I do not wish to further this discussion." said the guy from the other country.

"Sir, please, I do not wish for this meeting to have a negative affect on our relationship." my dad said, he appeared to be desperate. The other guy stood up, said something to one of the other people that I couldn't hear. My dad stood up and watched as one of our guests came over to me and picked me up, I was confused, and didn't resist much.

Royal guards kicked into action as soon as I was lifted from my seat, the person holding me started running. It was only when he started running, and was being chased, that I assumed something was not right, so I started squirming and kicking randomly. All of our guests were running, attempting to make it free before any guards stopped them.

While we were still in one of the hallways, the guy carrying me, literally ripped my dress off and threw me to the ground, naked. I cried from the pain and one of the other guests who was running, picked me up and threw me at the guards who were chasing them. I collided with the guards with a large amount of force, I knocked them over and the pile of me and the guards tumbled down the hallway, eventually stopping with two guards, unconscious, on top of me.

I tried to push them off, but they were too heavy, so I just laid there and waited for someone to pull them off of me. The people who threw me escaped and left the country immediately, I was pretty sure that started a war between the two countries. I was underneath the guards for at least ten minutes, until finally a different guard pulled them off of me.

I was naked, bruised, and could barely move. I was brought to my mom, who was now in my room, she laid me down in my bed and covered me up with my blanket. She told me to get some rest, and she left as a doctor came in and started treating my injuries, thankfully, I was expected to make a full recovery before my birthday in two days.

A few hours later, I was able to walk, but still hurt to do so, so my dinner was brought to me in my bed, I sat up to eat it, still naked. My blankets were covering my legs and my pussy, but not my chest or belly, so my tits were still exposed if anyone came into my room. After a while, someone came in and asked if I was done, I was almost done, so I told them to stay, I finished and handed them my plate and they left.

A few hours later, it was time for my bath, so two servants came in and helped me walk to my bathroom. The servants who bathed me were always different, sometimes female, sometimes male, sometimes a mix of the two, sometimes not only two people. but usually it is two people. This time, it was two men, which I didn't find unusual, except what I did find unusual, was the fact that they were paying extra attention to my crotch when bathing me.

They were soaping my pussy and ass, and then all of a sudden, I moaned, something they were doing felt like heaven, they were rubbing my pussy. I felt my legs get a little weak, I was still able to stand, as they rubbed me more and one of them inserted a finger. I knew something wasn't right, people didn't usually do this, so I put my hand in front of my pussy to try and stop them, "No, stop." I said, but it was barely audible.

The one with the finger in me just kept fingering me, he was going really fast, it started to hurt. "ow, no, stop, it hurts." This just made him go faster, and he started doing two fingers, I tried to push his fingers out, and when that didn't work, I tried to cry for help, as the pain was becoming too much. Before I could make a sound, though, the other one put one hand over my mouth, and the other on my neck, not choking me, but threatening to.

I froze when his hand started holding my neck, I didn't know what to do, so I just stayed perfectly still. The one in my pussy now had three fingers and was going so fast, that I was actually crying from the pain. The guy removed his hand from my mouth, grabbed a cloth that was wet, but not from water, it was chloroform.

He put the cloth over my mouth and nose, and me not knowing that it was chloroform, I breathed like normal. I felt my legs lose their strength, I fell to the ground and passed out. They finished bathing me and then brought me to my bed, then laid me on my back, above my covers, they set up a camera and filmed me sleeping naked, and left the room.

I woke up and had forgotten about everything that had happened during my shower, so I just went back to bed. In the morning, but before I woke up, they removed the camera and posted the video everywhere, I was now a porn star, and I didn't even know it.

Thursday, July 16th, 2020