
From All The Fallen Stories
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Captain George Monroe, of the Federation Starship Gunther, was sitting on a couch in his ready room, next to me. He had just told me that I was now over 350 years in the future, I was completely shocked, eyes wide, mouth open.

He continued, "You came through a temporal rift, but it was constantly changing, so we have no way of bringing you back to your time." He looked to see my reaction to this information, I just stared at him, expecting him to tell me more, so he did, "We are currently outside of communications range of the Federation, which is what we are part of, this ship is the Federation Starship Gunther."

"Why Gunther?" I asked.

"Umm... I don't know, actually." He said, "Anyway, we are headed towards communications range, so that we can ask Starfleet Command, what to do with you." If they couldn't help me, how could their Starfleet Command? Does one person have more technology than another?

He stood up and said, "Follow me." I stood up and followed him. He went to the bridge, "This is the bridge, it is where we control the ship." He said, "This is the helm, this is tactical, this is operarions, and this is where my first officer and I sit."

He gave me a tour of the ship, and went to the last room, main engineering. "This is our warp core, it allows us to travel at speeds above light speed, using a warp field to negate time relativity, and allow us not to time travel when we go to warp."

He used a lot of big words, I had no idea what time relativity was, and I only guessed what negate means, based on the words negative, even though they aren't pronounced the same.

He finished the tour and told me that we would reach communications range in 2 days. Then he brought me to deck 3 and opened a door to a room that was quarters, but was not taken by a crew member. "These are your new quarters for the next two days, these were spare quarters, in the case of an emergency, or some new crew members, etcetera."

He gave me a comm badge and told me how and when to use it, he left me and I walked towards my window, it was very dark out there. I was suddenly knocked to the ground, and the stars stopped turning into streaks on my window. I got up and saw another ship firing at us, and we were firing back.

I was knocked over again, whenever a weapon hit us, we were shaken like crazy. I fell to the ground again, and decided to stay down, it was too much work to stay up. Eventually, I felt the shaking stop, I looked around, my room looked normal, except the lights were flickering on and off.

I got up and went for the door, I exited my room and saw someone running by, headed for engineering. I followed them and went into engineering, it looked horrible, sparks flying left and right, the occasional explosion, and people rushing to fix things.

The warp core was offline, people were trying to get it back online. I was about to turn and leave, but the ship shaked again, I fell over, none of them seemed to be falling over, they must have had practice.

I stood up and instantly regretted doing that, I fell over again and my skirt went up, but I hit my head on the ground this time, so I passed out and couldn't fix my skirt. I laid on my belly with my butt exposed, just asking to be fucked, but nobody dared, given the current situation, or did they?

One engineer, Charlie Jameson, picked me up and started carrying me to sickbay. Seeing that I wasn't wearng panties, he made a quick stop before going there. He went to my quarters and laid me on my bed, he pushed up my skirt and pushed his pants down.

He shoved his dick hard into my no longer virgin pussy, he fucked me as hard as he could, mainly for speed. He cummed in me, there was a little blood on my pussy, so he quickly cleaned that up before bringing me to sick bay.

I woke up, I was laying on a hospital bed in sickbay, Doctor Jennings and some other person, were there. I asked what happened, not completely remembering what happened, I remembered going to engineering, falling over, and now I am here.

"You were brought here by Ensign Jameson, an engineer, he came with you unconscious, he was in a hurry so he didn't say anything." Said Jennings, she walked over toward me and scanned me, "We have deduced, that when we were being attacked, you must have fallen over and hit your head on something." I nodded, she was correct.

She stopped scanning me, then said, "If you experience any dizziness, report to sickbay immediately, but you should be good to go, just don't do anything super active for a few hours." I smiled and thanked her, hopped off the bed, still wearing no underwear, she seemed to think that back in my day, we didn't wear underwear.

"Who is that?" I asked, pointing to the other guy.

"That is Victor Scott, a nurse." She smiled and turned around, she went off to do something else. Victor Scott said hi, and walked towards me, he shook my hand.

"Before you go, take this..." He said, and gave me something using a hypospray, I trusted him because he was a nurse and would know what I needed. I went to my quarters and sat on my bed, I noticed that I was feeling a little dizzy, she said to go to sickbay if I was, so I stood up.

I started to walk to my door, but I was getting really dizzy, so I ended up walking towards the wall instead. I turned and tried to head for the door, then remembered that I had a comm badge, 'cause there was no way I was gonna make it to sickbay like this.

I tapped my comm badge and said, well, sort of mumbled, "Me to someone... ow-" I fell over and hit my head on the wall, which did not help my dizziness, I was so disoriented, that I had to close my eyes.

The message through the comm badge did not go through, because the computer did not know who to send it to, because, who is 'someone'? I opened my eyes and saw someone standing above me, I couldn't tell who it was, but I was glad.

Knowing that I wasn't gonna be forgotten in my quarters, I let myself drift away. The person above me, was Victor Scott, he picked me up and brought me to the shuttle bay. He put me in a shuttle, took my comm badge, and put a dampening field in the shuttle to hide my lifesigns.

He set the shuttle to autopilot, headed for the nearest M-class planet. He opened the shuttle bay doors, and launched the shuttle, it went to warp and he put my comm badge in my quarters.
