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This story contains spoilers to Star Trek: Voyager, please do not read if you have not watched Star Trek: Voyager! (You have been warned...)

I woke up to the entire ship shaking, I rolled off my bed, literally. The lights turned off, I stood up and rubbed my arm, I had landed on it when I fell off my bed. The lights turned back on, now it was red alert, I wondered what was happening.

I looked out the window and saw space, then I saw a torpedo coming from a cloaked ship. When the torpedo hit us, the ship shook again, but this time I didn't fall down. The cloaked ship fired a few more shots, it uncloaked and started coming towards us.

It was on a collision course with us, and I noticed. We must have lost thrusters, because we were not moving at all. The ship collided, not very far from my room, but thankfully my room was still intact.

When it hit us, the whole ship shook. The formerly cloaked ship exploded, causing two deaths, and a big hull breach, spreading across 3 decks. I fell over during the explosion, it wasn't that far away from me.

The entire outside wall in my room was gone, thankfully the emergency force fields prevented me from being sucked into the vacuum of space. I passed out during the explosion, along with the two deaths this caused, over 20 people were injured, including me.

I wasn't found for about an hour, I was found by a repair team, who was tasked to fix the hull. They brought me to sickbay, where a bunch of other people were also, some had very minor injuries, but others had more severe ones.

I woke up a few hours later, I was laying in a hospital bed. There were far less people here now, only five, just the ones with more severe problems. The doctor was doing something to someone else, I wasn't quite sure what he was doing.

He seemed to finish with the other guy, then he moved to the next. Tom Paris was also there, being ordered around by the Doctor, who still hasn't chosen a name. He saw that I was awake and came over, "How do you feel?" He asked.

"Mostly fine..." I said.

"Good," he said, "let me just do one more thing to you, then you should be good to go." He said, he grabbed a tricorder and scanned me, and gave me something using a hypospray. "You are good to go..." He said and walked away, going to take care of his other patients.

I stood up, still in my pajamas, I walked out of sickbay, and headed for my quarters. I arrived at my quarters, the repair team was apparently very fast, my room had a wall again. Someone else was in my room with me, it was Chakotay.

I didn't see Chakotay right away, he was hiding. I walked in and stripped out of my pajamas, I was about to get clothes to put on, but Chakotay cane out of hiding. He steped out in front of me, I squealed and put my hands in front of my panties.

He was holding some clothing, he said, "Put these on." He acted as if I wasn't naked or anything, he just handed me the clothes. I quickly put them on, it was a hot pink short sleeve t-shirt and a black pleated skirt.

The shirt was normal, but the skirt only went to my upper thighs. Once I put them on, he said, "You look cute wearing that." He smiled, "You know what would make you even cuter?" I shook my head, "Allow me to show you."

He reached his hands toward me, but still waiting for my permission before he did anything. I nodded slowly, he lifted my skirt, grabbed the waistband of my panties, and before I could react, he pulled them down to my ankles.

He lifted my feet and took them completely off, he dropped my skirt back down to cover me again. I squealed when he did this, but he put a finger to my mouth, signalling me to be quiet. "Now you look even cuter," he said, "and you seriously do not need to wear underwear with that skirt."

He kept my underwear, I was confused as to why, but I allowed him to. He left, putting my panties in his pocket, I decided it was probably fine, so I didn't replicate new ones. I was confused at his behavior, but shrugged it off and left my quarters.

I went to the bridge 'cause I was bored and had almost nothing to do. On the bridge, were Kim, Paris, and Chakotay; Tuvok and Janeway were not there. Kim and Paris were having a conversation, Paris was not at the helm, he was next to Kim, who was at his station.

Some random ensign was at the helm and tactical, Chakotay seemed to be deep in thought. On the screen was space, nothing there, but stars. I walked out of the turbolift and went for Tom and Harry, they seemed the most casual at the moment.

They saw me and said hi, I said hello back. I arrived next to them, Harry looked down at his console and said to Chakotay, "Commander, I am picking up a distress signal coming from an M-class planet, about a light year from here."

"Set a course, warp 8." Said Chakotay, then he tapped his comm badge, "Chakotay to the Captain, Kim picked up a distress signal about a light year away, you wanna come, or should I deal with it?"

Mommy said through the comms, "I will come when we arrive."

Tom said to me, "Nice skirt." Apparently, he hadn't noticed my skirt yet.

"Thanks!" I said and smiled, almost completely forgetting that I was not wearing underwear.

Chakotay left the bridge, but right before he left, he said, "Lieutenant," talking to Tom Paris, "you have the bridge, tell me when we arrive."

"Aye aye!" Said Paris, he continued talking with Kim as if his responsibilities hadn't changed at all. "So, Harry, holodeck 2, tomorrow, fourteen hundred hours." I wasn't really paying attention to their conversation, so I had no idea what they were going to do on the holodeck, but frankly, I didn't care.

"Sounds like a plan." Said Harry, "Hey, Natalie, you can come too, if you want." Again, I had no idea what they were going to do, so I had no idea if I wanted to come.

"Uhh, sure, I guess." I said, despite not knowing what we were gonna do.

"Great." Said Harry, I decided to leave the bridge, it was kind of boring right now.

"Well, see ya." I said and left, I got into the turbolift, the door closed behind me.

Where do I go?