
From All The Fallen Stories
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After leaving Janeway's quarters, I noticed that I was hungry, so I decided to go to the mess hall. By the time I arrived at the mess hall, my security detail had found me. My security detail was only one officer, I could take him- wait, what?... Anyway...

Neelix was cooking food, like he always does, when he saw me, he asked, "And who might you be?"

"I am Natalie Wildman, I am new here... no, I am not related to Naomi Wildman." Neelix nodded and gave me some food, I gladly took it.

"Well, welcome aboard Natalie." He said and I left to go sit down, I sat down at a table that nobody was at yet. When I sat down, was when I remembered how short my skirt was, and that there was nothing underneath.

I sat with my legs closed tightly, I began eating my food, and made a note to put on less revealing clothes once I finished. My security detail was also eating, but he was at a nearby table, trying not to intrude too much.

I stood up and sat across from my security detail, I brought my food with me and began eating again. I did this so that I could get to know him, if he was gonna be around me all the time, I would want to know him better.

"Hello," I said, I looked at his pips, "What's your name, Ensign?"

"My name is Montgomery, Jack Montgomery." He responded, he didn't seem to want to talk, he just kept eating. I didn't recognize him from the show, I guess he wasn't ever shown, or maybe was just in the background. We finished eating in silence and left the mess hall.

"Where do you want to go, Montgomery?" I decided to just use his last name, unless he told me otherwise.

"Up to you, my job is just to follow you around and make sure you don't do something you'll regret." He said, I shrugged.

"Do you know if my quarters are ready?" I asked.

"I have no idea, but given the timeframe, you might have to wait at least another hour."

"Ok, that's fine." I was kind of annoyed, I wanted some privacy to change, but I guess it can wait, not like there is wind in space. I was walking with my legs very tight together, then I realized, nobody is underneath me, looking up, so I relaxed and let my legs spread out comfortably as I walked.

I had no idea where to go, I was bored, so I stopped walking, I was just walking in circles, and he knew it. "Where do you want to go, I'm bored, and have nothing to do right now." I said.

He smiled and said, "Alright, I have an idea of something we could do, follow me." He grabbed my hand and started walking, I followed him. We went into the turbo lift, "Deck 12." He said, the turbo lift brought us there.

We entered deck 12, we walked for a little while, and at that point, I was lost. He turned and opened an entrance to a Jefferies tube, and gestured for me to go in. I crawled in on my hands and knees, little did I know, that the shortness of my skirt, made my pussy completely visible to him.

He crawled in after me and closed the hatch behind us. He directed me down long paths, eventually I realized we were going in circles, he was making me go in circles, so that he could see my pussy for longer.

I stopped, he almost ran into me when I stopped, but he didn't. "Why did you stop?" He asked, staring at my pussy.

"Because we are going in circles." I said, starting to attempt to turn around, I actually would have succeeded, because I was so small, but he stopped me. He touched my pussy, which made me squeal and jump in place.

I hit my head on the top of the Jefferies tube, and got really dizzy, I didn't pass out though. I laid down on my back, trying to fix my dizziness, he smiled and took this opportunity to get the upper hand. He crawled until he was on top of me, I didn't really notice until he grabbed my arms and pinned me down.

I didn't really react, I was still kind of out of it, because of hitting my head. He pushed his pants down, still keeping me pinned down, I didn't notice though. Eventually, I was aware enough to realize what was happening, but he was pretending to be pinning me down because he was trying to help me from hitting my head.

His legs were in between mine, forcing them to spread. He put his hand on my mouth and shoved his dick into my pussy as hard as he could. I tensed and screamed into his hand, it hurt like hell, I started desperately trying to get free, but to no avail.

He fucked me super hard, thrusting in at max speed and slowly coming out. My pussy was bleeding a little, I was desperately pushing and pulling trying to get something to move. He was too strong for me, so he didn't budge, he just kept fucking me.

I was crying and screaming, kicking my legs randomly, eventually I passed out from the pain. He continued to fuck my body for over an hour, cumming in me at least 5 times. He finally got off of me and cleaned up my pussy to hide the blood and cum.
